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[Verizon] [ROM][4.0.4] AOKP ICS B40/M6/Mods (7/8)

Loving the ROM so far. The soft keys customization is worth price of admission alone, that and the ability to use the Lean kernel.

Ah, I have my search button (and long press!) again.

Tried NovaLauncher, but not impressed. I'll stick with Go Launcher EX.
Milestone 2 is out. Downloaded, but I just flashed 15 last night! When will it (this ROM sickness) ever stop? I feel like I need a 12 step program to escape my addiction.
Wow... just wow. I logged on to say I finally got build 15 set up after flashing today.

I can install this without wiping, thankfully. I love my homescreen.
so i backed up, wiped cache partition, dalvik, flashed milestone 2... rebooted. about phone is updated.

but i never had to sign into google and nova is setup up without having to restore. i'm coming from build 14... am i missing something?

about to flash leankernel but stopped before i start getting flash happy.
Yeah me too, love to customize. As for the gtalk icon we discussed it this morning a bit over in irc. His gapps were from someone named Pete who had a very clean version from what I understand. He now has the version of 4.0.3 gapps that you want but I'm not sure how high on the priority list that is. He's got a lot of folks banging on his door now, he's prob the most popular dev now. I know someone who might be able to get that noti icon back but it won't be until tomorrow at least.

was that you asking about what gapps he was using? ya saw that...thx man
so i backed up, wiped cache partition, dalvik, flashed milestone 2... rebooted. about phone is updated.

but i never had to sign into google and nova is setup up without having to restore. i'm coming from build 14... am i missing something?

about to flash leankernel but stopped before i start getting flash happy.

Nope you're not missing anything you did a correct wipe and flash coming from his previous ROM so congratulations!

If you had wiped data/factory reset, then you would have had to start from scratch and that is not needed when upgrading from the same ROM (well most of the time anyways, it is developer specific)

With this build, aokp takes undisputed first place, imo. I'm on it now. Don't get me wrong. I like the new Codename Android. The updates make this rom edge codename by a length.
so i backed up, wiped cache partition, dalvik, flashed milestone 2... rebooted. about phone is updated.

but i never had to sign into google and nova is setup up without having to restore. i'm coming from build 14... am i missing something?

about to flash leankernel but stopped before i start getting flash happy.

Nothing will change as long you you don't wipe data. If you only wiped dalvik/cache then all your data will remain intact.
Nice bolding on the M2. Makes it easier to fine (since why would anyone use anything else right now?)

Now, which of Zaphod's battery icons should I use.
Went with the blue bar on the right.

FYI: If your battery is messed up, uncheck "Show percentage" under ROM settings. My battery was funky until I did that. Now it's great!
Well. Not the ONLY one. :P
I just got a build with the proper gapps and it comes with the proper icons as well as xhdpi images. Trying to get the dev to ok a release here. brb

Ok, here ya go. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/29611026/aokp_toro_milestone-2_fixed.zip This is Milestone 2 with fixed gapps and working gtalk noti icon. I heard that Roman will make a separate gapps package for version 16 so we can flash it on our own. Not sure, just a rumor.
Not sure if its my kernel (Leankernel 1.5.0) or ROM (AOKP Milestone 1); but does anyone notice any lag immediately after waking the phone running this? When I wake it, the notification bar and icon selector are slow to respond to touch. But a few seconds afterwords, it seems smooth. Not a big deal, just wondering if anyone else notices it. I'm using Leankernel 1.5.0 and this is my first ROM/Kernel. Might switch around after a few days... I just noticed that Milestone 2 is out, so I may go ahead and update to that tonight based on feedback here. :)
Anyone having problems with the toggles? I updated from Build 14, wiped cache but NOT data. Now when I choose which toggles to show, it doesn't update and continues to show the defaults.
Nope, mines been working fine and I didn't wipe completely either (when going to MS2)
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