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.::Droid X Lounge::.

Poker is great, I've won a few tourneys in my time, never enough to entertain the thought of going pro, but I've had the touch on occasion ;) I've been favoring Omaha lately though, been slowly straying away from hold 'em

I have always preferred Omaha Hi/Lo, just Hold 'em is usually the only game I can find outside of California (Ocean's 11 casino in Oceanside, CA) or Vegas. There are occasional Omaha games around here but they are few and far between. Stud games are nice too, but they are even more rare:(
Good Lord! You call that a meaningful post toward 1000? :rolleyes::p

As meanigful as I get ;) it was geared toward keeping the conv going in your thread ;)

I have always preferred Omaha Hi/Lo, just Hold 'em is usually the only game I can find outside of California (Ocean's 11 casino in Oceanside, CA) or Vegas. There are occasional Omaha games around here but they are few and far between. Stud games are nice too, but they are even more rare:(

I've never been partial to stud, and yeah Hold 'em is prevalent at most casino's
Hello people! First post in the Lounge. I don't know what this is for but I might as well say Hi. :)
VZW never used to be competitive with their smartphones. I'm glad to see that changing big time. :)
VZW never used to be competitive with their smartphones. I'm glad to see that changing big time. :)

Back before 2007 and the iPhone there really wasn't any need for competition in the phones, people just picked a phone based on the network they wanted. Now with smart phones people are choosing their network based on their phone. With the shift to so many smart phones being sold now every carrier has to be competitive with their phones. I am on Verizon right now because they currently have the best phones.
Agreed, but VZW has the best network. I still pick the network first and the phone second. What's the good of say.... an Evo, if you can get a call through? ;)
I love my new X. (sold my Inc for $400 on eBay! I paid $199)I had the Moto 1, the Incredible, and now the X. I wasn't gonna upgrade just for a bigger screen, but love HD, love the GPU, etc, but holding the Inc up next to the X sold me. The screen is amazing. I had a problem with my first one. The ear speaker was fuzzy; they mailed me a new one. I found the taskiller isn't compatible, I had to get the normal task killer and now all the bugs are gone (calling people on its own, rebooting several times a day, etc). Every test and benchmark I've done, rates the X highest, hands down, except for the N1 running 2.2. Once this gets it, it will SMOKE! I was all hip on the Snapdragon, but OMAP performs better according to the tests I've run, and most of the YouTube vids I've seen. I'm a bit wordy here, sorry, had to get all that out. I heard somewhere on this site someone said the EVO rates higher. Not even close! I watched a comparison and the X blew it away. Great site.
Did u guys hear about VZW leaked roadmap for fall some serious goodies, but not much high powered android love, VZW is pumping out smartphones like a factory, phew, cant keep up

Verizon upcoming phones ? 10MP Android, Storm 3, two tablets and more by the end of the year (Phone Arena News)

I don't exactly think that is too trustworthy right now. I'm sure that there are more smartphones than that coming out later this year on Verizon. A lot of them aren't even known or announced until like 1 - 2 months before it goes live.

Did the Storm 2 really do that well for there to be a Storm 3? It better move to that capacitive screen on the new BB Torch.
Sooo, totally new to the forum and will hopefully have my Droid X by the end of next week. Went into the store to mess around with it. & from there i absolutly loved it. So i thought i would get some info about this phone...my first smart phone as well.
Sooo, totally new to the forum and will hopefully have my Droid X by the end of next week. Went into the store to mess around with it. & from there i absolutly loved it. So i thought i would get some info about this phone...my first smart phone as well.

Welcome to Android and to the smartphone world in general! You will have a lot of things to discover and to learn about. It'll definitely keep you busy for a while.
Hey guys im am very new to this whole android thing i have an X and i love it. The only problem is i have been on this website for a little bit now and i still dont get the whole "smart talk". Im not the smartest phone guy and i cant figure out what you guys talk about when you talk about abd, launcher pro and why its better than the stock setting, i really want new themes and have the black bar on top of my screen. I have tried reading on how to do all of that but it is all just so confusing. It seems like you guys have been doing this forever and im to far behind to catch up. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If i knew how to help anyone i could but i dont thats why im on my knees (dont think like that) for help. Thanks
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