Nice graphic referring to me being dragged in by the proverbial cat

Here I am again
As for TV's, I know it's not really the size you seem to be looking for, but I got a 32" Toshiba 720p LCD TV on Black Friday for $300 that has been excellent thus far. My parents also own a Toshiba (42") that has been nothing short of spectacular. I highly recommend Toshiba TV's (and laptops as well, but that's getting off-topic). As for the LED TV's; they are really nice, if you can afford them.
Stretching does have quite a few benefits. This is especially true if the muscle(s) being stretched are causing some sort of restriction in range of motion about a joint. Stretching can help a multitude of things though. From having an undergrad degree in exercise science and currently working at a physical therapist's office for over 1 1/2 years, I've found just how beneficial it can be. These both have helped me find exactly which spots I have that benefit from regular stretching (pec region being especially tight)