Nah, I'm just proud of our boy for actually (well... we hope) going through with his plan. I had many such plans in high school. None of them ever materialized.
I think the very first time I called a girl that I was planning on asking out, the conversation went a little something like this...
Girl : "hello"?
Me : "........................"
Girl : "HELLO"???
Me : "Oh yes I ahhh............. who's this"?
Girl : "Monique".
Me : "Oh hey Monique, what's up"?
Girl : "Ummm, not much. Who's this"?
Me : "Oh sorry, this is Micah".
Girl : "Who"?
Me : "Uhhh... you know, M i c a h... I live around the corner from you"...
Girl : "Oh. What do you want"?
Me : "Want? Oh......... yeah I was ah....... I was just calling to see if your dad needed anyone to mow his lawn"?
Girl : "Nope, my brother does it".
Me : "Oh ok. Well, I guess that's all I needed then"...
Girl : "Ok".
Yeah, I was smoooooooooooth back in the day! Haha. But like I said, a few years later I became aware of how to talk to girls. The biggest change for me was that I lost my shyness. Of course drinking on a daily basis might have had something to do with that, but reguardless... girls like self confidence. Being all shy and bashfull works in the movies, not in real life. You have to go after the fish if you want to catch one, they don't just jump into your net all by themselves (well, ok so yeah like I said my first HS girlfriend did pursue me and kept after me until I agreed to go out with her. But she was no ordinary fish... she was a piranha!!!!).
There is one rule of thumb to remember however... just because you find the self confidence to start asking girls out, doesn't necessarily mean each and every one you ask out is going to say yes. You'll get plenty of no's...... so expect that. But don't let it deter you. Absolutely nobody gets a 'yes' everytime they ask a girl they like to go out, it just doesn't work that way. You just have to be ready to hear the word 'no' and not let it crush you or make you think you're somehow unworthy.
Just because you don't fit the profile of one girl you think is cute, doesn't mean there aren't 20 other ones out there that are dying for you to ask them out. And that's the way you have to go about it. If a girl says no to you, don't get your feathers ruffled and act like a dick towards her. And don't run away and never speak to her again either. Just let it roll off your back like nothing happened and say something friendly like, "Ok then, no biggie. I guess I'll never be able to tell my friends I dated the cutest girl in school... but at least I can say I tried right"? Then anytime you see her after that, don't hesitate to flash her a little smile. That shows her that you aren't intimidated by her or her rejection of you. That alone can change their mind over time.
How do I know? Because thats how I finally got Fontella (lol, I know, I know.... most of you are probably thinking she was a black chick right? Haha, truth is she was a blonde haired, blue eyed girl with a body that could stop a train. I'll never know where her parents came up with the name 'Fontella' from???) to go out with me back in my Air Force days. It took her about 3 months to come around. But in the end, she just couldn't resist my charm. And I only asked her out the first time. She's the one who came on to me in the end (I actually tried to play hard to get just to get back at her. But it only worked for about 15 minutes. She knew I still had the hots for her, but it was fun trying to act like I was over my crush at first).
Yeah, I missed out on all that fun in high school. But those wild days and nights in the Air Force sure did make up for it. What in Gods name happens to girls during that summer between their senior year in high school and their freshman year of college anyhow? Those girls I partied with on base absolutely in no way resembled any girl I went to high school with.
It's like they get hit with a ten ton bag of hormones or something!