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Words you find irritating

Obsolete is another word. People use that word too much.

Btw, my Cavaricci pants are not obsolete!!! Take that fashion world! :mad::p
Roman numerals. Rome fell so we can stop using their number system.

I agree C%
The word "antioxidants" on food labels to imply that their product is "healthy".
"Whatever" is irritating.

I have a retirement-aged friend that uses "whatever" whenever he doesn't like whatever he's hearing.
I tell him it was voted the #1 hated word in America last year, because it was, and that little girls, not grown men, use that word.
His reply? Yep. You got it.
I mean, if someone has outwitted you, do you really think "whatever" will redeem you in any way?
The only people that can use it in the "better talk to the hand 'cause the face ain't listening" context ought not to be past about 5 years old or you might get slapped by somebody.
That word is offensive if used improperly.

Gag me.
There are a few that have been mentioned here, but what really gets me is the ghetto, uneducated way people text/post/facebook, etc. Things like:

yo=your or you're since they don't know the difference anyways
etc, you get the point

I actually had to install the urban dictionary app on my phone so I could translate one of my friend's facebook posts. He doesn't talk like that so I don't see what the point of typing like that is. It is funny when when he posts words that he has no idea what they mean and I post the definition for him (like when he called his wife and friends that they were out with "little ****ers who steal your **it" and didn't realize it)
Anything with a hash tag in front of it. SWAG, YOLO, etc etc.. Anyone who uses or does this should be shot immediately lol
Anything with a hash tag in front of it. SWAG, YOLO, etc etc.. Anyone who uses or does this should be shot immediately lol

I hate trying to read a post that is full of # and @. I wish Google+ had not enabled # support. Like when I have no idea who a tweet from SportCenter is talking about because they use @twittername instead of the athlete's name :mad:
"Forever ago" :mad: Nothing happens forever ago maybe an hour ago, a week ago, maybe even a couple years ago. But never forever ago *End Rant*

Maybe you guys have seen this or maybe not, Its not a word but an actions that irritates me.

When someone is talking and after they finish they repeat what they said to themselves under their breath. Like, they have to be reminded about what they just said.
It isn't a word and that's why I find it annoying. There seems to be a newfangled way of using punctuation and it makes me crazy.

An exclamation point or question mark are not words, there is NO reason to not have them next to the end of the word. I am seeing them, more and more, just out there by themselves ! <-- Like that, it's wrong, isn't it ? <-- See, it's not right!! <-- That is right, all cuddly and cozy next to the word.
Anyways..... That word is never plural. I also hate to see people type alot when the correct way is a lot. It makes me wonder if these people even went to high school. On the subject of texting, I hate things like, will I c u 2morrow or l8r? It makes me want to punch them in the throat.
People who say swag.

And "get a life". If wasn't so well tempered I would probably be in jail for assault right now from people that always tell me, and others that. So, you are telling me, that I have no life, because I spend more time on the computer, than I do watching MTV and getting wasted and hitting on girls and failing miserably.

If that's what having a life is, then no thanks, I'm not interested.
I hate all words used in (c)rap music.

I'm now about to risk being sent to Gitmo bay because I'm about to divulge a UK state secret.
William Hague, British foreign secretary, hates the phrase, "That's the way the cookie crumbles".
I could tell you how I know but I'd have to kill you.
We're just a hateful bunch aren't we?

But, I hate the word "Hella"...."that's hella cool!".... I went out with a girl that used that word, and every time she'd use it I felt like screaming, "WILL YOU ACT YOUR AGE?" but I'd have to remind myself that she was 15 years younger than me.....

It ain't easy being a .....
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