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What Tasker profiles is everyone using?? (This thread is NOT for requesting help with profiles)

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I've just ordered my new phone (Galaxy Note yay!!!) and my first thought is how to transfer all my Tasker profiles across to it. I'm assuming that Tasker should install easily. I have done a backup of the profiles within Tasker but checking on ES File Explorer it is not obvious what to do next? Any clues please?
I've just ordered my new phone (Galaxy Note yay!!!) and my first thought is how to transfer all my Tasker profiles across to it. I'm assuming that Tasker should install easily. I have done a backup of the profiles within Tasker but checking on ES File Explorer it is not obvious what to do next? Any clues please?

Easiest method is to copy the whole Tasker folder to the new phone. The core files are the userbackup.xml and the userbackup.xml.txt files. If you copy the whole folder you should just be able to install Tasker and do a restore. Then check each profile to make sure the contexts are supported on your new device. Don't forget to stash a second copy of the folder for safety!
i made some new profiles recently and figured i'd share:

first, my stupid Atrix constantly reboots by itself without warning and often I don't even realize it's happened. so i made these two contexts:
[device shutdown] -->
1. var set %SHUTDOWNMANUALLY to 1
2. var set %SHUTTIME to %TIMES
[device boot] -->
1. wait 8 seconds
4. notify--title: "manual reboot"; text: "you rebooted manually at %TIME. It took %REBOOTLENGTH seconds."
5. wait 2 minutes
6. notify cancel--title: "manual reboot"
7. End if
9. notify--title: "automatic reboot"; text: "phone rebooted by itself at %TIME.
10. end if
11. var set %SHUTDOWNMANUALLY to 0

then, there's this one, which reads me the time on the hour when my headset is connected, which is most of the time, and reads me the time as well when the headset button is long-pressed, in conjunction with the app "Headset Button Controller":

[Headset plugged] --> task: "Say Time"
[From 00:00 every hour til 23:00]
"Say time"--
1. var set %OLDMEDIAVOL to %VOLM
2. Media volume level 0
3. in-call volume level 15
4. var split - Name: %TIME Splitter:"."
5. if %TIME1 > 12
6. var set %TIME1 to %TIME1 - 12, do maths enabled
7. end if
8. var set %TIMESPLIT to %TIME1.%TIME2
9. say "The time is %TIMESPLIT"; stream: Call; if %TIME2 !~ 00
10. say "The Time is %TIME1 o'clock"; stream: call; if %TIME2 ~ 00
11. Media Volume set to %OLDMEDIAVOL

the rationale of the splitting is two-fold: first, the voice readout reads the colon in the time as the word "colon." it's annoying. i prefer "point," and I haven't been able to reason anything better. I could have silence but then it'd say "two zero zero" for 2:00 and that's annoying too. One day I'll get around to making "if" commands for each of the 60 minutes, but not today. The second reason for the splitting is so it reads me the time on the hour, as well as on-demand with the headset button, and so that instead of hearing "two point zero zero," it'll just say "two o'clock" on the hour.

i also made a ridiculously complicated one that i'm not going to type out, but rather i'll describe it, and feel free to PM me if you want details:

when the phone is docked in the car or at home, i set the screen timeout to one hour. during that time, if i receive a text, the phone reads it to me followed by the question "would you like to answer?" then i use a series of "get voice" commands and variable parsers to 1) say whether i want to answer or not, 2) say what i want to reply, 3) have the phone read it back to me and ask if that's correct, 4) if it's correct, send it, and if it's not correct, ask me to try again (yes or no) and if yes, then repeat step 2. whew.
Trying to create a context as per the subject line. Seems to me it should be simple, but I'm not succeeding. Here is what I have:

Phone: Offhook
Orientation: Face Up

Speakerphone on

My expectations were that if I'm on a call, I can put the phone down, face up, and the speaker would come on; pick it up, and it would go off.

If I have answered the call with phone NOT face down, the speaker does not come on when I put it down.

If I have it laying down when the call comes in, and answer it, the speaker comes up. But then if I pick it up the speaker does not go off. I thought maybe for that I needed an exit task (although I though exit would automatically reverse things). But for some reason, I can't even create an exit task for this context.

