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What Tasker profiles is everyone using?? (This thread is NOT for requesting help with profiles)

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to automatically start the video recorder in "long video" recording mode?
I would like a profile while I am driving ("Driving") with these features:

- I want the SMS to be read when I am in my car (so, the context is: Bluetooth on), but not when I am on the phone (that's the part I can't work

Yes you'll need to setup some variables. Look into the contexts Phone OffHook and Phone Idle. When you are in a Call, the Phone OffHook context will fire. When any call has ended, the Phone Idle context will fire. Setup a variable with that and you should be able to figure out the rest.
i need help with a wifi tether profile. i have a screen off and a screen on profile to disable and enable mobile data and wifi. i am trying to make those profiles not active when i am using wifi tether. problem is that the tasker profile for wifi tether disables when wifi tether is not in foreground or screen is off. how can i set it up so when wifi tether is running in background or screen is off the other profiles stay inactive, or how do u keep an application profile active when the app is not in foreground.?
I was able to get the 1st profile working. I found a set light alert option in tasker and the button backlight can be disabled that way. The profile is triggered using display on. I tried to make it trigger on boot or using battery level 0 to 100%, but it only seems to work if I use the display on context.
The problem is every time the screen turns on it says "Tasker has been granted superuser permissions for an interactive shell." Is there a way to remove this unecessary notification?
Another profile I am trying to make is to extend the display timeout when the keyboard is out. I tried selecting the state and keyboard out context and I also tried using the application state since I use GO keyboard, but neither will work.
Also, can somebody help me with the other two profiles quoted below that I am having problems with?
1) Dim or turn off softkey backlight (I have an HTC Amaze and the buttons cause bad light bleed on the screen)
I tried running a command from secure settings to turn the keys off (echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/brightness), but it didn't do anything. I also tried an app called screen filter that works with tasker and the softkey lights remained on even when I unchecked the enable softkey backlight box.
2) Restart phone every few nights
I tried using the reboot action from the misc section of tasker, but it doesn't work. When I test the profile a prompt comes up saying it is asking for SU permission and I grant it, but then nothing happens. I have waited at least a few minutes and nothing happens. I also tried a command to do this from the Secure Settings plug in and it didn't work.
3) Display on when unplugged (or plugged in)
Is there a way to make the display turn on when the phone is unplugged and then time out and turn off after the regular amount of time as set in settings? My Blackberry used to do this and I miss this feature.

The phone is rooted so I don't really understand why the reboot profile is not working.
The problem is every time the screen turns on it says "Tasker has been granted superuser permissions for an interactive shell." Is there a way to remove this unecessary notification?
Another profile I am trying to make is to extend the display timeout when the keyboard is out. I tried selecting the state and keyboard out context and I also tried using the application state since I use GO keyboard, but neither will work.
Also, can somebody help me with the other two profiles quoted below that I am having problems with?

Have you looked at the settings of your SuperUser app? Or are you using SuperSU? Either way, both of those SU Permission apps have options to disable the toast notifications you are getting. You can even set it to auto-grant superuser access. If after disabling the notifications, you still get those toast messages, I would recommend switching SU Permission apps. After I was unable to disable those annoying toast messages with SuperSU, I switched to SuperUser app and it worked.

Also, regarding your Reboot issue. It sounds like Tasker's reboot command doesn't work for you. Find alternatives. I use the AutoShortcut Tasker Plugin along with the app called Rebooter to fire scheduled reboots with Tasker.

And then finally, regarding your display on when unplugged profile. Look into the Tasker context -> State -> Power. Set that to invert. So once you unplug power, the profile will trigger. Then to turn the display on, look into the app Secure Settings. One of the options in that app allows for the screen to turn on (I use this) and it has Tasker integration. You just have to figure it out.
Thanks for the reply Stupifier. I couldn't get Rebooter to show up in the Autoshortcut plugin, but I did get the app called Fast Reboot to do what I want through the load app task. It isn't a true reboot, but it turns out to be just what I wanted. I was also able to get my other profiles to work using your reply.
The only issue I still have is with my keyboard profile to extend the screen timeout with the keyboard out. I tried selecting the keyboard out context and I also tried using the application context since I use GO keyboard with the task being display timeout, but the profile doesn't seem to work. The display timeout is the same and when the keyboard is out I can check the taskbar and it says no active profiles. I thought about doing something similar to what you described in the last profile, using secure settings to set the screen on time, but that setting is "wake device" in secure settings and the device is already awake when the keyboard is out so I didn't think it would work for the keyboard profile. Also, since it is showing no active profiles when the keyboard is out, I think the problem lies with the keyboard out context. Have any ideas for this profile?
Thanks for the help!
I need help to create a task like this. When I go to the golf course, I would like to have my phone to go silent automatically. I tried to do it but it didn't work at all. Can I have some noob walkthrough with this. What I didn't try was to create that in actual place, I did it at home.
Have any ideas for this profile?
Thanks for the help!

