Android Enthusiast
You may want to wait until after the first of the year as Verizon is EOLing the Droid X and Droid 2 (well actually EOLing any of the current smartphones in their line up, minus the fascinate (as far as I know) come 3/31/2011 which means around January and February we will start seeing a whole new line up of phones available. I am assuming around this time we will start seeing LTE (4g) phones come into play and quite possibly dual or even (dare I say) triple core phones.
Also you will see price drops on the current android phones as Verizon makes room for new phones. Just my 2 cents.
Back to the question at hand, if we were to upgrade now (my wife is on a rooted Eris and I'm on a rooted D1) I'd have to go with The Droid X because I don't use my physical keyboard (I got the D1 for the power back in November) and the HDMI out which is a huge selling point for me. My wife on the other hand would go Incredible but only because it's the smallest of the high end android phones out.
Dual core phones is pushing it even, but I guess them being released to the public is a possibility.
I dunno if I would want a triple core phone at the moment (or even dual), I can imagine them being really big and annoying to carry around.