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Root Universal Eris Root for Dummies!

Okay. I connected to the pc and checked the sd card -- yup, still in the downloads folder. I moved it and proceeded with the next step; its installing now and so far so good. Thank you so much for your patience and prompt, clear responses.
'kay. I've got the plainjane welcome screen and am hoping for smooth seas here on in.


The AF family welcomes another rooter!


ok first off amazing instructions but of course with my luck something went wrong...all was well and went perfect until figure 40 were you select your rom...i selected it but im pretty sure it said it failed but before i caught that i rebooted...so im back on my phone and everything is working but i dont think the rom is installed i think its just the factory settings and os. So my question is how do i make sure im rooted or where do i start from to try and reinstall the rom? Id imagine i have to re download t:confused:he rom and then start from where? thanks for any help !!

i started reading a little more and if i am rooted (pretty sure i am but would like to know how to check) can i just start at the finishing up thread and try to reinstall the rom from there? thanks.
just posted a link to this thread on the Facebook fan page..not sure if that was a good idea or not..

Root confuses many casual users. Just wanted them to know there is a better way. I'm like an apostle..lol
ok first off amazing instructions but of course with my luck something went wrong...all was well and went perfect until figure 40 were you select your rom...i selected it but im pretty sure it said it failed but before i caught that i rebooted...so im back on my phone and everything is working but i dont think the rom is installed i think its just the factory settings and os. So my question is how do i make sure im rooted or where do i start from to try and reinstall the rom? Id imagine i have to re download t:confused:he rom and then start from where? thanks for any help !!

i started reading a little more and if i am rooted (pretty sure i am but would like to know how to check) can i just start at the finishing up thread and try to reinstall the rom from there? thanks.


Normally when you flash a ROM from a .zip file on the SD card, a verification step occurs where the (Amon_RA) recovery boot first unpacks the entire zip file, and one by one computes a SHA1 checksum for every file in the .zip. It then compares those computed checksums to checksums in the manifest file . If those all match, then it checks the signing that was performed on the manifest file. If all those steps succeed, it then continues and actually begins "flashing" the files from the ROM .zip file to system memory.

For all those checks to succeed, it is simply not possible for the .zip file to be corrupted in any way. That is not to say that an error could not occur - the most likely one is that the battery charge was a little too low, and a write failure occurred. (The .zip file is OK, but something happened when writing everything from the .zip file to system flash memory.

Now, the "wipe" operation destroys the /data and /cache partitions. And usually, the first thing that happens during a ROM install is that the /system partition is "formatted" (Actually, it is just erased, but we'll call that "formating").

So, if the ROM install somehow failed very early - then you still have the old ROM on there, but in a state very similar to a factory reset. If the ROM install failed later, then you would have *part* of the ROM installed but not all of it. Usually (but not always) the ROM dev makes an effort to change the splash screen during boot with something nifty. If you saw the "standard" splash screens during boot, you probably just have a "factory reset" version of a stock ROM. You can verify this by going to

Settings -> About phone -> Software Information

You can check this post to see if what you see in your phone matches a "stock" HTC ROM.

If it does, then I'm guessing you somehow corrupted your ROM file when you downloaded it. The typical way this happens is by: (a) and interrupted download, or (2) improperly disconnecting the USB-mounted SD card.

If you copied the ROM file from your PC to the phone, you need to perform a "Remove Hardware Safely" operation on the PC (after you have finished copying the ROM to the E:, F:, G: or whatever drive the SD card is mounted at) - and then when the little balloon pops up saying something like "Safe to remove hardware", then you can turn off Disk Drive Mode on the Eris. (Or toggle off "USB-MS toggle" when using Amon_RA recovery).

If I were you, I would download the ROM again to the PC. When finished, use Windows Explorer to find the file and Right Click -> Properties. Write down the EXACT number of bytes in the file (on the PC). After you have copied it to the Eris, use a File Manager on the Eris to check the same number - it should be exactly the same number of bytes.**

That's the long way of saying, "yes, you can skip the initial steps, and proceed right to the "Wipe data/factory reset" followed by flashing the new ROM from the SD.


** If you want some practice using Amon_RA and Nandroid, before this step you may (optionally) start up Amon_RA and perform a Nandroid Recovery of the backup you previously made - if you want to prove to yourself that you can get back to exactly where you started.

