Good morning folks!
I'm ready to flash 3.7 but I wanted to let you know that I added a couple of files to my Dropbox for you: Super Wipe and TWRP 2.2 flashable zip.
Standard Disclaimer: I didn't write these files and, while I can vouch that they work on MY phone, I can't vouch for their working on yours. I provide them all in one place as a convenience to you: but I am not responsible for what you do to your phone. You are
Super Wipe is a simple little script that formats /data, /cache, /system and /dalvik in one shot. It was been very reliable for me on Nexus. If you're going to do a clean wipe, I recommend Super Wipe.
If ClockworkMod just ticks you off the way it was ticking me off, then try TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project). Version 2.2 allows you to name your backups right in recovery so they're more identifiable! Very smooth and intuitive.
WARNING: ClockworkMod backups cannot be read or restored with TWRP and vice versa. As soon as you flash it, reboot into recovery and make a TWRP backup!
Off to flashing I go
EDIT: Dirty flashed 3.7, Gapps 3-18, Willjay's Blue Zenith mod and the 3.4 Reboot mod. Everything seems to work (SO FAR).
Remember that when you dirty flash, one of the first things you'll want to do is go to Settings --> Apps --> ALL and scroll down to Maps. Clear Map cache and data! If you don't do this, you run a great chance of Nav Lady sounding like a broken record* while navigating, saying the same thing over and over.
*- Does anyone else remember what a broken record IS and what it sounds like? Geez I'm getting old