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Root [MetroPCS] [ROM] [BETA] [4.4.4] CyanogenMOD 11.0 Unofficial

OK. Bug report after about a day of use:

The vibration issue seems to be 95% fixed. I have had the issue when holding the power button to get to the reboot menu. The phone will vibrate like crazy until the reboot is complete. Spontaneous error and I can't reliably reproduce.

I've had two or three "hot reboots" while charging on USB at work. There is no signal in my building (cellular or data) so it could be ril related, or it could be something else. Dunno for sure.

Battery life seems worse than stock - but this is purely anecdotal and I don't have enough usage to really be sure.

Radio settings only shows 3G and 2G. No LTE option, but the ROM defaults to LTE so as long as it isn't changed I would assume no harm no foul.

Otherwise seems pretty stable. I haven't tested any calling yet, so I can't speak to the issues others are reporting. The stock Google camera from the PA Gapps package works as expected for front and rear.
Ok I'm definitely new to a lot of this but anyhow.. When I installed this the first time I had a lot of the issues everyone else is having.. That's why I asked the dumb question yesterday about if its supposed to b with the kitkat.. Forgive me. But anyway I did the kitkat again.. Had some errors about writing to cache in recovery.. Wiped cache installed cm and its working great.. Calls are fine for my phone as far as quality.. Cam works both directions. I did have the vibration issue the first time but it hasn't done it yet. Tether is working as is for me and can tether my tab so noadhoc which is awesome.. Even caller I'd! Keep up the awesome work and thanks. The only issue I noticed is when I am running the tether phone crashed twice when I cut the screen off. I went to turn it on and the power key lit up the back/menu buttons but no response from home key. It stayed like that for a min or so and reset itself. No harm after reset though.. If I can help at all with testing I will but on the coding I am out :/ oh n same thing with the signal on mine, used to be a lot faster on stock but its still useable
I was trying to make a call, and as usual my phone reboots but this time it went into a screen similar to the stock recovery, and it said something like " kernel failed, fatal execution ".I pulled my batt out and restarted my phone praying that this temperamental lg won't get stuck in a boot loop while on my way to work, spending the rest of the day without a phone until I get home and unbrick. Fortunately it didn't. Well anyways I thought this is something you devs should know.
ok just tried to use speaker phone.. doesnt work and caused hw reset.. retested to confirm and its definately the speakerphone causing it
Ok I'm definitely new to a lot of this but anyhow.. When I installed this the first time I had a lot of the issues everyone else is having.. That's why I asked the dumb question yesterday about if its supposed to b with the kitkat.. Forgive me. But anyway I did the kitkat again.. Had some errors about writing to cache in recovery.. Wiped cache installed cm and its working great.. Calls are fine for my phone as far as quality.. Cam works both directions. I did have the vibration issue the first time but it hasn't done it yet. Tether is working as is for me and can tether my tab so noadhoc which is awesome.. Even caller I'd! Keep up the awesome work and thanks. The only issue I noticed is when I am running the tether phone crashed twice when I cut the screen off. I went to turn it on and the power key lit up the back/menu buttons but no response from home key. It stayed like that for a min or so and reset itself. No harm after reset though.. If I can help at all with testing I will but on the coding I am out :/ oh n same thing with the signal on mine, used to be a lot faster on stock but its still useable
I've went through the exact same stuff you did. I think both making a backup and doing a factory reset of the vanilla kit kat gave me that writing to cache in recovery error, and a few other things. Backups wouldn't install properly and my phone was temporarily soft bricked, which gave me a scare. Flashing a new rom from scratch fixed it though.

Anyway, I have the exact same problem you described with the screen cutting off with CM11 . It's pretty random. Sometimes it happens when I try turning it on the screen after a while of it being off. (by off, I mean just the screen, not the entire phone) A couple times, I managed to recreate it just by playing around the with the power button. Pressing the power button in 1 second intervals or less repeatedly eventually makes make the screen stop working, and I get the reboot after a while.
I tried to read through the entire thread. It's really "noisy", but in a good way! LOL
1. How far from final is this ROM so far?
2. What does "Official" in this context mean?
3. I noticed a lot of posts about mobile data. Is there some configuration required in order to properly use data in this ROM?
Ok. Some Logcats:

Hot Reboot - unknown cause:

D/wpa_supplicant(11941): BSS: last_scan_res_used=0/32 last_scan_full=0
08-19 16:22:14.407 D/wpa_supplicant(11941): p2p0: New scan results available (own=0 ext=0)
08-19 16:22:14.407 D/wpa_supplicant(11941): CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=40): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c ...
08-19 16:22:14.407 D/wpa_supplicant(11941): p2p0: No suitable network found
08-19 16:22:14.407 D/wpa_supplicant(11941): p2p0: Short-circuit new scan request since there are no enabled networks
08-19 16:22:14.407 D/wpa_supplicant(11941): p2p0: State: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE
08-19 16:22:14.407 D/wpa_supplicant(11941): wlan0: P2P: Station mode scan operation not pending anymore (sta_scan_pending=0 p2p_cb_on_scan_complete=0)
08-19 16:22:14.417 D/wpa_supplicant(11941): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=25): 42 53 53 20 52 41 4e 47 45 3d 30 2d 20 4d 41 53 4b 3d 30 78 32 31 42 38 37
08-19 16:22:14.417 D/wpa_supplicant(11941): wlan0: Control interface command 'BSS RANGE=0- MASK=0x21B87'
08-19 16:22:14.548 I/Process ( 3243): Sending signal. PID: 3243 SIG: 3
08-19 16:22:14.548 I/dalvikvm( 3243): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
08-19 16:22:15.058 I/Process ( 3243): Sending signal. PID: 3473 SIG: 3
08-19 16:22:15.058 I/dalvikvm( 3473): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
08-19 16:22:15.058 I/dalvikvm( 3243): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
08-19 16:22:15.198 I/dalvikvm( 3473): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
08-19 16:22:17.671 I/Watchdog_N( 3243): dumpKernelStacks
08-19 16:22:18.091 W/Watchdog( 3243): *** WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM PROCESS: Blocked in handler on main thread (main)
08-19 16:22:18.091 W/Watchdog( 3243): main thread stack trace:
08-19 16:22:18.091 W/Watchdog( 3243): at com.android.server.VibratorService.vibratorOff(Native Method)
08-19 16:22:18.091 W/Watchdog( 3243): at com.android.server.VibratorService.doVibratorOff(VibratorService.java:514)
08-19 16:22:18.091 W/Watchdog( 3243): at com.android.server.VibratorService.doCancelVibrateLocked(VibratorService.java:331)
08-19 16:22:18.091 W/Watchdog( 3243): at com.android.server.VibratorService.access$200(VibratorService.java:53)
08-19 16:22:18.091 W/Watchdog( 3243): at com.android.server.VibratorService$4.onReceive(VibratorService.java:606)
08-19 16:22:18.091 W/Watchdog( 3243): at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run(LoadedApk.java:766)
08-19 16:22:18.091 W/Watchdog( 3243): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
08-19 16:22:18.091 W/Watchdog( 3243): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
08-19 16:22:18.091 W/Watchdog( 3243): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
08-19 16:22:18.091 W/Watchdog( 3243): at com.android.server.ServerThread.initAndLoop(SystemServer.java:1289)
08-19 16:22:18.091 W/Watchdog( 3243): at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:1386)
08-19 16:22:18.101 W/Watchdog( 3243): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
08-19 16:22:18.101 W/Watchdog( 3243): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
08-19 16:22:18.101 W/Watchdog( 3243): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:796)
08-19 16:22:18.101 W/Watchdog( 3243): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:612)
08-19 16:22:18.101 W/Watchdog( 3243): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
08-19 16:22:18.101 I/Process ( 3243): Sending signal. PID: 3243 SIG: 9
08-19 16:22:18.101 W/Watchdog( 3243): *** GOODBYE!
08-19 16:22:18.141 E/qrngd (12280): qrngd permission reset failed, exiting
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'meminfo' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'notification' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 W/Sensors ( 3725): sensorservice died [0x5fb7d418]
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'location' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'profile' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'sensorservice' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'power' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'batterystats' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'usagestats' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'appops' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'display' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'scheduling_policy' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'telephony.registry' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'window' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'input' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'consumer_ir' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'battery' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'vibrator' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'search' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'hardware' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'country_detector' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'bluetooth_manager' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'statusbar' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'network_management' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'alarm' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'devicestoragemonitor' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'netstats' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'textservices' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'netpolicy' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'input_method' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'accessibility' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'mount' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'lock_settings' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'clipboard' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'torch' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'audio' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'usb' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'serial' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'uimode' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'backup' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'appwidget' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'diskstats' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'samplingprofiler' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'commontime_management' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'dreams' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'assetatlas' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'dropbox' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 W/AudioFlinger( 3034): power manager service died !!!
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'wallpaper' died
08-19 16:22:18.161 I/ServiceManager( 376): service 'device_policy' died