PS Please charge your phone very well before you ever flash a ROM or perform a Nandroid Recovery. 100% charge is a pretty safe number to use.
just posted a link to this thread on the Facebook fan page..not sure if that was a good idea or not..

Root confuses many casual users. Just wanted them to know there is a better way. I'm like an apostle..lol

... and I just got a bandwidth warning notice from the photo hosting site (Photobucket)

I don't know where you posted that link, but if it's not in a location that is specific to Eris users, it is going to cause all the pictures to get shut off.

I run the Facebook fan page for the Droid Eris. I posted a link to this thread letting others know about rooting their Eris. click the link in my signature
I run the Facebook fan page for the Droid Eris. I posted a link to this thread letting others know about rooting their Eris. click the link in my signature

No worries; I went in to my pbucket account and looked at the actual stats - about 300-400 page (1) loads per day, and it's been pretty constant for the last week. FB didn't seem to create a "spike". That account is at 7GB (limit 10GB/mo).

I just hope I don't need to rehost all that stuff so that the images continue to be served up.

First, thank you to EU and all posters in this thread for the questions, helpful hints, etc., etc.

I think I'm ready to do this process but am just unsure of which ROM to flash onto my Eris (OTA 2.1).

When I go over to the XDAforums there is A LOT of information about each of the ROMs that is over my head .. for instance when looking at the cyanogen tazz 1.0 it says " YOU NEED TO RE FLASH GOOGLE APPS" and I'm reading that thinking "if I don't know what that means .. I shouldn't be doing this". lol. If that just means that I need to flash an additional .zip after I flash the ROM then I can do that, but I just am not ready to pull the trigger until I know for sure.

I like the idea of getting Froyo on my phone with a stable build (and I've been reading). But I'm wondering if the best advice may be to go with a stable build on 2.1 platform just to get my feet wet with the whole rooting/flashing thing, get a feel for it, etc. (what are you guys using and how is it working?)

I'd like to know that all my apps are going to work as they do now - I'm not sure if all apps will work on these ROMs or if the market will reject my flashed phone for some reason. Will my Google still sync, my calendar work, my apps still be there?

I'm not worried about the warranty thing, I bought the phone 2nd hand from a friend who did an early upgrade and didn't want the Eris :eek: .

Finally, I take it I should back up my phone sdcard before starting any of this process as the card will be entirely wiped? I have a ton of pix, etc.

Thank you and sorry if these things were answered elsewhere - I've read all 10 pages but am a little overwhelmed at this moment (and don't think I need to be??) Over thinking it I am, me thinks :rolleyes:

Glad you've done your homework (we all very much appreciate that).

I saw from reading the threads that eu1 was up until the wee-hours of the morning helping another poster, so I thought I'd jump-in briefly. I do think eu1 will also reply with some additional, salient information for you (he is our forum's "root godfather", if you will :D).

You are correct about the Google apps thing...you would have to find, download, and flash that update file like you would a ROM.

Some good first-time ROM choices would be xtrSense, or PlainJaneT2. There's been a lot of good "press" about Zack's xtr ROMs recently and T2's PlainJane is basically stock with the July 2010 OTA update on it.

Your apps should work fine on these ROMs and the Market should allow you to re-download the ones you already own (they won't be on your phone initially). Syncing should resume and work as normal.

Its always a good idea to back things up. Flashing a ROM will not write to your /sdcard, but you should always have an off-site, backup of its contents anyway.

Additionally, just make sure that you always take a Nandroid backup before doing anything "scary" to your phone like flashing a new ROM, installing an update, or removing any system apps. Also, pay attention to the "wipe" instructions before flashing any new ROM (i.e., "Wipe data/factory reset" and sometimes wiping Dalvik-cache).

Cheers and welcome to "root world"! :)

I'll quote scary alien here to expand on a few points (a little)

Some good first-time ROM choices would be xtrSense, or PlainJaneT2. There's been a lot of good "press" about Zack's xtr ROMs recently and T2's PlainJane is basically stock with the July 2010 OTA update on it.

It is a good idea for you to start with a basic ROM that is familiar and simple to install, such as the examples scary alien gives you above. That will give you "practice" (using a simple-to-install ROM) dealing with the mechanics of the good housekeeping practices of dealing with ROM installs: checking downloaded file integrity, and making Nandroid backups and flashing ROMs

Remember that - as long as you are making good backups - you are not committing yourself permanently to the first ROM you choose. You make a backup of the original ROM, and then (wipe &) flash the next ROM. After it is configured, make another backup. If you want to try yet another ROM, make yet another backup, and then try that next ROM. If you don't like that next ROM, you can simply restore back to a ROM you already were using that you were happy with - it will get restored with 100% of your settings and data, just as the phone was when you made the backup.

