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God or No God?

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By consensus after review of user requests, mod staff has agreed to re-open this thread.

Let's please remember that this thread isn't for a debate on theology - it's to share views and beliefs.

And Kelmar would have posted this, but is tied up - either way, for your dining and dancing pleasure, here's the thread back - please work with us to keep it open, lively and fun for all! :)
""Poets muddy their own waters to make them appear deep."

-- Voltaire"

Muddying water makes the water appear shallow and would make one wonder how deep the water is.

-- Andruoid [circa now]
Ok some of you guys went way of base. I'm not talking about the idea of god, theories, etc. I'm merely asking do you all believe in a god? A god that created us, and helps guide us through our lives. A god that will give eternal happiness or eternal hell. Do you believe in the judeo Christian God, you know like Jesus walking on water, that whole type of thing?
I am sort of lost. I've had too many experiences that have made me lose hope but at times I feel like believing. Sometimes its like there is..... all very confusing :\
I consider this type of post to be trolling.
What's next, asking everyone their political party? Their stance on abortion?
Asking if their mother wears army boots?

Assuming you live in a free country, you've heard it all before. And you've made your choice. Enjoy.
I consider this type of post to be trolling.
What's next, asking everyone their political party? Their stance on abortion?
Asking if their mother wears army boots?

Assuming you live in a free country, you've heard it all before. And you've made your choice. Enjoy.

It's an open discussion on a topic that millions of people are awe struck by. I'm not forcing anyone to give their opinion just simply asking, as a debate. A healthy one.
That is why science uses the word "theory" over "law."
actually science uses the word "law" plenty enough, like "newton's laws"

It matters not one iota whether or not I believe in "a" god, "the" God or any jealous, angry or merciful supernatural being. What matters is whether or not God believes in me.
some religions claim the two are connected

anyway, the problem i have with the notion of a god is that it doesn't explain anything

to put the famous "turtles all the way down" quote in my own words:

i've heard people say they believe in a god because they figure something as complex and wonderful as our world couldn't have come to be without an intelligent designer

but that's not explaining the complexity of existence, just adding another abstraction layer to the question

how could something as complex and wonderful as this intelligent designer have come to be without another intelligent designer?
ad infinitum
We'll probably have to pop this reminder in here a time or three ;):

From EarlyMon's re-opening of the thread post (#29), "Let's please remember that this thread isn't for a debate on theology - it's to share views and beliefs."

If you find a post edited or removed, it is likely because it is not in keeping with that. ;)
Ok some of you guys went way of base. I'm not talking about the idea of god, theories, etc. I'm merely asking do you all believe in a god? A god that created us, and helps guide us through our lives. A god that will give eternal happiness or eternal hell. Do you believe in the judeo Christian God, you know like Jesus walking on water, that whole type of thing?

So, are you agnostic about that particular belief in God only or are you agnostic about all views in God(s)?
Being a follower of Christ is about our faith. 2nd Corinthians 5:7 says "for we walk by faith, not by sight." It's easy for us to not believe in something that we cannot see. I have been on both sides of the road with my beliefs however, after personal experience and lots of prayer, God has shown himself to me in many ways. He has shown his grace to me in good times and in bad. With that said, I cannot bring myself to believe in the theory of Evolution or the Big Bang Theory. Everything on this earth had to have a creator. To say that we evolved from monkeys is ridiculous. Who is responsible for the creation of the monkeys? Even if we evolved from monkeys, ultimately, we were created by something far greater than we are. As far as the Big Bang Theory goes in my mind, it would be like taking my wool sport coat off and holding it up to tell people that this coat is the end product of a semi hitting a flock of sheep! Everything on this earth had to have a creator in order for it to be in existence.
So, are you agnostic about that particular belief in God only or are you agnostic about all views in God(s)?

Agnostic in my belief . Simply put for me ; you can't prove god doesn't exist and Can't prove he does. I just think science is on a verge of discovering how the universe was created without shall I say needing a "creator" theoretically speaking a god who created the universe.
actually science uses the word "law" plenty enough, like "newton's laws"

Very true. But it's more a case of habit; it was declared a law back then when it shouldn't. And change is hard. Same reason the US isn't using metric.

