Instead of telling us what we need, why don't you lend a hand to make it go quicker.
You know that these people do this for free. They have lives that are filled with kids, a wife, a job and hobbies.
With that being said no one has to do shit for us. If you want to aid the process and not be just another beggar, why don't you donate to PG and help him out. We try to be proactive here, which includes not throwing demands or rushing someone. Especially when it's FREE. Don't be rude. This ain't burger king and you can't have it your way.
Also we have the best, most stable ROM available for the esteem so there's no excuse for your phone to be garbage. To say we have nothing for the esteem is laughable. It really is.
Take heed with your posts. Your headed down the wrong road my friend.