Ok, maps fix (thanks messenger):
The theming messed up the functions. Sorry guys! But that's what beta testers are good for, right?
This new version keeps the icon, but restores layers and labs, etc. It still won't show up as installed in market though...
Fabolous said:Maps Fix
Sorry, got a little overzealous with the theming and screwed up layers and labs. This'll fix it, while keeping that nifty icon
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Put the Maps.apk on /sdcard
Code:su sysrw mv /system/app/Maps.apk /system/app/Maps.apk.bak busybox cp /sdcard/Maps.apk /system/app/ sync reboot
The theming messed up the functions. Sorry guys! But that's what beta testers are good for, right?

This new version keeps the icon, but restores layers and labs, etc. It still won't show up as installed in market though...