Trying to reboot and can't seem to get the phone to cooperate. I press the vol up & power off/ end button down at the same time and get the usual power off , sound off or on, airplane mode, etc screen. Then when I press power off and the next promt asks if I want to shut the phone off.Announcing...
[SIZE=+3]Universal Eris Root for Dummies![/SIZE]
You're not dummies, of course.
But if you thought Jcase's spin on the new wag3slav3 rooting method was minimalist, this variation of it should help the fence-sitters and tech-intimidated join the world of Eris root.
- ZERO typing!
- NO SDK Installs!
- NO USB Driver Installs!
- NO Command Lines!
- [SIZE=+1]NO PC NEEDED! A Phone-only Rooting method![/SIZE]
Basically this is just a repackaging of the wag3slav3 method (as modified by jcase) into a form which allows you to do everything from the Eris without using a PC, and without any typing - just tap the Eris' screen in all the right places.
For experts who are already have successfully set up the SDK and USB drivers, and are comfortable with the command line and adb, it is probably faster to just use the manual method. This method was created for the folks who have had trouble with, or are intimidated by, those things. Or, for those times when you want to help someone root their Eris without schlepping a "dev station" to their location.
- Amon_RA for the custom recovery which makes the world go round
- wag3slav3 for the "mid.txt" chmod/symlink rooting exploit
- jcase for exploit code de-obfuscation
- rogro82 for the Gscript Lite tool
- cast of thousands for providing good shoulders to stand upon.
- Eris w/ any HTC/VZW release (including 1.5, all leaks V1-V3, & root-ROM)
- Install free Market app Gscript Lite (PinkVenture)
- Install free Market app EStrongs File Explorer
- Download (MD5 92796a8c6e61e8f1ee36e315c0acae7d)
- The ROM of your choice downloaded onto your SD card in the root folder. (T2noob's PlainJaneT2 V2.0 looks good - includes the July 2010 updates.)
I have organized this walk-through as a picture-book in a couple of posts:
[SIZE=+1]0) Announcement[/SIZE] [SIZE=-2]( this post )[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]1) Setting Things Up with a File Manager[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]2) Rooting with Gscript Lite[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]3) Finishing Up[/SIZE]
These sections follow below in individual posts.
Before you get started, please review this checklist:
1) Did you choose a ROM, download it to your SD card, and check the MD5 signature/file length on the copy of the file on your SD card?
2) Did you install from the market the free apps "Gscript Lite" and "EStrongs File Manager"?
3) Did you download the "" file (link above) using the phone's browser?
2010.07.20 v0.1 Initial Release
2010.07.21 V0.2 Clean up "mid.txt" symlink at completion of part2
Now what? I'm almost there and in the void... Please help