Screen Death 1:

D/wpa_supplicant(12274): nl80211: Survey data missing
08-19 15:25:50.827 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): p2p0: BSS: Start scan result update 240
08-19 15:25:50.827 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): BSS: last_scan_res_used=0/32 last_scan_full=0
08-19 15:25:50.827 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): p2p0: New scan results available (own=0 ext=0)
08-19 15:25:50.827 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=41): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c ...
08-19 15:25:50.827 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): WPS: AP[0] ec:1a:59:94:2a:2e type=0 tries=0 last_attempt=-1 sec ago blacklist=0
08-19 15:25:50.827 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): WPS: AP[1] 00:22:75:4a:de:c3 type=0 tries=0 last_attempt=-1 sec ago blacklist=0
08-19 15:25:50.827 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): p2p0: No suitable network found
08-19 15:25:50.827 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): p2p0: Short-circuit new scan request since there are no enabled networks
08-19 15:25:50.827 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): p2p0: State: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE
08-19 15:25:50.827 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: P2P: Station mode scan operation not pending anymore (sta_scan_pending=0 p2p_cb_on_scan_complete=0)
08-19 15:25:50.827 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=25): 42 53 53 20 52 41 4e 47 45 3d 30 2d 20 4d 41 53 4b 3d 30 78 32 31 42 38 37
08-19 15:25:50.827 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: Control interface command 'BSS RANGE=0- MASK=0x21B87'
08-19 15:25:51.958 D/bsthal (12175): activate, handle: 1598182229, enabled: 1
08-19 15:25:51.958 E/bsthal (12175): <BST> enable accel, orig state: 0
08-19 15:25:51.958 I/bsthal (12175): <BST> enable sensor <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor>
08-19 15:25:51.958 D/bsthal (12175): setDelay, handle: 1598182229 delay: 20000000
08-19 15:25:51.958 E/bsthal (12175): <BST> set delay: 20000000ns
08-19 15:25:51.958 I/bsthal (12175): <BST> set delay of <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor> to 20ms
08-19 15:25:51.958 D/bsthal (12175): setDelay, handle: 1598182229 delay: 20000000
08-19 15:25:51.958 E/bsthal (12175): <BST> set delay: 20000000ns
08-19 15:25:51.958 I/bsthal (12175): <BST> set delay of <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor> to 20ms
08-19 15:25:52.569 I/PowerManagerService(12175): Going to sleep by user request...
08-19 15:25:52.569 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:25:52.569 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0
08-19 15:25:52.569 D/DisplayPowerController(12175): Unblocked screen on after 21083341 ms
08-19 15:25:52.729 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0
08-19 15:25:52.729 D/SurfaceControl(12175): Excessive delay in blankDisplay() while turning screen off: 157ms
08-19 15:25:53.760 E/qrngd (28791): qrngd permission reset failed, exiting
08-19 15:25:55.482 D/bsthal (12175): activate, handle: 1598182229, enabled: 0
08-19 15:25:55.482 E/bsthal (12175): <BST> disable accel, orig state: 1
08-19 15:25:55.482 I/bsthal (12175): <BST> disable sensor <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor>
08-19 15:25:58.925 E/qrngd (28807): qrngd permission reset failed, exiting
08-19 15:26:00.527 D/bsthal (12175): activate, handle: 1598182229, enabled: 1
08-19 15:26:00.527 E/bsthal (12175): <BST> enable accel, orig state: 0
08-19 15:26:00.527 I/bsthal (12175): <BST> enable sensor <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor>
08-19 15:26:00.537 D/bsthal (12175): setDelay, handle: 1598182229 delay: 20000000
08-19 15:26:00.537 E/bsthal (12175): <BST> set delay: 20000000ns
08-19 15:26:00.537 I/bsthal (12175): <BST> set delay of <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor> to 20ms
08-19 15:26:00.537 D/bsthal (12175): setDelay, handle: 1598182229 delay: 20000000
