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Not sure if all Guides has had an opportunity to read or post , but hopefully the rest will hear how much they are part of AF sucess and experience.

Maybe we can adjust February Month to :
(making the first 10 days of feb a time to reflect and appreciate everyone?)
Guide Appreciation 1 - 3
Mod Appreciation 4 - 6
Premium Members Acknowledgement day 7-8
Site Admin 9-10
Rom Developer 11-12
Phandroid Writers 13-14
and the rest of the month just appreciating everyone? 15-28(9)
(dont know if any other AF Select groups are missing?)
Not sure if all Guides has had an opportunity to read or post , but hopefully the rest will hear how much they are part of AF sucess and experience.

Maybe we can adjust February Month to :
(making the first 10 days of feb a time to reflect and appreciate everyone?)
Guide Appreciation 1 - 3
Mod Appreciation 4 - 6
Premium Members Acknowledgement day 7-8
and the rest of the month just appreciating everyone? 9-10
(dont know if any other AF Select groups are missing?)

ROM Developers
Site Admin
Just yesterday a Site Developer showed up in the Suggestion Box and Feedback area.

There is also a group called, "Phandroid Writers."
Hmmm. maybe the month of feb can be utilized annually to acknowledge each group that makes up AF .. then culminating lastly with user appreciation were all us BLOOS can post a thanks and a about those weve befriended along the way.

IS there a list of all grouped categories? similar to the Mods and Guide list?
I think there is also site developers as well ;) check the malware thread in the suggestion box for proof
IS there a list of all grouped categories? similar to the Mods and Guide list?

Premium Members and writers are in that list that is linked as well. You could try PMing someone smart (not Frisco, try Phases :p I kid, I kid!) and ask for the site admin folks and whoever else is missing.

You should add a day for everyone to stop by and play forum games!
It would still be fun and interesting to see how the other groups special day flies in here.

There are flies in here? <---- Predicting your response. :p

Ok, cool! Lets do it .. You are right! It would be a neat way to get to see some of the working contributing mechanisms of AF come to surface and meet them too.

I just met a new GUIDE that Ive never seen on the forums before , just this morning! Hes going to intro himself today.. Im curious to see how many already know this guy..really nice gent...someone who could "show yeahha what being a guide is all about"...

(just kidding ponyboy!)
Premium Members and writers are in that list that is linked as well. You could try PMing someone smart (not Frisco, try Phases :p I kid, I kid!) and ask for the site admin folks and whoever else is missing.

You should add a day for everyone to stop by and play forum games!

You said it,Sharon!... I mean, Agent99!... A celebration isnt complete unless everyone stop by Android Forum's Capital City (Forum Games) and pick up a few souveniers!

I won a greaseburger today by the way...i remembered the mickey d phrase that pays!
(now finding a grease joint to redeam this certificate.....)
I think Rico has a great idea.. a month of appreciation for all of the integral parts that make these forums the cohesive mass we love and enjoy. I think a larger portion should be allocated to the general user. The users here, after all, are the most important group of all. Without them these forums would be a joke. They are constantly lending their knowledge to these forums and keep the pace fun and often entertaining. Our greatest asset.. our user base!!!!
I've been a Guide for a little less than a month.
I have a strong desire to help.
I have to help.
I would feel bad if I passed up someone in need of advice in this great forum.
I was given to freely. I will give freely, because that's what I really like to do.
When you give somebody a good piece of advice, or help show them the way to it, or try to stay up to the wee hours of the morning to help them fix there phones; and all you get is "thank's" or "Alright it works, it works", well that's pretty darn cool.

This Appreciation week is way cooler. Now everybody gets to see just who the Guides are and will feel more at ease about asking us for help. We (all the guides and Moderators) really just want to help!

Thank's Rico ANDROID
You can make leap days Phases appreciation day. That way his head doesn't get too big since it will only happen every 4 years!

J/K Phases you rock man.

Now back to telling us guides how awesome we are, lol. :p

Yes then a week it shall be as initially planned.. Theres quite a number of Guides not yet had a chance to see their appreciations...

next week for mods as planned and so on.......and phases bash on leap years... XD
Man, let this one go the whole week...I changed my avatar and everything. ;)

Me too Melim! It took a LOT for me to don green oshkosh's in my pic. I mean the NERVE of Yeahha suggesting cutting it back to two days each...he just wanted all that cake for himself!
Hmmph thats why he plastered his face into it. XD
$1,000 goes to the next Guide that has not yet
posted here and knows the "Phases That Pays"
must be within the next 7 seconds to post!​

You Also Get A Juicy

Dagwood Quadroople Decker​

Time starts NOW!......1,.........2,..........3,.....
(oh..and , uh.. .NO cheating Yeahha! cant go delete your post and repost after this one! )​
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