Extreme Android User
credit was given to me for the commit, But I explained that the fix was from BobZhome and that you found his Optimus M Mms.apk.You better tell them they didnt find no fix and it was this community that found it! and maybe on the side tell them pg and n4zty said they iz welcome!
I had to narrow it down to the 2 needed lines that allowed mms to work to get it approved. Told ya, there is a process to follow to get shyt merged into CM. They dont do it halfassed and you have to do more than just toss a prebuilt apk and say we found the fix. Has to be tore apart and find exactly what fixed it and just added that code to the mix.

And noobnl was very helpful and appreciative in getting it how it needed to be, submitting it, and merging it.
gerrit seems to hate me, but I will whip that mofo eventually too. lol