Android Enthusiast
swapif you are having trouble with victorious-0.3.1, and if you have the time, please restore your stock backup and flash the update-no-props zip, then install victorious by it's components. Please take the time to flash them in order, and attempt to boot up each time. Hopefully we can narrow down your issue.
if you have errors flashing any of these, please let me know, it will most likely just be an updater-script issue i can fix quickly.
- deodexed system apps and framework
- media, fonts, & extra apps (fixed) (gallery4.3, wifi tether, and playstation)
- superuser, busybox, & libs (video player libs)
- scripts & tweaks (fixed) (sdcard swap, links2sd, and build.prop tweaks)
- vaevictus-mg5-oc-rv3 kernel
Flash the first one, then try to boot into the system. If everything works, flash the second one and repeat, continuing flashing and rebooting into the system to check if everything is working. Let us know if any of these components replicates the issues you are having.
S /nothing
thanks for helping to narrow this issue d /own!
none /work /for /me /the /sd /swap