Since you know about rooting and custom roms, I assume you know about custom recovery too, like clockworkmod? To root and install cwm recovery, you need only to flash a little zip file. We also have a touch recovery, but I don't suggest it because if your screen breaks and you want to make a nandroid to back up everything from your phone so you can restore your data to a new device, then you're pretty screwed. So cwm is my choice
After that, you can download the rom zip in the first and second posts of my thread. If you want HaloBean 8, you will find it in the first post. In the second post, I also have two release candidates; one for HaloBean 9 (Release Candidate 11) and one for SkinnyHALO ROM (RC2). I suggest you try out HB9 since it has more improvements, its slimmer, faster, and more stable than HB8. Its more that stable enough for regular use

I don't reccoment SkinnyHALO since the install script is broken in it.
This method will only work for the Boost Mobile ZTE Warp however, as other carriers will not have data if you flash a rom from a different carrier.
EDIT: Just saw aimzzz's post, that is another root method. But if the user wants this rom specifically, its easier to just download the recovery and the rom instead of two roms
Custom recovery is here:
The detailed instructions will show you how to install the custom recovery of your choice
HaloBean 9 RC11 is here:
Now this is really important:
You must download these two via a wifi connection only, not through mobile data. If you do download via mobile data, the rom zip will break and it may even fail to install. If it does install, you'll run into many issues after flashing.
Sorry for the excessively long post, just wanted to be really thorough to grant you some security since you messed up your other phone