Hi, I figured since kamots finally got his ROM working I would pose a new question for the people here to help me figure out. (If it isn't the right place, I can repost somewhere else) I have RA recovery working alright, but when I go to flash PlainJane the text reads:
Install from sdcard...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
E:No signature (1710 files)
E:Verification failed
Installation aborted.
Does anyone know what's going on? How can I fix it and get the ROM to work?
On the surface it looks like you've got a corrupted / incomplete ROM download. Can you confirm/verify the MD5 sum of the file you downloaded from the developer's thread vs. the file that you copied to your phone?
edit: I'm looking over at the XDA site and it looks like there is no MD5 sum listed (not cool).
Don't know how you got it on your phone; if you copied from your PC, did you do a safe remove before unhooking the cable?
I can download and get the MD5 sum on my system here and you can double-check yours if you want...give me a minute...
okay, here's the MD5 sum I get for PlainJaneT2_V2.0.zip that I pulled via the http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=718092 thread:
561481120922708b1fc8139204fdd948 *PlainJaneT2_V2.0.zip
Do you have the MD5 sum utility and do you know how to run it against the file on your /sdcard?