I agree about the user part.
I'd like someone to show how a mac a can be rooted thru the network. All the hacks I've seen required console access or was at the app level. The Safari hack required the user to download an executable and grant admin passwd. What if I don't run Safari and what if I don't give my wife ANY admin privileges? In fact, I don't even give myself admin priv. I usually have to sudo or log-out.
About those mac hacks in 30 minutes.
Mac OS X hacked under 30 minutes - Security - News
Yeah, give me console access of any pc, I can hack them too. I have a USB boot stick that can boot any PC and run a passwd cracker and get Admin access of any Windoze box.
On mac, I can set up a firewall rule that is very, very hardened. I cannot do this with a PC w/out buying software.
I challenge you to do this on your pc:
1) Set up a rule that checks all network traffic. Any 3 attempts to port 22, the offending IP will be blacklisted, all ports would be immediately closed off. Then send BIG ASS whooping back to the offending IP? Can you do this on a PC? I can't but I sure can do it on a mac easy.
I tail my system log. I check 3 occurrences of failed access or ANY access not on my host.grant, it immediately adds that to my host.deny file. In addition, I run a ipfw deny rule on my built in firewall. You know, the one that runs in the background that comes pre-built in any BSD Unix style OSX.
My ipfw rules also triggers shell script that runs, CURL, again, a free built in shell tool on ANY unix OS. Curl launches a soap request to my farm of PCs. those PCs run Linux so they get the commands via php like this: /nuke.php?do=nuke&offending_ip=192.2121.211.xxx
With those instructions, I now have an army of pcs that constantly barrages my hacker.
I can do this for FREE and it is available to ME on OSX.
No 3rd party app, no shareware. Not bad for a 'easy to use' newbie OS.
About PCs and hacks. The rooting of computers aren't a big threat in a hardened network. Mac/PC because you can set up sophisticated routes/rules to kill them. The bitchy thing are those pesky vbscript attachments that goes thru your address book and sends spam messages.