I've been using the Backside ROM since the 1122201 build with zero issues. After flashing from 01092012 to 01182012 I've noticed some minor bugs.
Everything works fine except on boot there are no bootsounds. I downloaded the 01182012 build, checked MD5, wiped cache/dalvik cache X2 and flashed the zip file. No startup sound, all other sounds are fine. So I repeated the process; downloaded 01182012 again, checked MD5, downloaded a new Activate_Bootsound-signed.zip, wiped the cache/dalvik X2, flashed the ROM and flashed the Bootsounds. No luck. Is this an idiosyncrasy of this build or is it just me.
Also if i try to reboot with the charger plugged in the phone shuts down and I need to use the power button to restart.
Thanks and keep up the good work Jerry