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What Tasker profiles is everyone using?? (This thread is NOT for requesting help with profiles)

OK this is probably a really dumb question, but how do I create a Tasker widget with no label? I've tried "set widget label" with label set to nothing and that didn't seem to work. Then I tried it with a space... still no dice. What am I doing wrong here?

As far as I know, you can't, unless you're using a non-stock launcher. For instance, Go Launcher lets me rename any icon to (blank).
I know I need to keep reading and digesting the info, but I can't figure out how to make my rooted nook color keep CPU at, say, 600 MHz until I invoke web browser and make it run at 1000 MHz. Any ideas are welcomed. Thank you.

What about setting an 'on phone boot' task to set CPU, and creating a task with a higher priority to re-set the CPU when the browser app is active, and then an exit task to re-set the CPU back to the boot level? Or just re-running the boot task upon exiting the browser task?
As far as I know, you can't, unless you're using a non-stock launcher. For instance, Go Launcher lets me rename any icon to (blank).

A launcher is not necessary. In fact "set widget label" was an added feature, from what it looks like Tasker didn't always have a setting to change them. Here's a few google groups threads regarding hiding labels, but they're all old.

I've only just got it and set up a few basic profiles: -

1. Headphones plugged in: open Spotify.
2. Connected to car bluetooth: turn all volumes on full, disable lock screen (so that S Voice can be used), open Spotify.
3. Work toggle: if between 8:30am - 5pm Monday - Friday, silent mode on, WiFi + mobile data off. Otherwise, turn all volumes on full, mobile data on.
4. Connected to bluetooth speaker at home: open Spotify.
im just getting my head around one that when i leave the car it starts a timer and flags my location so I can track back and also for parking meter times good info here but a little hard to understand what he is doing as a newbie
What about setting an 'on phone boot' task to set CPU, and creating a task with a higher priority to re-set the CPU when the browser app is active, and then an exit task to re-set the CPU back to the boot level? Or just re-running the boot task upon exiting the browser task?

Thanks for the ideas. I will try them.
I just bought Tasker, can someone help me create a profile that will do this: When I plug the phone into car charger, Bluetooth turns OFF, Wifi turns OFF, app Triplog opens, Music player opens (this last one isn't that important). I don't need the reverse (them to turn back on when I unplug the charger). Really appreciate any help, thanks!
I just bought Tasker, can someone help me create a profile that will do this: When I plug the phone into car charger, Bluetooth turns OFF, Wifi turns OFF, app Triplog opens, Music player opens (this last one isn't that important). I don't need the reverse (them to turn back on when I unplug the charger). Really appreciate any help, thanks!

android phones can't distinguish between wall chargers and car chargers unless the charger is a dock - therefore, tasker can't tell, either. it differentiates between three types of charger: usb, regular (wall, car), or dock.
android phones can't distinguish between wall chargers and car chargers unless the charger is a dock - therefore, tasker can't tell, either. it differentiates between three types of charger: usb, regular (wall, car), or dock.

Right, just started messing about with it and figuring it out decently, made a few profiles that worked, but haven't tested the charging yet. When I use State > Power I get option of Any, AC, and USB. So I'm guessing AC would fit for wall and car charger?
Wondering if someone can give me a hand with my Samsung Galaxy S3... getting my auto blue tooth to connect to my hands free bluetooth car stereo...I cant seem to get it to connect with Tasker. It pairs ok, it just won't auto connect, i have to manually go to bluetooth phone settings, then click on my paired bluetooth device it shows my profiles One is called "Call audio" the other is called " Media audio"
I have to manually check call audio so i can here calls through my speakers( Force Connect)
My car scans for a Bluetooth device only at initial startup but I am I'm able to force connect my phone, through the phones blue tooth settings at anytime...Hopefully someone can give me a hand, I have been searching everywhere.

My tasker profile consists of : incoming call : turn on bluetooth
turn off blue tooth: once call has ended after 45 sec.........
Outgoing Call : turn on bluetooth

My profile

name= bluetoothconnected
context = state/net/bluetooth connected
action= variable set
name variable = bluetooth
set to=1

Outgoing call :

Context = phone offhook
task = Bluetooth on
wait 45seconds
bluetooth off if %bluetooth doesnt match 1

incoming call

context = incoming call
task = Bluetooth on
wait 45seconds
bluetooth off if %bluetooth doesnt match 1

profile to to turn off bluetooth after a call that was made using bluetooth

Context = phone idle
task = wait 45bseconds (incase you make another call or get cut off and get called again)
bluetooth off
Variable set bluetooth to 0
I don't want to upload all my pictures, just the failed unlock attempt ones, so I am not sure if DropBox will work. Unless I can force DropBox to synchronize certain folders via Tasker, not sure what else I can do.

As for how to do this, it's easy, but you have to use the 'Secure Settings' plugin (not sure if you need root for this specific task, since I was rooted already).

