Cool information about the eraseblocks from the above posts (thank you again for that

Hey, when / if you get a chance, take a peek over at the trackball-not-required thread, starting at this post:
The OP, wolfdog54, is unable to successfully boot into custom recovery after flashing via my Gscripts script (he gets stuck on the skating Androids...). MD5 checks-out, the flash appears successful according to the log file that my script produces and he tried both the 1.6.2 and the 1.7.1 versions that I built.
But he is able to successfully re-flash the original custom recovery using jcase's 1-click app...

When I saw your posts above, I initially thought that maybe wolfdog54 was encountering the same issue that kikofosho might be with the boot.img file (i.e., my recoveries were bigger than the original?). But I don't think that's the's the sizes of the three recoveries:
recovery-RA-eris-v1.6.2.img (3,926,016 bytes)
[COLOR="Blue"]recovery-RA-eris-v1.6.2-trackball-not-required.img (3,923,968 bytes)
recovery-RA-eris-v1.6.2-trackball-optional.img (3,926,016 bytes)[/COLOR]
and you can see that my versions are either the same size or actually a little smaller.
I was actually contemplating re-packing jcase's 1-click app with one of my recoveries just for the wolfdog54 to try to see if there's really any magic going on that I cannot decipher (although we are all using the basically the same flash_image commands...the only differences are really the recoveries themselves).
Anyway, if you are so inclined, hop over to the other thread and lend us your esteemed opinion. Apologies for cluttering-up your thread, but I was thinking / hoping there was a linkage here from the above recent posts.
Thanks as always!