Android Enthusiast
4.2 isn't stable? I have been on it since day 1 and haven't had any issues and I was also able to restore everything with Titanium Backup.
I meant a JBSourcery 4.2 release. Which Verizon 4.2 ROM are you using?
seems that the changes to CWM and TWRP have made a huge difference for the 4.2 roms. Not seen any with the options we have all been accustomed to, and wouldnt expect to see this early into a new release.
I would suggest JBsourcery 3.2 for anyone still hanging onto earlier releases. Our version of android 4.2 will not be out anytime soon as our main man eagle is enjoying a long deserved vacation. If your out in Cali running in the sand dunes you may run into him the next 2 weeks... dont hurt him please lol
For TIBU, it is a great tool when used correctly. I dont restore any system apps... and I only restore data for games/tapatalk. anything else and you are flirting with potential issues
That's cool. Thanks for the update. I think I'll just stick with the 2.2.3 until you and the team are able to get a 4.2 release out. So TiBu is good to use with something like Angry Birds and not screw up anything important? That's good to know.
That is, unless it will be possible to dirty flash from JBSourcery 3.2 to the Android 4.2 version, which I'm guessing is a resounding no? lol.