New build is ready:
md5sum 86475633da10b0317a645fedd4dc5c18
-Added option to change status bar background to one of three choices (requires reboot):
---Theme (or default background)
---Custom Color (can be semi to fully transparent)
-Added center clock to ticker animation to prevent overlay caused by transparent backgrounds.
(looks better this way too
-Organized the CyanogenMod settings>>Interface>>Status bar tweaks menu into 4 categories:
---Status bar settings (appearance)
------Status bar appearance
------Status bar background color
------Status bar brightness controls
---Status bar clock settings
------Show clock
------Center clock
------Clock color
------AM/PM style
---Carrier label settings
------Compact carrier label
------Carrier label type
------Custom carrier label
---System icon settings
------Battery status style
------Alternate signal display
------Show headset icon
While those smarter then I work out the kinks in ICS, I'll be continuing to add customization options. Next up, custom overscroll and edge glow colors.
Thanks to Blarf, BobZhome, mrg666, kermikalelite, whyzor, bigsupersquid, leslieann, asadullah, the CM7 team, AOSP, and everyone I've left out, not to mention everyone who gives feedback and bug reports!
Happy Holidays!