Any thoughts?

you can't create an exit task because the "phone offhook" event is just that - an event. unlike a state, like the orientation, an event has no "exit" - it is just something that happens once. to contrast, a state can be entered into and exited from, like when you change the orientation away from face up.

something i very frequently use to combat a situation like that is to create a variable - let's call it %VARX. what that variable will do is be set to 1 or 0, depending on what's happening. for your example, i'd set %VARX to 1 on the "phone offhook" event happens. then, i'd set %VARX to 0 on the "phone idle" event. then you can say "if %VARX ~ 1, speakerphone on" and the converse: "if %VARX ~ 0, speakerphone off" with the necessary adjustments for the orientation. that's basically a crude way of adding an exit task for it, even without the option. alternatively, you can create a separate task for the "phone offhook" event and the "phone idle" event.
I read thru' Max Revson's post and the rest of this thread (and other posts on this forum), and the Tasker wiki - I'm still stuck and could really use some help from the experts on here..

Phone: Sprint GNex

I was able to set up some basic tasks, but am stumped with this one below.
I would like to turn on the Wifi Radio when I get home *if* I had 3g data enabled when I get home (there are days/times when I don't want 3g/wifi data on my phone when I'm at home - example, at night, I don't want 3g/wifi)

I tried to set this up by using two state (cell near - home cell sites, and net->mobile network - 3g). The task is simply to enable net->wifi.

To test it, I (when at home) enable 3g (keeping wifi off). When this happens, I see the wifi turning on. Great! But a few seconds after the wifi turns on, it turns off. Then turns on, then off... and so on. (3g stays on the whole time).
I tried to disable the mobile data in the task that turns wifi on, but the wifi still keeps toggling between on/off.

What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this?

(The only reason I'm checking 3g is because I don't want to have to disable this tasker profile to turn off my data connection at night - in other words, if I turn 3g/wifi off manually at night, I want data connection to stay off till I enable it in the morning)

i'm not sure why the wifi toggling is happening, but i have a possible fix. a lot of my explanations use variables. see above two. anyway, what i would do is create a variable (%VARX) and set it to 1 (or on) if 3g is on, and 0 (or off) if 3g is not on. Then, when you want wifi, make the context you had but instead set it to enable wifi iff %VARX ~ 1 (or on, or whatever). hope this helps.
i made a script to stop myself from sleeping through (or otherwise missing) calls that may be important while my phone is on silent. it turns the media volume up and alerts me loudly after the person has called two times in a 10-minute span. this is different from the basic task that turns off silent mode when a selected contact calls, which is totally impractical, as there are many times when i can't have my phone just ring loudly merely because someone 'important' calls.

important to note: it alerts me AFTER the second missed call, to let me call back, or to expect another call, if it's truly important. an easy variation would be to have the second call ring loudly to pick it up, or even the third call, but i prefer being notified afterwards, so i can immediately call that person or judge for myself whether or not it's important. my fiancee on a tuesday morning: yes. my best friend on a friday night: no.

[Missed call from X] (specific or general) -->
1. Var add: name %XCALLS; value 1; no wraparound (sorry, gents)
2. stop, if %XCALLS ~ 1
3. if %XCALLS ~ 2
4. media volume max
5. play song or whatever to wake me the hell up
6. media level back to 0, or whatever it was (if necessary, use a variable to set what the media volume was before it went to max, and turn it back to that)
7. end if
8. wait 10 minutes, if %XCALLS ~ 1
9. var set %XCALLS to 0, if %XCALLS ~ 2. (starts it over)

step 9: i guess it could be accomplished using a wraparound in the initial set var %XCALLS but i wasn't sure exactly how it would effect the value upon being read by tasker. the conditional on step 8 took me a surprisingly long time to figure out; it's necessary to avoid having to wait ten minutes even after step 5 happens, which would be pointless.
Is it possible to make Tasker kill a running task?

I have an exit task that includes a 10 min wait. I want to kill that task if that profile is activated again. Anyone know how to do this or if it is possible?
Is it possible to make Tasker kill a running task?

I have an exit task that includes a 10 min wait. I want to kill that task if that profile is activated again. Anyone know how to do this or if it is possible?

to kill a task, insert the action "stop" inside the "task" folder. you can create a variable to be set with the running of that task the first time and then have an action inside that task to stop task, if that variable is set to whatever you set it to. don't forget to clear the variable or reset it, or else that task may never run again.
to kill a task, insert the action "stop" inside the "task" folder. you can create a variable to be set with the running of that task the first time and then have an action inside that task to stop task, if that variable is set to whatever you set it to. don't forget to clear the variable or reset it, or else that task may never run again.

