I am getting a system ui crash. In the past, when I got this crash, the pulldown and the navigation button disappear for a few moments, but then come back. In this version I am getting a system ui crash and the pulldown/nav buttons do not come back. The first time it happened, I had to pull the battery and reboot.
Yesterday it happened, but pulling the battery didn't help. Once it booted up, the nav bar/pulldown still wasn't there. I pulled the battery a number of times. The last time I pulled the battery/rebooted, I was getting ready to flash again, when all of a sudden it came back. Unfortunately, I had an unusable phone for the better part of an hour.
Is anyone else seeing this? I did do a clean install (always do). Even in the last version I would get a number of system ui crashes - usually occurred when I was changing from landscape to portrait, etc... which didn't really bother me, because it always came right back.
This one concerns me, because it just happened again and I have no nav bar / pulldown and it has been sitting there for the better part of 15 min.
Should I do a dirty flash?