OK, slowly learning more about how Android (2.1) works on the Zenithink, purchased mine on eBay (Australia) with Keyboard case & 16GC SD Card. Seller installed latest f/w, 1020, which gives access to Android Market
I found the touch screen very responsive, but the Android OS a little confusing, how do you get Data onto it, how does the File Management System work
Have downloaded/installed from Android Market: Astro File Manager; Estrongs File Explorer; Documents to Go; Cache Cleaner (nice straight forward process)
Tried to overcome the limits of only 1 USB port with a couple USB Hubs I had at home, but they caused the system to crash! Undaunted bought a simple travel 4 port Hub by Targus and it worked, now have the USB Keyboard & wireless mouse both working
Had trouble with getting Gmail to re-establish, found the date had lost it's setting and when I fixed that, Gmail re-connected without problem
Then I customized some of the Screens with apps, bookmarks & shortcuts I wanted, wow this is looking more promising
I am still a little lost in running the file manager programs or how to see my PC on the wireless LAN
Problem: the Tablet does not show/recognize the USB stick when inserted, so how can I easily get my Data & Media into the Tablet
Where would you place personal Data, Photos & Media & How, can you copy & paste. It doesn't seem to be able to have 2 folders open side by side & drag files across (like Linux Mint or MS)
A link to a User Guide would be helpful and any help appreciated