Regardless, we all know now that Newton's "laws" of motion had to be refined when Einstein discovered general relativity. So despite calling it a law, it's understood to be scientific theory. Now, the laws of thermodynamics more solid, but they are also understood to be scientific theory: to be refined if new understanding is discovered.
Personally im agnostic, although alot of my beliefs are combinations of Pagan, Buddhist and Christian. my girlfriend was raised a fundamental christian, and my family is mainly catholic or jewish.
I'm an atheist. I'll be glad to say I have been wrong all along if there is ever proof that god(s) exist(s), but I somehow doubt that will ever happen. I'm talking about real proof, not just some fancy words. ;)

You can't prove Santa Claus doesn't exist either. That's just how I see it, the burden of proof isn't on me, since I'm not the one stating that something exists. I will say that gods were a good hypothesis to explain things such as day/night, the sun, etc, back when we didn't have as much scientific knowledge.

Just my views on the matter. :)
Agnostic in my belief . Simply put for me ; you can't prove god doesn't exist and Can't prove he does.


As a scientist I can't.

Perhaps my analogy was unclear. I'll be the scientist expert in proofs (a mechanic) and you be the guy looking to make a point about proving God's existence (the guy seeking proof that pizza exists).

As your mechanic, I cannot tell you when your pizza will be ready, how it will taste, or indeed, if you're even getting a pizza.

I don't do pizza, I work on cars.

Perhaps asking me about whether pizza exists or if I can prove it makes sense to you because you've heard that pizza is delivered in cars, I do not know nor care.

I have no idea what pizza is, much less whether this so-called pizza of yours exists, or where you'd find it if it does. I hear some of my co-workers like pizza, whatever it may be.

I don't do pizza, I work on cars. This is an automobile shop. I can provide zero help on pizzas and I don't know why you're asking me about pizzas.

Do I ask you to explain quantum carburetors?

And that is a scientist's answer to your claim that I can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God.

PS - Yes. I am a scientist, by training and by trade. Sorry if this sounds rude to some, but it's really not. Ask a scientist a non-science question, and if the answer is honest, it will be simple, objective and neutral and to most people, I know that sounds cold. Sorry about the cold, it's nothing personal. It's how we are.

As a scientist I can't.

Perhaps my analogy was unclear. I'll be the scientist expert in proofs (a mechanic) and you be the guy looking to make a point about proving God's existence (the guy seeking proof that pizza exists).

As your mechanic, I cannot tell you when your pizza will be ready, how it will taste, or indeed, if you're even getting a pizza.

I don't do pizza, I work on cars.

Perhaps asking me about whether pizza exists or if I can prove it makes sense to you because you've heard that pizza is delivered in cars, I do not know nor care.

I have no idea what pizza is, much less whether this so-called pizza of yours exists, or where you'd find it if it does. I hear some of my co-workers like pizza, whatever it may be.

I don't do pizza, I work on cars. This is an automobile shop. I can provide zero help on pizzas and I don't know why you're asking me about pizzas.

Do I ask you to explain quantum carburetors?

And that is a scientist's answer to your claim that I can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God.

PS - Yes. I am a scientist, by training and by trade. Sorry if this sounds rude to some, but it's really not. Ask a scientist a non-science question, and if the answer is honest, it will be simple, objective and neutral and to most people, I know that sounds cold. Sorry about the cold, it's nothing personal. It's how we are.

Cool that you are a scientist and all, but who else to ask? Science has proven many myths wrong from medical, to natural. Science is what can prove that god exist "if anyone can at all" Science proved that we are not the center of the universe and that the sun is. Certain inquisitions should be investigated by who? The priest and ministers who will simply say have faith? No by rational people using rational logic to study irrational things. Simply put religion is irrational. Humans can't grasp the idea of a deity such as "god", so they go to the church, but who do you turn to find the truth? Surely not those who have a firm belief in this being but the ones who use the scientific method to prove or disprove these ideas.


I don't think no one here can argue that the scientific method isn't accurate. It can be used in real world situations and even mathematics.
Well, God is about faith, not facts beyond the fact that no society on Earth has been without at least one God/Spirit, etc.

Proving to a child there is no Santa Clause is easy if it's done to a child of a non-Christian belief system. Proving to that same person as an adult that there is no God likely would be much more difficult unless s/he grew up to be an atheist.

They tried that in the old U.S.S.R. and in Cuba. All it did was send the church congregations "underground."
As a metaphor, if you make a piece of art, then you are its creator. Science proves that there was a beginning of life, at the microscopic level. So whatever prompted that life to begin was its Creator. Some call it God, some call it a Force, some call it Mother Nature... whatever it was, it is an energy that still exists in the universe today.
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