You are correct about the Google apps thing...you would have to find, download, and flash that update file like you would a ROM.

In the case of TazzCM6 Froyo, a link is given on the same page for the Gapp download.

Your sense of caution is not inappropriate - if you don't understand something, don't attempt it. By all means, keep reading as you gain some more experience doing easier ROM installs, and soon enough you will understand the complicated stuff too.

Oh boy, I did it, I did it, I did it !!:D!! I'm running xtrsense Same thing only different :-)

When I did the 2nd part of the process, ie Root Part 2 click .. I got a ton of errors on the screen saying something like "mtd out of memory" but then at the end it said "Congratulations you have Root" and from there it went smooth as silk.

I followed the instructions to the letter, reboot didn't take too long, set up my google and facebook information, all my contacts are synced, as far as I can tell. Went into the market, looked at my downloads, they are all there and now I can decide what I want to reinstall. Just popped open the camera, seems to work fine, took a pic, sent to a buddy - surprised to see all my pictures still on the SD card - I thought when I wiped it everything would be gone? (did I do something wrong?).

Eventually I'll get around to a Froyo build, I'm just happy w/what I have here. The dialer seems a bit faster and faster to populate the list when I'm done w/the call.

So, now I'm just setting things up and, man, does this phone seem faster! Will take a few days of playing to figure out if the battery is better/worse, etc., etc.

The only thing I seem to be missing in the programs is an actual "facebook" program or widget, but I'm going to go look again. All this and I have work to do today!!!

Edit: OK, so yeah, there is no FB for HTC Sense on this (is that normal?) and also, if the wireless is enabled, AND I'M CONNECTED TO A NETWORK (in this case, work) then I have no 3G. I just disconnected from the secure network, but left wireless enabled and I still have 3G. Gotta be a setting someplace (much like the battery saver program I had that would automatically turn 3G off if I was near a preferred network?). I can't seem to find any google info.

Does "got it" mean that you are rooted? If so, welcome to the world of Eris root.


yes and now im already looking at trying a new rom you got me hooked:D

chimp i installed the same one and no facebook but you can get it for free in the market...not sure if this helps your other problem but there are widgets or icons you can put on one of your home screens to toggle 3g and wifi on and off with just a touch
yes and now im already looking at trying a new rom you got me hooked:D

chimp i installed the same one and no facebook but you can get it for free in the market...not sure if this helps your other problem but there are widgets or icons you can put on one of your home screens to toggle 3g and wifi on and off with just a touch

Hey GoneFishin, thanks - I'm OK w/the no facebook thing it didn't work correctly for me anyway, I don't think anybody has mastered the FB app yet for Android. It's odd, because I have FB for sense in my accounts and sync settings and am all set up and my pics match my contacts - but I have no clue where I'm going to get a notification if one comes through?

I was using the power control bar (has the on/off for GPS, Wifi, BT, Sync and brightness) and whether I turn wifi on/off from there or in the actual settings it does the same thing. I like to use my wifi connection @ home and work it's a bit faster than the 3g, however, if the 3g is not connected then it was telling me I can't get my gmail, as I have "no connection". (A side note: now the Gmail will still check w/o the 3G and w/the wifi on. Odd.)

Maybe you can help me out, do you have a wireless network handy that you can connect to? And, if so, if you connect to that network, does your 3G icon disappear? If the wifi is on and you're not connected to a network, it doesn't make 3G turn off, it's only if your connected to a network.

I'm starting to think it's a built in battery saver for the ROM.

Loving this.
OK, scratch my 3G wifi "issue" - it's not an issue, I just never noticed before that when wifi is enabled and I'm connected, then 3G takes a backseat. Then, when leaving that wifi spot (work/home in my case) 3G will peek back up.

Question on Nand backup .... I went ahead and set up my phone to my liking today on this ROM (xtrsense), downloaded my apps, created my scenes, yadda yadda yadda ..., I am still itching to try a Froyo ROM however ... so my question is - if/when I do try a Froyo ROM, if I do a nand backup of my phone as it is right NOW will I get everything back as it's set up (if I leave and come back, that is) or will I have to reinstall apps (haven't mastered the TiBackup yet), tweak settings, etc.

