Android Expert
So now Verizon's in a real pickle, I imagine: trying to balance its release date with a potential injunction and sales ban!
Will VZW actually hold off and possibly not sell millions of units because they sat on release? Or will they ship out what they can?
All I know is this: if the SGS3 falls through, unsold, pre-orders cancelled and unlimited data gone from the picture, I would foresee a whole lot of customers jumping ship instead of paying full retail for their next phone (whatever it is). Not everyone's in my unfortunate situation wherein VZW is the only signal/4G in town. I may be stuck, but unless they (a) get this phone into the hands of the customers who pre-ordered, or (b) extend a rain check on unlimited data to the pre-orders that had to be cancelled (FIGURE THE ODDS!), there's gonna be a customer mutiny.
My 0.02
I mentioned earlier that it took 6 months for Apple to get the Nexus banned. I would surely hope it would take at least that long to get the S3 banned.