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Root CyanogenMod 7 Unofficial Beta 5 02/20/12

Mr. Hroark I believe there's nowhere to go but up sir. It's worth moving along in step with the technology we use; why downgrade to an inferior baseband when all it will take is time and patience to create and test new efforts. People should keep in mind this is a beta; if anyone is in dire need of a flawless phone then there are roms available which are further along or there is always stock gb.

If we were to roll back to what was comfortable every time things weren't as far along as we wanted nothing would ever get done.

Just a thought sir and please keep up the good work.
Quick question and I am sure it has been answered but with 33 pages I think I may have overlooked it. Is there a way to use ext4 with this? thanks
ok then how do i move it over i tried darktremor and it froze my phone. tried s2e but didn't seem to free up phone space. was running ct2.3 and had a whole bunch of stuff installed and still had 149 meg inside my phone with darktremor. thanks

this is a beta ROM and this thread is focused on fixing issues with the ROM itself

there is way to many posts in this thread about a2sd and apss2sd stuff, that is why this thread has grown to 30 pages long and no one would want to read it

there are other threads in the all things root forum that deal with a2sd on CM7, so I will refer you to them
ok then how do i move it over i tried darktremor and it froze my phone. tried s2e but didn't seem to free up phone space. was running ct2.3 and had a whole bunch of stuff installed and still had 149 meg inside my phone with darktremor. thanks

i tried both darktremors doesn't work after u boot up, and s2e give the phone numerous problems
hroark quick question, did you include your version of cwm that cant install zip. i cant seem to install the hf. im going to try to odin your newer fixed version of cwm
well im a bit new to this and i really dont want to brick my phone.. a few weeks ago i did my update to 2.3.5 and then used odin to root my phone installing cwm Ejo6. i understand how to get into cwm recovery and after that selecting the zip and instaling the custom rom , but after doing that it says to install hotfixes if i flash my rooted prevail to cm-7.1.0-HROARK-beta4b-odexed.zip
what hotfixes do i need to install and how to i install them?
well im a bit new to this and i really dont want to brick my phone.. a few weeks ago i did my update to 2.3.5 and then used odin to root my phone installing cwm Ejo6. i understand how to get into cwm recovery and after that selecting the zip and instaling the custom rom , but after doing that it says to install hotfixes if i flash my rooted prevail to cm-7.1.0-HROARK-beta4b-odexed.zip
what hotfixes do i need to install and how to i install them?

Hotfix 2. Just install with cwm zip and fix permissions immediately afterward.
getting really anxious to try out cm7 on the post on the first page the current version is cm7 beta 4b if i install that from sd card my phone now has a custom rom i dont know what hotfix to download the only hotfix i see on horaks posts is Beta 4b Hot Fix 1, old omx libraries to fix issue with Netflix 1.2.2, block ad host file, fixed prop version
when i selected the cm7 in cwm recovery it popped up confirm install??
yes install cm-7.1.0

?? why is there so many no
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