I guess I'm just wondering if nand makes an exact copy of things how they are, or just what build you're on?

Oh and will I be able to have more than one nand backup on the sd card? I don't want to lose my original phone backup, just in case I need to go back to stock someday.

so my question is - if/when I do try a Froyo ROM, if I do a nand backup of my phone as it is right NOW will I get everything back as it's set up (if I leave and come back, that is) or will I have to reinstall apps (haven't mastered the TiBackup yet), tweak settings, etc.

I guess I'm just wondering if nand makes an exact copy of things how they are, or just what build you're on?

Everything as it was at the moment you took the backup.

It does NOT backup the SD card (unless you are using A2SD and you select a "Nand+ext" backup, and even then it only backs up the "ext" partition - not the main partition of the card (FAT32) which has the lion's share of data on it).

Oh and will I be able to have more than one nand backup on the sd card? I don't want to lose my original phone backup, just in case I need to go back to stock someday.

As many as you like, or have space for.

If they are important to you, make backups of them to your PC so that they are not only on your SD card.

NOTE about names:

Nandroid makes backups into folders with timestamp names (time in UTC, not your local time zone) like this:


What you should do is rename the folder without using any special characters or spaces (letters, digits, underscores, dashes, dots ONLY).

For instance, suppose I have a nandroid backup folder named

BDS-20100824-1017, and I know that it is a xtrSense ROM.

Usually I will rename it (with a file manager) to something like: BDS-xtrSense4061-20100824-1017

That way, in the future I can tell at a glance exactly which backup is which.
Also, you will find that if you use a ROM for many days, you might decide "I have changed things enough that I really want to make another backup".

So, if you find sometime down the road that you have three backups such as:


You can tell at a glance which can safely be deleted.

One more thing: you have completed the tasks outlined in this thread; if you have more questions, either find a thread that is related, and ask your questions there, or start a new thread.

Thanks for this write up! First time rooting a phone (decided to try it out on my brothers phone!) and it worked great. He's running kaosfroyo-v30 and loves it. Now on to my Inc!
Thanks for this write up! First time rooting a phone (decided to try it out on my brothers phone!) and it worked great. He's running kaosfroyo-v30 and loves it. Now on to my Inc!

Thanks kristenc!

After responding to post after post of folks running into this problem or that, it's nice to hear from folks who went through things like a breeze.


Everything as it was at the moment you took the backup.

One more thing: you have completed the tasks outlined in this thread; if you have more questions, either find a thread that is related, and ask your questions there, or start a new thread.


Yes, so sorry, I got carried away. I'm hoping my ventures into Froyo land go smooth and I'll have your write up to thank for it. Thank you again!!!!;)
Just out of curiosity, what was the maximum speed you had set up when your phone was "restarting"?

An OS crash like that is very symptomatic of using too high a clock speed, and that maximum clock speed value varies from phone to phone. (It is also statistical in nature - meaning that if you use an extremely high value, your phone will crash immediately, but if you back off the max speed, you might still experience crashes -just less frequently. I would say that a "safe" max frequency is one in which your phone never spontaneously reboots in a week or more of continuous service.)

Also, I think I saw some reports claiming problems (either battery life or sluggishness) by people using the SetCPU widget - the claims that they made were that using just the SetCPU app (with profiles and auto-start) solved their problems. I haven't verified such claims, but it might be something to be aware of.


Im not using the SetCPU widget. It is simply called Overclock Widget. I will go back and give SetCPU another try.

I have another question. I am running PJT2 with A2SD. Would I be better off finding a good Froyo ROM (you suggested Tazz V8). How would I go about xfering from a 2.1 rom with A2SD to a Froyo ROM.I mean will I have to undo the partitions, or, I read where you can use A2SD with froyo (but the process is pretty hairy for a newb like me...lol) Am I correct in understanding that JIT is better and faster than Dalvik cache. (used tapatalk and read in another forum a little on that). My prob is that I always want to go bigger and better..(my wife always complains that Im never satisfied with what I have...lol) EU1 and SA, you guys are really great and very much appreciated for all you have done for me and the Rooting community as a whole. Thanks again and again and again!!


I have another question. I am running PJT2 with A2SD. Would I be better off finding a good Froyo ROM (you suggested Tazz V8).

"Better off" is quite subjective; there's no way I can answer that, because everybody has a different set of preferences for what they "need" vs. what they "tolerate".

