It's wild how kernels play differently on different phones. My sister has a GN and I just updated hers to b40. She came from build 22 (iirc or w/e it was in January) and was running imo's 1.2.1. She was very happy with her phone.
I tried franco on it in Feb and she called me the day after and said "what in the world did you do to my phone my battery life sucks now!"

So back to imo 1.2.1 she went. (My phone prefers franco by far, but it likes faux as well)
After I updated her to b40 the other day I left stock faux on it. I talked to her this morning and she said she's never seen this good of battery life it's like unreal now and lasts 2-3 full days with her usage (which is essentially all wifi as she has little ones to raise). I did underclock it to 1000MHz and set ondemand for her the day I flashed.