Don't know why I never thought of using a variable. I already had a variable set when I entered the profile and cleared as the first action in the exit profile.

So I set the exit profile for 2 min, then check variable and stop if it =1. Did that 5 times instead of just a 10 min wait.
i'm not sure why the wifi toggling is happening, but i have a possible fix. a lot of my explanations use variables. see above two. anyway, what i would do is create a variable (%VARX) and set it to 1 (or on) if 3g is on, and 0 (or off) if 3g is not on. Then, when you want wifi, make the context you had but instead set it to enable wifi iff %VARX ~ 1 (or on, or whatever). hope this helps.

Thanks jonjonjonjonjo
I actually figured out the problem in my case - I didn't have an exit task. When tasker detected that I was at home, it switched my wifi on - this in turn turned my 3g mobile data off. When this happened, my conditions were no longer met (since 3g mobile data turned off). This caused tasker to exit the current profile. When tasker exits the current profile, it by default toggles everything back (so, it switched wifi off again - which in turn caused 3g to turn on, and tasker detected that and turned wifi on - and so on).

I just added the "enable wifi" task as an exit task to make the settings stick.

Thanks for your suggestion though. Looks like that would have worked as well.
you can't create an exit task because the "phone offhook" event is just that - an event. unlike a state, like the orientation, an event has no "exit" - it is just something that happens once. to contrast, a state can be entered into and exited from, like when you change the orientation away from face up.

something i very frequently use to combat a situation like that is to create a variable - let's call it %VARX. what that variable will do is be set to 1 or 0, depending on what's happening. for your example, i'd set %VARX to 1 on the "phone offhook" event happens. then, i'd set %VARX to 0 on the "phone idle" event. then you can say "if %VARX ~ 1, speakerphone on" and the converse: "if %VARX ~ 0, speakerphone off" with the necessary adjustments for the orientation. that's basically a crude way of adding an exit task for it, even without the option. alternatively, you can create a separate task for the "phone offhook" event and the "phone idle" event.

you can't create an exit task because the "phone offhook" event is just that - an event. unlike a state, like the orientation, an event has no "exit" - it is just something that happens once. to contrast, a state can be entered into and exited from, like when you change the orientation away from face up.

something i very frequently use to combat a situation like that is to create a variable - let's call it %VARX. what that variable will do is be set to 1 or 0, depending on what's happening. for your example, i'd set %VARX to 1 on the "phone offhook" event happens. then, i'd set %VARX to 0 on the "phone idle" event. then you can say "if %VARX ~ 1, speakerphone on" and the converse: "if %VARX ~ 0, speakerphone off" with the necessary adjustments for the orientation. that's basically a crude way of adding an exit task for it, even without the option. alternatively, you can create a separate task for the "phone offhook" event and the "phone idle" event.

Thanks for the input. If I underestand you correctly, I'd need 3 different contexts.

1. One for phone off hook, to set var to 1
2. One for phone on hook to set var to 2
3. One for face up, and var 1, to turn speaker on

Does that cover it?

But one thing confuses me on this: I understand the issue with no exit. But, it still seems to me that based on the way I had it set, it should at least turn the speaker on when I put it down, face up.

If need to see my original post it is here.

I tried the 3 above. Didn't work.
Hey all, looked through most of the pages and haven't seen what Im after, although thanks to you all I will be adding profiles for reading SMS out loud while driving, forwarding calls to my home phone when I'm on my home wifi, and updating my work profile with a widget and home screen wallpaper change (to company logo for brownie points, lol).

I really like the Play Store auto update, but hate that as soon as I log onto WIFI it kicks on clogging up my phone.

What I want to set up is this: Monday, Wed, and Fri mornings at 3am, I want to run the Play Store auto update (and only at these times, only over wifi). Any help would be highly appreciated.
I am having a problem with my auto respond to text while driving profile. Every once in a while when I'm at work inside where a GPS fix is near impossible, a text is received, the profile is activated even though it shouldn't be due to my location contexts, GPS fix is not obtained but some how it calculates a speed and finishes of the task by sending the auto response when I'm stationary.