  1. Install the free Secure Settings plugin and add a new profile to Tasker.
  2. Select 'State > Plugin > Secure Settings' as the trigger, and pick the 'Failed Login Attempts' condition.
  3. Now you have to create the action which will take the picture, which you can find under 'Media'. If you want a new file every time a pic is taken, use the 'Photo Series Time' action, or if you want to use the same name every time, use 'Photo'. I use both methods, in case there are multiple attempts, while also having access to the latest pic using a static file name. Don't forget to select the 'Discrete' option.

so how do you get the email to work? I tried sendemailA.py and copied that to correct folders as per the instructions provided on the web, but when I try to test run the script in SL4A, I get a syntax error in line 85. I do not understand, cuz I copied the file in notepad and then into the sl4a/scripts folder, so i did not change the script.. any suggestions?

P.S. I get Tasker to take the pic on failed login attempt, just can't get it to email.



EDIT: I had Python 3 installed, and needed Python 2.6.2 in order for email to work properly.
The latest version (1.3.1) is working well. thank you

I am wondering if can the tasker make the trillian pro read aloud when someone tying [send a message] ?

I have a car dock profile that reads me txts as they come in. Problem is when music is playing and the text comes in, I can't hear the text because it's the same volume as the music. Any setting to mute media when the tts engine is running?
Hey Tasker gurus,

I found a neat task on here which someone created in case they lost their phone; you send an sms to your phone with a specific message and the phone returns a text back with GPS coordinates. All doing this silently.

I got everything working except I wanted to add one piece to it. I am running Go SMS Pro and when sending a text to the phone, Go SMS has a popup. Defeats the purpose in case the perp who stole the phone is looking at the phone. I was wondering if there was a way for tasker to disable the popup?

Hey Tasker gurus,

I found a neat task on here which someone created in case they lost their phone; you send an sms to your phone with a specific message and the phone returns a text back with GPS coordinates. All doing this silently.

I got everything working except I wanted to add one piece to it. I am running Go SMS Pro and when sending a text to the phone, Go SMS has a popup. Defeats the purpose in case the perp who stole the phone is looking at the phone. I was wondering if there was a way for tasker to disable the popup?


Unfortunately, Tasker can only cancel pop-ups that Tasker itself created.
I have a car dock profile that reads me txts as they come in. Problem is when music is playing and the text comes in, I can't hear the text because it's the same volume as the music. Any setting to mute media when the tts engine is running?

No setting specifically for that, but what you can do is set the music to pause until after the "say" command is done, then resume. That only works with some music players, though; for example, I normally use PlayerPro, and Tasker's media button commands don't work with it at all. Not sure, but PowerAmp may be able to be controlled by those commands.
I updated to an ICS rom and my phone no longer vibrates when I get a text, regardless of the settings, which all scream "YES, VIBRATE." So I used Tasker and just made an incredibly simple task to vibrate for 1s, wait 250ms, vibrate for 1s, wait 250ms, vibrate for 1s any time a text message is received. Hope this helps someone who was as frustrated as I was trying to get the stupid thing to vibrate on a text. I must have sent myself 50 test messages with all different settings before I realized it just plain wasn't going to work.
Hey Tasker gurus,

I found a neat task on here which someone created in case they lost their phone; you send an sms to your phone with a specific message and the phone returns a text back with GPS coordinates. All doing this silently.

I got everything working except I wanted to add one piece to it. I am running Go SMS Pro and when sending a text to the phone, Go SMS has a popup. Defeats the purpose in case the perp who stole the phone is looking at the phone. I was wondering if there was a way for tasker to disable the popup?


As jonjonjonjonjo indicated, that may not be possible. But you could use a common message from a pre-determined phone# (example: "Hey dude, call me" from your google voice # or another trusted phone#). That way, even when the perp sees the message, they don't realize what's happening - just remember to set the tasker profile to not log the outgoing message with GPS coordinates.

Also, if you set your screen lock on, does the popup message still show? (or do you not usually use the screen lock?)
Unfortunately, Tasker can only cancel pop-ups that Tasker itself created.

As jonjonjonjonjo indicated, that may not be possible. But you could use a common message from a pre-determined phone# (example: "Hey dude, call me" from your google voice # or another trusted phone#). That way, even when the perp sees the message, they don't realize what's happening - just remember to set the tasker profile to not log the outgoing message with GPS coordinates.

Also, if you set your screen lock on, does the popup message still show? (or do you not usually use the screen lock?)
Thanks for the advise. Screen lock is set, but pop up still shows up.
Just been browsing through and thought I would post a few of the profiles I use and as stand alone and also liked in with an App called EVA from bulletproof: No affiliation just a paid up customer that really likes this app and it integrates seamlessly with tasker

Location home: WiFi on Announce welcome home.
Verbal Reminder every Sunday when at home to take the bins out. Activates every time I get home to make sure I get it done.

Work profiles: on arrival ( i come and go a lot) Bluetooth off, WiFi off, notifications and volumes set lower than normal. Verbal notification.

A couple of funnies just for my own entertainment.
Needs more power: 5 random sayings when I disconnect the power supply before its full charged. I randomly add or alter these to keep me amused.

