Extreme Android User
Hey guys im am very new to this whole android thing i have an X and i love it. The only problem is i have been on this website for a little bit now and i still dont get the whole "smart talk". Im not the smartest phone guy and i cant figure out what you guys talk about when you talk about abd, launcher pro and why its better than the stock setting, i really want new themes and have the black bar on top of my screen. I have tried reading on how to do all of that but it is all just so confusing. It seems like you guys have been doing this forever and im to far behind to catch up. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If i knew how to help anyone i could but i dont thats why im on my knees (dont think like that) for help. Thanks
Home replacements like ADB and LauncherPro (my choice) are on the market, just search. They replace your homescreen and offer more customization. They also offer a dock at the bottom which is visible no matter what screen you are on. You can also adjust how many screens you have, I have 4 now, 3 when it is not football season. Having LauncherPro I only have those screens instead of a bunch of blank ones.
Everything on Android is customizable. You will love it. Check out WidgetLocker for your lockscreen to put widgets on your lockscreen and customize your slider.
Handcent offers great customization for text messaging.
You can customize keyboards, I just got Better Keyboard today and love the skins and better auto correction for it.
Then move to advanced stuff like tasker to automate your phone. My phone for example automatically maxes my audio volume and starts Slacker when I get in my car, turns on my Wifi at home and off when I leave, turns on White Noise and digital clock at night, and other automatic stuff, etc.
For other stuff just read up and feel free to ask questions. If you haven't already check out:
Welcome to the forums!!
Oh, I forgot, for the black status bar you need to root first. Being new to smart phones I would recommend learning the other stuff and getting comfortable first unless you are really computer savvy. I like the black status bar, but I am going to wait until Froyo, then root that before I put the work in to get that.