I guess you are a kid in his 20s. I've learned to be patient w/ as I get older.
Yep 21. Patients is not a virtue sadly... I've had to have patience my whole life... I still have to have patience more so than I would like. However, I can still object when people's immediate reaction to what should be one of the most mundane task in life is to immediately seek the help of a "professional". I can forgive the people who walk up and ask "do you have this battery?" we only have what looks like 100 batteries per square foot.. I can even forgive people who ask "ok... so I just plug this up?" I don't even mind if someone has a million questions just trying to make sure soemthing works right.. but, please have a functional brain attached.. If someone is 30 years old.. I would have expected them to have hooked up at least one tv in the past. If they have questions about the new converter boxes, so be it.. Lets face not many people did or do know about them..
I've dealt with stupider scenarios than the coloring of a cable. I've worked with incredibly gifted PHDs, extremely analytical people and one of them is my friend. You'd expect he know how to connect to a wifi-hotspot. He doesn't nor does he care to.
I don't know the situation.. however, I will limit my comments to this. If he doesn't have a need to thats one thing. If he is constantly calling and asking you for help everytime he goes to starbucks.. I really would wonder where he got his phd from.. And I'm sorry.. when EVERYTHING Is color coded its pretty hard to mess that up, Especially seeing as there is only three cables each one having its own color and three plugs in on each device, all of which are yet again color coded.. :/ with wifi there is at least room for more error.
Each people have their priorities. To you, it may seem trivial but to them, they don't get bother with it. My electrician lost patient with me because I didn't want to cut wires in my wall and install a breaker in the fuse box. Sure, popping a fuse & patching the wall is easy but I have this fear of electrocution. Same thing w/ plumbing. I can install a water heater, cut pipes and read the manual but why should I?
A fear of electrocution is a fear of electrocution.
ANd why should you? well this is where I feel the need to point something out. There is a difference between something you can do vs something you would prefer not to do and you are willing to pay to have someone else do it for you.
Yes. I've dealt w. Laywers/Doctors who can't plug their tv in or set the clock on their vcr.
The objective of any college besides making money is to prepare students to deal with life in a logical manner. If The doctor/lawyer can't Plug one wire into the wall and one wire into the tv, I don't want them operating/defending me because their college obviously failed them, And they obviously are missing some very important reasoning skills.
If you mean they can't cut the wall, mount a flat panel tv into it, run the wires through the attic, and have it set up exactly the way they want it, That is more understandable.. it is not "plug in a, plug in b" However, if they can't do that basic most simple task.. Something is horribly wrong.
I use to act the same way when I was younger. I use to look down on people who didn't know how to drive stick-shift. To me, everyone should learn or not be afraid to learn. Some people prefer driving an automatic like the same way they like to sync their music w/ itunes.
I drive an automatic and I aim to learn to drive stick-shift before I die. I may prefer driving stick-shift and it may be preferable if I ever decide to get a sports car.
As far as itunes goes, what I mean is I logically expected a "drag and drop" method of putting music on it, that seemed the most logical since that was how flash drives works and everything else worked before then that I knew of. So I had to LEARN how to use itunes. I am not faulting apple for this or arguing apple is horrible with this statement.. My point is only this.. I had to learn how to use itunes like you have to learn how to use any other device. I had to put effort into doing it just like I had to put effort into learning to use any computer. Not much effort but, SOME had to be made.
Or should everyone drive heel-to-toe stick shift and manually mount their phone/sd card,copy the folders of music, and create.m3u playlist to get the same experience? If you used HTC 2 years ago on Windows mobile, you would know it was PITA. I mean, it was so archaic & clumsy, you had to copy a jpeg of the album into your music folder just to get album art. Then you had to make sub folders based on artists because the app looked for a folder.jpeg. I know you can sync with Windows but I don't use Windows.
I just recently got out of that hell when I traded in my VZ HTC Touch Pro for a HTC Incredible. Like the Incredible, the HTC Touch Pro was touted as an iPhone killer.
I am not proposing we should all have to use the same method by any means.. However, my point remains valid, You have to LEARN how to use apple products just like any other.
I prefer hitting sync in itunes. If it makes me a simpleton for liking that, then you don't understand the avg consumer.
Both get you from point A to B.
Get my point?
I understand the average consumer better than I would like :/ I am a salesman believe it or not...
Its not that I don't understand the average consumer.. However, I absolutely hate the "I refuse to learn" mentality.
I hate it even more so when people try to tout that apple is something you don't have to "learn" how to use.
I would prefer just copying my music directory over into whatever media device I have, that would be simple.
However, the problem is, in admitting you have to learn something on how to use apple, it no longer "just works". Apple's ease of use really isn't as fantastic as people would like you to believe.
I assure you, I've had people who were too lazy to google "itunes" call me and ask me everything.
"how do I get things on my ipod"
I answer "itunes you can google it to find out anything you need to know"
"ok where do I get itunes?"
I answer "apple.com"
"is it free?"
I answer "yes"
"does it give free music?"
I answer "no"
"well where can I get free music"
I answer "no where legally".
All of that could have been answered in two google queries. If they didn't know how to put music on there.. OK forgivable.
After I answer the question.. I don't think it is unfair for me to expect them to download it them self.
See the problem with laziness and WHY it is inherently bad.. is because not only do they waste MY time.. They end up wasting their OWN time. One google search would have found them everything they needed to know.
I'm sorry I just find it ironic that your defending laziness as a good thing.. I mean.. Defend peoples right to be lazy? sure! defend the right to be stupid? go ahead. I believe customers have a right to be stupid, that does not mean I should think well of them for it.