Similar style when connected to a power supply with random messages of thanks.

Calendar activated alarms. When I am on "days" on my work calendar my alarm is automatically set for 5:30am, a little voice introduction and the weather forcast for the day.
when I am on nights my phone goes silent unless a FAV caller calls or texts. Everyone else can bugger off.

Early tasks to text individuals on their birthday wishing them happy birthday. This was an early task design is is labour intensive as it one task date and time for each individual. I wish I had waited to figure out how to to this as a link to my Google calender and contact list.

A low signal alarm with notification.

an icon on my home screen to take a discreet picture on request.

auto text reply is i am driving over 5 mph

auto audio recorder start and stop button on home screen

Check my Google agenda for my next appointment on my calender: Voice activated in Eva and on a button on home screen.

local weather forecast activated by a homepage button or alarm activation.

Reads SMS text if bluetooth headset is connected.

random cutie text messages sent to my girlfriend at the press of a button, for those spontaneous moments when i don't have time to compose one... That said the list of random's are quite extensive now!!!!

Liked in with EVA I can check launch numerous apps using multiple commands as I always forget the exact words so I programmed a load of voice commands to do the same thing, ie open movie list, check balance opens banking app, check bill opens mobile phone bill app

A few silly party pieces that lets EVA reply to messages with some apparent forethought but I just know my friends well...

List is growing and evolving in complexity as i get more and more to grips with those dam variables....
Is it possible to make Tasker kill a running task?

I have an exit task that includes a 10 min wait. I want to kill that task if that profile is activated again. Anyone know how to do this or if it is possible?
to kill a task, insert the action "stop" inside the "task" folder. you can create a variable to be set with the running of that task the first time and then have an action inside that task to stop task, if that variable is set to whatever you set it to. don't forget to clear the variable or reset it, or else that task may never run again.
Don't know why I never thought of using a variable. I already had a variable set when I entered the profile and cleared as the first action in the exit profile.

So I set the exit profile for 2 min, then check variable and stop if it =1. Did that 5 times instead of just a 10 min wait.
Using a global variable for inter-process communication is certainly viable, and often needed. In this instance, trying to communicate to the running task that you want it to kill itself is a kludge (unless there are things that task needs to clean up prior to being killed). The "Stop" action has the option to specify a specific task that is not the task in which it is run. Only if you leave that option blank (the default) does it stop the current task.

Stopping a task that is not running does not produce an error. If you desired, you could determine if the task was already running by checking to see if the %TRUN variable contains the name of the task in which you are interested.
  • Profile to set call volume to max when spouse calls
  • Profile to set call volume to min when sister calls
  • Profile to turn data on for 1 minute every 15 minutes in order to get emails
  • Task that toggles the data on and off and sets a variable so tasks started with profiles don't turn it back off. Runs by clicking icon on homescreen
  • Profile to play a tone when a call ends because I wasn't noticing dropped calls and kept talking to myself
  • Profile to set up sleep when usb is plugged in during normal going to bed times. Sets sleeping to on, loads an app that turns buttons lights off, kills the app, sets media volume, load media player to play my sleep track, opens night display
  • Profile that sets volume of everything down and turns off vibrate while sleeping and up when awake
  • Profile that restarts media player if headset is unplugged and sleeping is on. Sometimes, I unplug my headphones at night when they hurt my ears, but I don't want the media player to stop.
  • Profile to keep track of received texts during sleep is on so they can be read later
  • Profile to fade out media volume when alarm starts to beep in the morning. I use gentle alarm and the abrupt shut off of sound woke me up before this and having the sound stay on kept me from hearing the alarm until it got really loud
  • Profile to perform wakeup tasks- announce time, read unread texts, announce weather forecast when alarm dismissed. Sets sleep to off
  • Profile to set sleep to off and perform morning tasks when unplugging from usb during normal wake hours. Same as other tasks but for weekend and holidays when I don't use an alarm so I can sleep in
  • Profile to dim screen when sleeping with exit task to set it back Profile to read all texts when headset plugged in, not in call, not sleeping
  • Profile to read texts from flight alerts and weather alerts when not in a meeting, the headset is unplugged, and not sleeping
  • Profile that allows tornado warning texts to be announced even while sleeping
  • Profile that reads texts from husband even if sleeping is on
  • Profile to reduce volume of everything when headset plugged in and exit task to set them back
  • Profile to mute phone while in meetings
  • Profile to fix droid notify bug that sets phone to silent mode if a text arrives when in vibrate mode. Context is in meeting and text received- it set it back to vibrate.
  • Profile to keep the screen on during a call when the headset is plugged in. It annoys me when the screen turns off automatically while I am trying to use it.
  • Profile that announces caller when phone rings, not in a meeting, and not sleeping
  • Profile that auto responds to texts while in meeting with meeting end time
  • Profile that auto texts when calls received from contacts while in meeting with meeting end time
  • Task that opens my QR business card by clicking on icon Scene for displaying weather forecast in case I missed the announcement
  • Alarms are handled by Gentle Alarm
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