Hi all. some may remember me. I am going to try to make a presence here again. Well see how it goes.
I wanted to mention some things i have seen here.
number 1 while i built the kernel and added a couple things Buck marble took the time to do the source from stock and teach me how to do it . Please look through credits in info section on the rom. Many people make this all possible. and there some eggies in their too
Bluetooth. please look at main download site and read the bluetooth info.
I have modified nothing in bluetooth to this point , Google changed bluetooth stacks in 4.2 and obviously did a incomplete job. well have to wait for their next tag update and hopefully it will improve.
if your wifi is disconnecting. do this and it must be done on all routers
it will save and will be ok on future rom installations but must be done unless you do not restore backed up data from google on install.
So what you have to do it set your sleep policy to something different, reboot, change it back, then reboot one more time
There really is no fix for it. You only have to do it once. Then the new data will be saved and restored with next wipe
again thanks to buck for this info. it has been tested and works.
From Scratch
for those that do not know. this was a brand new build from the bottom up. there was no merging ability for the main packages so it was all done from scratch.
We will continue to add back the features as we can we had on 3.2
Many more coming back in 4.1
the lock screen as you can tell was a total new design.
the main file that 80% of lock screen mods were in on 4.1.2 does not even exist anymore. We will bring back as much as we can But it will take time.
And its time to get beutiful widgets if you dont have it. they have updated for the new lockscreen and they have the best looking pulldown weather i have seen. both kill what we had. But i have all these cool weather graphics so well have to find a way to use them
Multi user.--Brought first to the phone by Team Sourcery. it is not designed to be used on phones. SO phone ability for users is not available in current aosp code. The magic man Devortex will contine to improve on this .
It will be a standard in the rom with 4.1 set as default to 2 users.
with the coming of 4.1 in tools in build prop editor you will be able to move this up to 4 users and or disable it all together.
Removing apps
I know sourcery has so many features that noone knows them all. (but me

goto tools there is a thing called app manger top right menu you can turn on show system apps. most apps will now be able to be uninstalled through there. I mention this because i know facebook can be deleted from there and fix the market not installing the new app. Must reboot after uninstalling.
Also in the regular apps section under settings. you have the ability to disable any app (like freezing and app in that program i wont mention) if you disable it you'll see it disappears. if you disable apps force close them than they wont restart until you go re enable them again.
We made an inverted apps package well 2 of them because it is very popular and were here to provide you the users with what you want.
But remember inverted apps are themed , themed apps can not be updated through the market bt the tips i jsut gave will make this an easier experience for you.
3g Toggle-
There is an LTE toggle this toggles 3g/4g.
Tethering -
Tethering apps dont work. tethering in the rom does work. if you are having problems its the device your connecting too. I Use it as i am now with a secured connection. Used it to watch pacman get layed out flat without a problem
Inverted Gapps
Inverted Gapps if you only installed or got them on release date of 4.0 they have been updated and work much better now.
If you make a mistake and make them go away without the settings on your power menu to bring them back you can long press on teh home screen choose shortcuts. than magic options and you can place a shortcut on the home screen to bring them back(several have done this
there is status bar brightness control slide across the status bar to adjust brightness.
jbcontrol-tools-infocenter-lockscreen security and settings
These are sections added to the rom there are options in all of them make sure to check them out.
NavBar ring targets
With the release of 4.1 the long press of navbar ring targets continue to not work 1 press do just not long press. we are still working on this, we are aware of the problem and know why just havent got it fixed yet. and due to me leaving for 2 weeks it just didnt get done yet.
Known bugs once 4.1 release--
1)above mentioned longpress on navring
2) if you remove bluetooth from the toggles than reboot , you will get a system ui fc when turning bluetooth on or off from regular settings. it stil works jsut a system ui reset. i doubt most will ever experience this

Well get it fixed when i return.
3)you can set piscaso pics as lockscren targets.(not sure its a bug but will fc if you try)
If you find others please file at out bug reporting tools in the OP for this thread.
If you do find othes and have used Titanium Backup please reinstall without using it and see if you can still reproduce it. even data app settings restores from prior roms not 4.2.1 have caused malfuntions in the rom !
fyi-both nova and apex in their home screen/desktop sections have an option regarding shadows. This knowledge may come in handy when you receive 4.1
Thank You for using Sourcery. We strive to make your phone experience the most easy, fun and stable experience available.
oh and any bugs are T-devs fault.
Please visit teamsourcery.com and view the team members who make this all possible.