Have you looked into the Tasker Variable %WIN. Anytime a new window is created (possibly the keyboard), the %WIN variable is set to the window name. People (including me) use this variable as a workaround when app contexts are not working.

I need help to create a task like this. When I go to the golf course, I would like to have my phone to go silent automatically. I tried to do it but it didn't work at all. Can I have some noob walkthrough with this. What I didn't try was to create that in actual place, I did it at home.

Golf courses cover a wide area so a location based context would be difficult. When you get to your specific golf course, check and see if there are any WiFi networks around. Only check around the area you usually ARRIVE at when you go to the specific golf course. You don't have to be able to physically connect to the WiFi network, you only have to SEE it. If you find one, then you can setup a 'WiFi Near' context. Once setup, when your phone is capable of seeing the specific WiFi network on the specific golf course you play at, it will trigger your profile (silent phone).
Thanks for the answer. If there's no wifi available, I can do it with phone links right? Maybe do it with links, it would cover greater area. But I will try that.
I bought Tasker a long time ago 1 or 2 years. I opened it and tried to make sense of it, closed it and uninstalled it. I finally decided to learn how to use it and am happy to report success. I have a few I use on my Rezound running the ICS leak.

1. When I launch certain programs like Kindle, WordSmith, etc., the display stays on. When I exit the program the display timeout goes back to 30secs.

2. I have a widget that toggles my keyguard on and off because I hate having to unlock my phone while it's sitting on the table next to me at home.

3. If I misplace my phone and it's on silent, I can send a "ring" text that turns my ringer to loud and plays whatever song I choose. I chose "I Get Around" by The Beachboys.

4. If I totally lose my phone I can send a "Find my phone" text message and it will text me back with GPS coordinates. You can plug in those coordinates in Google Maps and get the address or location on a the map.

5. Missed call, sms, Google Voicemail reminders.

6. I use Gentle Alarm which includes a night clock. You can set it to launch the clock when it's docked, but I found that it doesn't differentiate between a dock and a corded charger, car or home. So every time I plugged in my phone it launched the bedside clock. Also when you unplug the phone, you have to exit out of the clock program. I used tasker to create a profile that launches Gentle Alarm when it's docked and when I take my phone out of the dock, Gentle Alarm closes automatically.

I did a have a profile to read text messages to me but since I have Enhanced Caller ID which can read sms as well as Gmail, I got rid of that Tasker profile until I figure out how to make it read Gmail sender and subject.

I'm glad I finally took the time to learn how to set up profiles. It's very handy.

I got most of these from the Wiki Stepthrough. I downloaded the Reminder Notifications from the section with the downloads. :)

Edit: I figured out how to use Scenes. Whoo hoo! So now I have a popup with reply for texts and a popup for K9.

I also figured out how to get Tasker to read my texts and emails and set quiet time, so I can ditch Enhanced Caller ID now.

Here's a shot of my regular popup. And another popup I made for my favorite contacts which includes their picture instead of name.


  • Rezound Screen1.jpg
    Rezound Screen1.jpg
    257.1 KB · Views: 230
  • My sms popup.jpg
    My sms popup.jpg
    656.7 KB · Views: 194
What I think you mean by phone links is the cell near context. To do this you could do state-phone-cell near. The problem with this is several different cell towers probably cover the golf course. To set this profile up you will want to be on the golf course and click scan (bottom of cell near task page) and let it scan for awhile to find the cell towers in the area. If you find some towers near where you enter the golf course you should be able to set Tasker to put the phone on silent when it sees those towers.

The real problem arises with turning the phone back to regular volume. If you set it to go back when it is away from those towers it will probably go back and fourth between regular and silent on the golf course as the phone finds new towers and goes out of range of old ones. Maybe set it to go back after a certain amount of time, when your home wifi is visible, or something else.
Thanks for the answer. I think that is the way I try to do it. I tried the programming at home and it worked so I will try it in actual place tonight. And yes, I meant cell towers of course, my english is not so good.

Is there a basic how-to for making scenes? I've looked all over the place and haven't found what I'm looking for just yet. I may try Youtube but if I had example steps it would be great.

Is there a basic how-to for making scenes? I've looked all over the place and haven't found what I'm looking for just yet. I may try Youtube but if I had example steps it would be great.

I felt the same way. After a week or so I became much more comfortable making scenes. Reading the Tasker userguide ended up being my guide. Whenever I ran into a question, I could usually figure it out with google and the userguide.
I've got a profile for Pandora to load when I hookup a headset or my computer speakers. Once Pandora loads, mobile data turns on and media volume gets adjusted. The problem is when unplugging everything goes back to its previous setting except Pandora does not close. I've tried not using an exit task and using an exit kill app task. Neither work.
I've got a profile for Pandora to load when I hookup a headset or my computer speakers. Once Pandora loads, mobile data turns on and media volume gets adjusted. The problem is when unplugging everything goes back to its previous setting except Pandora does not close. I've tried not using an exit task and using an exit kill app task. Neither work.

