No go... but I narrowed it down and can reproduce every time. If I install the ROM ferom the initial post and gapps - works fine. I reboot, set up the ROM - works fine. I set the camera app to save to SD card - works fine. But if I reboot, install the Supercharged kernel (any of them) and then reboot and try to run camera with save to SD card, it creates a DCIM)&#^$ folder which causes problems. Same with LOST.DIR.
I have tried 3 supercharged kernels, wiping dalvik and cache before, after, befoer and after, and not at all, and it happens each time.
This is WITHOUT even getting to the SD card swap scripts, or installing any new apps. Only what is in gapps and ROM and kernel downloads.
I would just stick with the initial ROM but I really need bluetooth.
Edit to add - I went out this evening and picked up a 16G class 10 SanDisk and it is doing the exact same thing.