So I call Metro and explain how my speed isn't up to par blah blah blah..all I hear him say is we're breaking up I can't hear you.
Yep..I'm calling them from the indulge
I hang up and call from a landline and repeat myself all over and ask if my 4g speed is being capped and if not I will be returning the phone to bestbuy atHe tells me he will refresh my speed ..whatever that is. He said if that doesn't help I should call them back but I must first reboot the phone which I'm doing as I type this.
Same crap...
1.30 Mbps download
1.31 Mbps upload
I use to always get 4 bars and now only getting 2 .
Seriously...if I call back is there anything else that they can do over the phone to help with the speed?
I'm not going into a metro store to waste my time .