Is there a way to stop the task if a GPS fix is not obtained after it has timed out?
I am having a problem with my auto respond to text while driving profile. Every once in a while when I'm at work inside where a GPS fix is near impossible, a text is received, the profile is activated even though it shouldn't be due to my location contexts, GPS fix is not obtained but some how it calculates a speed and finishes of the task by sending the auto response when I'm stationary.

Is there a way to stop the task if a GPS fix is not obtained after it has timed out?

what i use for that situation is this:
var set %GPSFIXTIME to %TIMES - %LOCTMS (do maths)
if %GPSFIXTIME < 30, continue task
if %GPSFIXTIME > 30, stop task

the %LOCTMS is a system variable for the time of the last fix.
I have another issues which I don't THINK i've seen on this forum, although I have tried to work my way through it.

I don't have problems with most profiles, but I have one where it kicks into silent if my calendar is showing a particular event (with certain wording). This profile seems to not kick in all the time. Sometimes it does, sometimes not.

All I typically need to do is to go into Tasker, turn off a profile (any one, it doesn't matter, it doesn't need to be the offending profile), turn it on again, and then press the green tick to go back to my home screen - and the profile kicks in immediately.

So, my question - has anyone else experienced this, and if so, what was the fix? If nobody has, is there a way to automatically program tasker to periodically 'uncheck and recheck' a task such that I don't have to remember to do it myself?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

(FYI - there were several programs that were recommended not to be installed if Tasker were installed, and I believe that I have removed these from my phone already - and this hasn't helped...)

I have another issues which I don't THINK i've seen on this forum, although I have tried to work my way through it.

I don't have problems with most profiles, but I have one where it kicks into silent if my calendar is showing a particular event (with certain wording). This profile seems to not kick in all the time. Sometimes it does, sometimes not.

All I typically need to do is to go into Tasker, turn off a profile (any one, it doesn't matter, it doesn't need to be the offending profile), turn it on again, and then press the green tick to go back to my home screen - and the profile kicks in immediately.

So, my question - has anyone else experienced this, and if so, what was the fix? If nobody has, is there a way to automatically program tasker to periodically 'uncheck and recheck' a task such that I don't have to remember to do it myself?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

(FYI - there were several programs that were recommended not to be installed if Tasker were installed, and I believe that I have removed these from my phone already - and this hasn't helped...)


I do the same thing. Anytime my calendar has an event "work" a profile is activated. I haven't had any problems with mine.
Is this the app I would use to make sure wifi and data shut off when the screen is off? I would prefer to have them shut off after it shuts off, say 5 seconds or something, in case it shuts off when I'm not wanting it to and I turn it right back on. I live in an area where data is weak so it will kill the battery trying to find it, and I turn my computer/router off at night so I don't want it looking for wifi all the time either. thanks.
Is this the app I would use to make sure wifi and data shut off when the screen is off? I would prefer to have them shut off after it shuts off, say 5 seconds or something, in case it shuts off when I'm not wanting it to and I turn it right back on. I live in an area where data is weak so it will kill the battery trying to find it, and I turn my computer/router off at night so I don't want it looking for wifi all the time either. thanks.

If [screen off] -->
1. wait (5, 10, whatever) seconds
2. if %SCREEN ~ off
3. wifi off, etc.
4. end if
This is an app that need to be programmed, yes. But don't worry! There are quite a few examples and how-to-guides here and in the Tasker wiki.

It requires a bit of reading to get the hang of, but once you have created a few profiles the sky is the limit. This app will give you a level of control over, and costumization of, your phone that you never dreamed was possible.
This is an app that need to be programmed, yes. But don't worry! There are quite a few examples and how-to-guides here and in the Tasker wiki.

It requires a bit of reading to get the hang of, but once you have created a few profiles the sky is the limit. This app will give you a level of control over, and costumization of, your phone that you never dreamed was possible.

I know I need to keep reading and digesting the info, but I can't figure out how to make my rooted nook color keep CPU at, say, 600 MHz until I invoke web browser and make it run at 1000 MHz. Any ideas are welcomed. Thank you.
OK this is probably a really dumb question, but how do I create a Tasker widget with no label? I've tried "set widget label" with label set to nothing and that didn't seem to work. Then I tried it with a space... still no dice. What am I doing wrong here?
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