Guys, don't waste your time on this. I posted earlier in this thread about the GPS. I tried the PG and BobZ builds, I tried the C modem, I tried the A-GPS fix and the GPS toolbox and FasterGPS and one or two other fixes people mentioned, and none of it improved the GPS Navigation by one iota.
By all means, continue to play around and see if you can fix the problem. But if you're reading this, and you just want your GPS to work and aren't interested in debugging or being a beta tester, stay away from flashing CM until this is fixed. Some people have GPS working, but the majority of us don't and can't fix it. My suspicion is that it's going to take a breakthrough from PG or BobZ to get this going in an updated version of the ROM.
IMHO the original post should be changed to say that GPS is thoroughly and totally broken for a significant portion of the userbase. The way it is now, the OP just makes it sound like it might take a few extra seconds for a small segment of people, which is much more optimistic than the real situation.