08-19 15:26:00.537 E/bsthal (12175): <BST> set delay: 20000000ns
08-19 15:26:00.537 I/bsthal (12175): <BST> set delay of <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor> to 20ms
08-19 15:26:03.120 E/qrngd (28823): qrngd permission reset failed, exiting
08-19 15:26:04.051 D/bsthal (12175): activate, handle: 1598182229, enabled: 0
08-19 15:26:04.051 E/bsthal (12175): <BST> disable accel, orig state: 1
08-19 15:26:04.051 I/bsthal (12175): <BST> disable sensor <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor>
08-19 15:26:04.572 I/PowerManagerService(12175): Waking up from sleep...
08-19 15:26:04.602 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:26:04.602 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:26:04.842 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:26:04.842 D/SurfaceControl(12175): Excessive delay in unblankDisplay() while turning screen on: 241ms
08-19 15:26:05.833 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: Starting AP scan for wildcard SSID
08-19 15:26:05.833 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: nl80211: scan request
08-19 15:26:05.833 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): nl80211: Scan SSID - hexdump(len=0): [NULL]
08-19 15:26:05.873 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
08-19 15:26:05.873 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): nl80211: Event message available
08-19 15:26:05.873 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): nl80211: Drv Event 33 (NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN) received for wlan0
08-19 15:26:05.873 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: nl80211: Scan trigger
08-19 15:26:05.873 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: Event SCAN_STARTED (57) received
08-19 15:26:05.873 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: Own scan request started a scan
08-19 15:26:05.873 I/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
08-19 15:26:05.873 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=41): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c ...
08-19 15:26:06.263 I/PowerManagerService(12175): Going to sleep by user request...
08-19 15:26:06.263 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:26:06.263 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0
08-19 15:26:06.263 D/DisplayPowerController(12175): Unblocked screen on after 21097040 ms
08-19 15:26:06.423 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0
08-19 15:26:06.423 D/SurfaceControl(12175): Excessive delay in blankDisplay() while turning screen off: 158ms
08-19 15:26:08.285 E/qrngd (28857): qrngd permission reset failed, exiting
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): nl80211: Event message available
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): nl80211: Drv Event 34 (NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS) received for wlan0
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: nl80211: New scan results available
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): nl80211: Received scan results (0 BSSes)
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): nl80211: Survey data missing
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: BSS: Start scan result update 241
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): BSS: last_scan_res_used=0/32 last_scan_full=0
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: New scan results available (own=1 ext=0)
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=41): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c ...
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): WPS: AP[0] ec:1a:59:94:2a:2e type=0 tries=0 last_attempt=-1 sec ago blacklist=0
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): WPS: AP[1] 00:22:75:4a:de:c3 type=0 tries=0 last_attempt=-1 sec ago blacklist=0
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: No suitable network found
08-19 15:26:09.176 D/wpa_supplicant(12274): wlan0: Setting scan request: 15 sec 0 usec