How would I go about xfering from a 2.1 rom with A2SD to a Froyo ROM.I mean will I have to undo the partitions, or, I read where you can use A2SD with froyo (but the process is pretty hairy for a newb like me...lol)

Froyo ROMs won't recognize a partitioned SD card. So, if you want to run Froyo, you have two choices: either buy a new SD card, or unpartition the one you currently have. The unpartition recipe looks like this:

- Make a "Nand+ext" backup of your ROM
- mount the SD card to the PC and back up the FAT32 partition to the PC
(you can stay in Amon_RA for this by using the "USB-MS toggle"
- dismount the SD card after the backup step is complete (Use "Safely Remove Hardware on the PC first, and then toggle off the USB-MS toggle in Amon_RA second)
- Partition the SD card: swap = 0MB, ext = 0MB, fat32= rest of card
- mount the SD card to the PC again (using USB-MS toggle), and restore the PC backup files back to the SD card

(Note that if your 8GB SD card is nearly full, this backup and restore procedure will take more than one hour)

You can also unpartition, and you need to backup and restore in that case too; at the end of that process you could restore your "Nand+ext" backup, and this will restore the contents of the ext partition.

Am I correct in understanding that JIT is better and faster than Dalvik cache. (used tapatalk and read in another forum a little on that).

JIT shows marked performance gains for "compute-intensive" tasks. Many tasks on the phone are not compute-intensive, however, because of hardware delays (writing to slow flash memory, writing to the display, etc). Most people that flip flop between JIT and no JIT will say things like "my linpack scores went way up, but I couldn't really notice any difference in speed using the GUI"

EU1 and SA, you guys are really great and very much appreciated for all you have done for me and the Rooting community as a whole. Thanks again and again and again!!

Thanks for the props.

You can help both of us out by asking questions that are not related to this particular topic - the first steps of getting root - in threads that are more closely related to your question (or start your own thread). There are a lot of helpful people on this forum, many of who have detailed knowledge about different aspects of customizing rooted ROMs, or other things that we are less knowledgeable about. But, they don't always come in to take a peek at this thread, because they assume that it's "same old same old".


Help please! When I get to last part I get this:
Install from sdcard...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
E:No signature (5 files))
E:Verification failed

Installation aborted
Help please! When I get to last part I get this:
Install from sdcard...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
E:No signature (5 files))
E:Verification failed

Installation aborted

The verification error indicates that your ROM file got somehow corrupted.

The most likely way that this would happen would be this: that the file got truncated either during the download, or because of improper methods used to dismount the SD card from the PC (if you copied the ROM from the PC to the SD card via USB).

The former should be obvious; the latter is less obvious, but it usually occurs when someone turns off "Disk Drive Mode" on the phone before they use the "Safely Eject Hardware" control on the PC (It's an Icon found in the System Tray along the edge of your screen)

There are a couple of ways you can check for this before you flash it to the phone.

- Download the ROM to two different computers, and check the size of both the files down to the very last byte. They had better be identical. If you downloaded the file to your phone, or transfered it there via USB, use a file explorer to check the file size on the phone. Same # of bytes or not?

- If you did a test download of the ROM .zip file to your PC, see if you can unzip it! If you can't do that, it most certainly is corrupted.

- see if you can find the "jarsigner" program on your PC (if you have the Java JDK installed), and run "jarsigner --verify ROM_file.zip". It should emit a short message indicating things are OK if um.... things are OK

- OR, if the ROM dev published MD5 sums of his ROMs, use a MD5 sum checking tool on your PC to compute the md5 signature of the file after download. Compare that to the one that the dev published.

Note that because you did a "Wipe data/factory reset" your phone will still boot (albeit slowly), and you will have to re-enter your Gmail account/password in order to get to the market to download a File Explorer. An alternative though, is to use the "USB-MS toggle" built in to Amon_RA recovery, and just use that to transfer files from the PC to the SD card. Just as with "Disk Drive Mode", please remember to use the "Safely Remove Hardware" widget in the (Windows) System Tray on the PC before you turn off the "USB-MS toggle" on the phone (after you have finished copying files from the PC to the Eris' SD card).

Hope that helps,


[ Edit ] If you do a direct download of the ROM file to your phone, it's probably a good idea to "babysit" the download so you can be sure it finishes correctly. (And then make sure to move it to the /sdcard folder using a file explorer, because it will be located in /sdcard/download if you use the phones' web browser to download it directly to the phone)
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