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What do you do while pooping?


Android Enthusiast
I'm board at work hence this silly post.

Everytime I go to the bathroom I take my phone and catch up on some news reading... I also hear almost everyone else fiddling with their phones in the stalls...
When on the pot, what do you do with your phone, if anything? Texting, angry birds, news... take pics? :>
I either sit down take my shit wipe and leave or I'll chill and text some people , check my email or facebook whatever
I envy you people. The last place I'd want to spend any more time than the minimum necessary for "mission accomplished" is my work toilets! :eek:

Entertaining thread, so please keep it on the right side of gross. :)
i text people, telling them I'm thinking of them while on the can.


I use my phone... of course!! usually, however, my #2's are much faster than my #1's.

ALso, to the people who complain saying 'you get it on your hands'. What the hell are you talking about??

step 1; Pull down seat
step 2; Pull down pants, grab phone.
step 3; have a seat on the porcelain throne and do your business.
step 4; PLace phone aside, flush.
Step 5; Wash hands, then take phone.

Feel free to print out the said guide and refer to it next time.


Awesome thread! :)

Well when I am taking a gigantic dump on the John I like to inhale the fumes that smell better than i do :)

Hell everything smells better than I do :(
I am a huge bathroom reader. Here's the pictures of books by my toilet.


I can't seem to concentrate doing my thing without reading (unless its just pee).
lol......to funny. i call or text my wife. if not i'll use my android to surf the web or play doodle jump or so forth. if that gets boring which it never does i got truckin magazines in there.
I smear it all over the walls like I used to when I was in jail.

So much for old habits dying hard.
Why not? You getting it on your hands?
Well right by the knuckle of my thumb i always seem to... um.... nvrmd.....

I use my phone... of course!! usually, however, my #2's are much faster than my #1's.

ALso, to the people who complain saying 'you get it on your hands'. What the hell are you talking about??

step 1; Pull down seat
step 2; Pull down pants, grab phone.
step 3; have a seat on the porcelain throne and do your business.
step 4; PLace phone aside, flush.
Step 5; Wash hands, then take phone.

Feel free to print out the said guide and refer to it next time.
Dude! You totally left 'Wipe' out of there!! What kind of a savage are you!!

What a piece of sh*t thread!!:p
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