Android Expert
After first flashing VII there was unseen before snappiness and responsiveness which of course made me very happy. However, I'm noticing lag after certain amounts of time and now I'm not getting texts on a daily basis. I flashed my girlfriends phone with VII and now she's missing texts as well. After reboot new texts begin to receive again but the old ones that were missed remain missed. I need to reflash noob VI I think on both phones. I won't know I missed them until getting phone calls that I never respond to texts so I restart my phone and then get new ones but not the ones I missed. This zram just might be the culprit and is too unreliable I think... I've never had this problem before. Very confused and uncertain of what to do. Not panicing though! Haha Very annoyed would be more accurate. My girlfriend was sending me mms photos while out shopping for our son this morning but I never knew. Because I didn't respond she thought that she shouldn't buy the items and now she has to drive all the way back to get the stuff because I do, in fact, want her to get the stuff. Grrrr
Update : I disabled all three zram, sd readahead, and voltage scripts. Zram to see if it's my lag culprit, sdreadahaed because the kernel already has it built in (what I'm using anyway), and voltage control because I set my own anyway. I'll let ya know how it goes but so far so good. Getting texts!
I was going to suggest it may be boost/network related as far as the mms issues, we saw that two weeks ago across the country and different phones/roms on boost.
for the lag, I would recommend a reflash of VII, if that doesn't change it, then you could go back to swap like noob VI by flashing this zip.
It sounds like you are using a different kernel than what I put out, if so all bets are off LOL
FYI if you flash alien kernel on this ROM you are asking for issues since I have conflicting scripts running and that kernel is bundled with it's own scripts/build.prop tweaks etc. Not knocking it but it's more than just a kernel you are getting in those zips.
EDIT: Reflashing VII Update will clear the scripts and build.prop that alien kernel installed so that's a good starting point FYI.