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Giving away bacon not required for the asteroid deflector.

You will receive a certificate of receipt for all bacon forwarded to this project, that I will also add, is critical not only to our survival, but for future generations of pigs as well.

If you don't have bacon, please buy asteroid deflector bonds.

The bacon you save could be your own.
Giving away bacon not required for the asteroid deflector.

You will receive a certificate of receipt for all bacon forwarded to this project, that I will also add, is critical not only to our survival, but for future generations of pigs as well.

If you don't have bacon, please buy asteroid deflector bonds.

The bacon you save could be your own.

now.....im hungry, and craving a BLT.......wheres my keys.....
How do I sue the Mayans? I counted on the world ending to straighten my books.

Didn't you read the fine print at the bottom? It looks like three snakes a lizard and some dude with a big nose wearing tuna salad on his head. It translates into "not responsible for debts incurred due to false prophecy." Even Mayans had lawyers.
Alright......I got a reply from my Email sent to the Myan support group. Seems all this time, we thought the callendar was predicting an apocolyps, and it turns out, it was a Myans alpaca lips:

I just had to thin-slice up some Spam and fry it like bacon after all that bacon-talk.

Yes, I stocked up on Spam for the End of the World, and yes, I am now going to begin the many-year process of whittling the stock down to a respectable level.
It's officially the morning after, and I'm not hung over, I woke in my own bed, and I don't have any freshly acquired diseases down there. I don't know who's happier, me or my wife.
Thanks for another great b'ak'tun, Mayans!
This was almost as exciting as Y2K.

It was a fun ride even though it never left the gate. But it was disoriented: was it the end of the world or the beginning of a new one? Were the poles going to reverse or were we getting hit by a runaway planet?

...And if it is the beginning of a new one, why do I still have to jiggle the knob on my toilet?
Okay, this is awkward, we are all here (the ones who wasn't killed by the apocalypse). Pancakes or eggs anyone. :D a-hahaha
I heard If you took leap years into account it would have happened last year :confused:

Actually, the Mayans predicted that as well. They just didn't hide it in plain site.

Tricky characters, those Mayans. Making you wonder about leap years was their idea of a joke.

It was a fun ride even though it never left the gate.

I'm not convinced that we did survive at all.

I think the end happened and we've not adjusted to the alternate dimension.

In fact - this post proves it:

Okay, this is awkward, we are all here (the ones who wasn't killed by the apocalypse). Pancakes or eggs anyone. :D a-hahaha

Good grief, Jim, I'm a deflector maker, not a waiter!! :eek:

Can't you see the missing bacon in that breakfast menu?!?!?!? :confused:

edit and ps - here's more proof - I didn't even notice that bacon is never a question. Yep. Post-apocalyptic trans-dimensional shift right there, only thing that could explain that!
Well either way the interpretation was wrong. Or maybe they just wanted to scare everyone by saying the world would end :p

In my wife's work place the power in the whole village wen out a few minutes before the world was supposed to end, everyone was worried. Turns out someone switched off the power as a joke :D She didn't find it too funny but I was in stitches :p
The Mayans never predicted the end of the world.

Weenies who didn't understand cyclic, perpetual calendars claimed that they did.

Saw a great 5 minutes on the History channel the other night.

Photo experts explaining how a film of a crop circle forming was real, not stop action and discussing the ghostly figures that weren't hoaxed. It was recently made.

Too bad they didn't see the film about the making of that film by the hoaxers themselves.

They'd have discovered that the ghostly figures defying flight logic were plastic shopping bags.

Or maybe they knew and didn't care that people would buy it anyway.

The Mayan mystery of the apocalypse was never any more real than plastic shopping bags being called E.T. by experts.

Unfortunately, many believe that that all means that you can't trust science.

Instead of believing that it takes more than a History channel proclamation on who a scientist may be.

But there's an even bigger issue here -

I don't care from Ireland, where is the bacon you ought to have sent me?

You think that just because the world ended the other day that you're off the hook?
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