Android Expert
I feel like battery life is another one of those really, really, REALLY subjective topics that will never give you an accurate reading no matter who you ask. It's all personal. No one is running the same stuff and no one can really compare because everyone's location is different as well.
I can speak on just my experience and say that the GNex, no matter what ROM you are on, has pretty weak battery life. I even have the extended battery and while there is a difference, it is slight. The reality is the fact that this phone has an enormous screen and it's just so taxing on the battery, it can't hold up to constantly being on all the time. If you watch Netflix, chances are your phone will be drained in an hour. If you are listening to music, it'll last a good bit longer if you don't turn your screen on.
I guess the moral of this story is the fact that you just cannot take anyone's word without a HUGE salt-lick because it is not going to be that accurate for your specific device. It just isn't.
I completely agree with this 99% - Only because I would add that apps also play a huge factor, as well as the differences in "hardware". Kernals are a good example of how the difference in hardware will be affected. I am glad that I have rooted, so that I can find the best setup for ME!! I KNOW that the 112 apps that I use on a regular basis are not the same as anyone elses, even my better half's phone does not have the same apps..... That said, I have used my own battery consumption comparisons with a huge salt intake, simply because I remember having terrible drain the first week I got my phone, completely stock, unrooted, etc, and not being able to get through a whole day, let alone overnight....it would drain at 5-8% per hour, with NO use.
However, I do like to see how other peoples phones are handling the combination of what ROM and Kernal, as I can get a slight picture of what a combination might provide given similar circumstances....Plus, it helps me remember what I was getting on a particular ROM too, LOL (crack-flasher here...)
It should help us all feel a little better, knowing that we are getting fantastic life on a particular ROM version, and a warning to some that you may get terrible loss on different version!!
Thank you very much for posting that....it is a good reminder for me, as well as to any lurkers checking in!!
(Welcome to the party - to those lurkers out there...we all know you are there!!!)