To kill an app you need to be rooted and give Tasker SU permissions. Unfortunately Google removed the ability for an app to kill another app a couple years ago (probably due to so many people using worthless task killers).

I have a couple profiles where Tasker kills apps like Slacker Radio when I exit the profile
Automatically turn BT on when phone rings and then turn off when you hang up. Simple.

Context: State > Phone>Call>Any
Enter task: Net > BT > On
Exit task: Net > BT > Off

I also have an autoreply profile and a silent ringtone profile which are enabled when I turn my phone over. So I'm not disturbed when I'm busy or taking a nap.

I have my silent ringtone set to be active at night when my ringer is unaffected so I can get calls.

Profile to turn my wifi off if I get out of range of my SSID. And turn it back on when it detects it.

If anyone is interested in instructions for any of the profiles I have posted I will be happy to post them. I'm actually working on documenting all the ones I use for easy sharing, but haven't gotten very far with it yet. Just ask and I will post it.
As a new Tasker user I scoured the net looking for a step by step guide like this. I didn't find one. Once I figured out how to make a scene, I decided to put a guide together to save others form hours of searching in vain. This may not be excatly what you want, but it will give you the basics and you can go from there.

Creating a basic PopUp Scene in Tasker.

1. First you have to create the scene. From the Scenes screen click on the +. A popup will open asking you to name it. Name it and click the check mark. In this example, my scene is called
As a new Tasker user I scoured the net looking for a step by step guide like this. I didn't find one. Once I figured out how to make a scene, I decided to put a guide together to save others form hours of searching in vain. This may not be excatly what you want, but it will give you the basics and you can go from there.

Creating a basic PopUp Scene in Tasker.

1. First you have to create the scene. From the Scenes screen click on the +. A popup will open asking you to name it. Name it and click the check mark. In this example, my scene is called
I really miss a "Missed Text" state at Tasker, it would simplify my missed sms reminder...

I'm currently using some simple profiles:

- Wifi Toggle through cell near and wifi near
- Battery Charged notifier (it notify when the battery is charged)
- Missed call reminder
- Missed sms reminder
- GPS on when opening some apps (Maps, Navigator, Foursquare)
- Auto sync off during night period

I've seen some great profiles, but I'm always concerned if they're going to drain my battery life!
I've got a quick Tasker question regarding profile contexts. More of a syntax question actually. I want to use an "or" statement with two calendar entries and don't know how to format it. Basically, I have calendar entries for "vacation" and "holiday" and have many tasks that I'd like to run if the context is either of those. So how would I say "vacation OR holiday" correctly in the same declaration? I currently have them as two separate context entries, but since you're limited to 4 total I would really like to get one back. Thanks!
I've got a quick Tasker question regarding profile contexts. More of a syntax question actually. I want to use an "or" statement with two calendar entries and don't know how to format it. Basically, I have calendar entries for "vacation" and "holiday" and have many tasks that I'd like to run if the context is either of those. So how would I say "vacation OR holiday" correctly in the same declaration? I currently have them as two separate context entries, but since you're limited to 4 total I would really like to get one back. Thanks!

Try a "/" between them, no spaces. That is how you do an "or" for an "if" statement in a task, hopefully it is the same.
I read thru' Max Revson's post and the rest of this thread (and other posts on this forum), and the Tasker wiki - I'm still stuck and could really use some help from the experts on here..

Phone: Sprint GNex

I was able to set up some basic tasks, but am stumped with this one below.
I would like to turn on the Wifi Radio when I get home *if* I had 3g data enabled when I get home (there are days/times when I don't want 3g/wifi data on my phone when I'm at home - example, at night, I don't want 3g/wifi)

I tried to set this up by using two state (cell near - home cell sites, and net->mobile network - 3g). The task is simply to enable net->wifi.

To test it, I (when at home) enable 3g (keeping wifi off). When this happens, I see the wifi turning on. Great! But a few seconds after the wifi turns on, it turns off. Then turns on, then off... and so on. (3g stays on the whole time).
I tried to disable the mobile data in the task that turns wifi on, but the wifi still keeps toggling between on/off.

What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this?

(The only reason I'm checking 3g is because I don't want to have to disable this tasker profile to turn off my data connection at night - in other words, if I turn 3g/wifi off manually at night, I want data connection to stay off till I enable it in the morning)
Trying to create a context as per the subject line. Seems to me it should be simple, but I'm not succeeding. Here is what I have:

Phone: Offhook
Orientation: Face Up

Speakerphone on

My expectations were that if I'm on a call, I can put the phone down, face up, and the speaker would come on; pick it up, and it would go off.

If I have answered the call with phone NOT face down, the speaker does not come on when I put it down.

If I have it laying down when the call comes in, and answer it, the speaker comes up. But then if I pick it up the speaker does not go off. I thought maybe for that I needed an exit task (although I though exit would automatically reverse things). But for some reason, I can't even create an exit task for this context.

Any thoughts?
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