12 words. I count 12 words.
Does everyone concur?
Yes, and bonus concurrence for recounting the variations on how that's been said.
I don't have an issue with the whole Prime concept, but rather, the way it's being handled. If there's a G3 and a G3+ then offer them both at the same time at different price points. User choice, that's a fine thing.
But don't release and advertise the G3, get everyone onboard and then shroud the prime in mystery, leaving everyone to guess if it's even an option for them or not. Then end up releasing it a few months later. :thumbdown:
I'm not following your logic.

I think you're saying don't shroud the prime in mystery after releasing the G3.
If I read that right, I have two problems.
First, it's July and the supposedly released G3 is still shrouded in mystery for the USA - why should the prime be any different?
Second - if last month's direct report on the prime from Korea was true - and based on it being the only article in existence that doesn't invent conspiracies, say OMGZ PWNIES, and did claim LG execs speaking on the record, I think it is - then all of your demands have been met. It's priced higher, spec'd clearly, and announced for release.
In fact, the Prime there seems as real or more than the G3 here.
I find out that Quallcomm can supply me with enough 805 processors to allow worldwide distribution in quantity on Oct 1. I offer an upgrade to all purchasers of the original G3 for $50. Applesque goodwill abounds. My company's reputation is greatly enhanced. I sell lots and lots of G3 Primes. I hire an additional advertising person.
As you turn the corner, the wall turns, exposing a mirror pointing at a sign behind you.
You turn to read it and it says, "The 805 has been available for production already, October is for Halloween!"
Next to the sign is a button and you push it. An eerie recording cries out, "LG can't stay in business selling new wonderphones for $50 and your newly minted scrap!"
The lights darken.
You shiver as a cool, damp breeze washes over you.
You feel a hot, moist gush of air at the base of your neck.
You have been eaten by a grue.
(P)lay again, (Q)uit?