I rooted my phone about a year and half ago and have not updated it since. I would like update it with the latest OTA (I think). I'm trying to follow the "UPDATING TO THE LATEST OTA*" guide, but after a couple hours, I'm still confused. First, here are my specs:
Android Version 2.2
Baseband Version
Kernel Version htk-kernel@and18-2 #15
Build Number 3.70.651.1 CL294884 release-keys
Software Number 3.70.651.1
Browser Version WebKit 3.1
PRI Version 1.90_003
PRL Version 60690
ClockworkMod Recovery v2.6.0.1
I started the guide at Section 4: "Updating to the Latest OTA*". I didn't see links for the list of updated OTAs, so I downloaded the combo .zip EVO_Radio_2. from the link provided under "RADIOs" and copied to a directory on my phone. (I feel stupid for asking, but does the term "radio" when used in this context refer to something other than than the built-in tuner?)
I have performed Steps 1 and 2 under "GENERAL PRE-UPDATE" successfully. I was about to perform Step 1 under "FLASHING RADIOS", but I decided to read the notes, and I saw the following under "BAD COMBINATIONS": "Older SW version than the new OTA + Radios from new OTA + stock HTC kernel". Will someone please explain what indicates if the SW version is "old"? Is my SW version old? Does "SW version" refer to the Android Version, the Software Number, or something else? If I have a bad combination, what are the steps I can take to get this sucker updated?
Any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.