Screen Death 2:

15:41:21.510 D/bsthal (29189): setDelay, handle: 1598182229 delay: 66667000
08-19 15:41:21.510 E/bsthal (29189): <BST> set delay: 66667000ns
08-19 15:41:21.510 I/bsthal (29189): <BST> set delay of <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor> to 66ms
08-19 15:41:21.510 D/bsthal (29189): setDelay, handle: 1598182229 delay: 66667000
08-19 15:41:21.510 E/bsthal (29189): <BST> set delay: 66667000ns
08-19 15:41:21.510 I/bsthal (29189): <BST> set delay of <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor> to 66ms
08-19 15:41:21.550 D/YouTube MDX( 1472): Recieved intent android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
08-19 15:41:21.570 D/YouTube MDX( 1472): Recieved intent android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
08-19 15:41:21.780 I/WindowManager(29189): Lock screen displayed!
08-19 15:41:21.780 D/DisplayPowerController(29189): Unblocked screen on after 22012549 ms
08-19 15:41:23.842 E/qrngd ( 2613): qrngd permission reset failed, exiting
08-19 15:41:24.483 I/PowerManagerService(29189): Going to sleep by user request...
08-19 15:41:24.964 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:41:24.964 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:25.124 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:25.124 D/SurfaceControl(29189): Excessive delay in blankDisplay() while turning screen off: 167ms
08-19 15:41:25.214 D/bsthal (29189): activate, handle: 1598182229, enabled: 0
08-19 15:41:25.214 E/bsthal (29189): <BST> disable accel, orig state: 1
08-19 15:41:25.214 I/bsthal (29189): <BST> disable sensor <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor>
08-19 15:41:25.254 D/YouTube MDX( 1472): Recieved intent android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
08-19 15:41:25.254 D/YouTube MDX( 1472): Recieved intent android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
08-19 15:41:25.714 W/View (29298): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextClock{41eaad68 V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-53,129 #7f0b0013 app:id/clock1_regular} during layout: running second layout pass
08-19 15:41:25.714 W/View (29298): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextClock{41eab390 V.ED.... ......ID 53,0-176,129 #7f0b0014 app:id/clock2_regular} during layout: running second layout pass
08-19 15:41:25.714 W/View (29298): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextClock{41eac778 V.ED.... ......ID 168,0-271,22 #7f0b0018 app:id/date_bold} during layout: running second layout pass
08-19 15:41:25.714 W/View (29298): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{41f70678 V.ED.... ......ID 89,6-163,33 #7f0b0021 app:id/weather_city} during layout: running second layout pass
08-19 15:41:25.714 W/View (29298): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{42006090 V.ED.... ......ID 62,33-163,55 #7f0b0027 app:id/weather_condition} during layout: running second layout pass
08-19 15:41:25.714 W/View (29298): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{42006788 V.ED.... ......ID 100,55-163,70 #7f0b0022 app:id/update_time} during layout: running second layout pass
08-19 15:41:25.724 W/View (29298): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{42007250 V.ED.... ......ID 5,0-61,37 #7f0b0024 app:id/weather_temp} during layout: running second layout pass
08-19 15:41:25.724 W/View (29298): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{42007bc0 V.ED.... ......ID 3,39-63,64 #7f0b0026 app:id/weather_low_high} during layout: running second layout pass
08-19 15:41:25.845 I/PowerManagerService(29189): Waking up from sleep...
08-19 15:41:25.865 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:41:25.865 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:26.065 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:26.075 D/SurfaceControl(29189): Excessive delay in unblankDisplay() while turning screen on: 210ms
08-19 15:41:28.027 E/qrngd ( 2634): qrngd permission reset failed, exiting
08-19 15:41:30.279 I/PowerManagerService(29189): Going to sleep by user request...
08-19 15:41:30.289 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:41:30.289 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:30.289 D/DisplayPowerController(29189): Unblocked screen on after 22021055 ms
08-19 15:41:30.450 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:30.450 D/SurfaceControl(29189): Excessive delay in blankDisplay() while turning screen off: 157ms
08-19 15:41:30.560 D/PowerManagerService-JNI(29189): Excessive delay in autosuspend_enable() while turning screen off: 108ms
08-19 15:41:32.311 I/PowerManagerService(29189): Waking up from sleep...
08-19 15:41:32.321 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:41:32.321 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:32.572 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:32.572 D/SurfaceControl(29189): Excessive delay in unblankDisplay() while turning screen on: 251ms
08-19 15:41:33.232 E/qrngd ( 2650): qrngd permission reset failed, exiting
08-19 15:41:34.083 I/PowerManagerService(29189): Going to sleep by user request...
08-19 15:41:34.083 D/DisplayPowerController(29189): Unblocked screen on after 22024857 ms
08-19 15:41:34.083 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:41:34.083 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:34.254 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:34.254 D/SurfaceControl(29189): Excessive delay in blankDisplay() while turning screen off: 163ms
08-19 15:41:34.364 D/PowerManagerService-JNI(29189): Excessive delay in autosuspend_enable() while turning screen off: 108ms
08-19 15:41:35.765 W/BroadcastQueue(29189): Timeout of broadcast BroadcastRecord{429d9450 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF} - receiver=android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$InnerReceiver@422916b8, started 10001ms ago
08-19 15:41:35.765 W/BroadcastQueue(29189): Receiver during timeout: BroadcastFilter{42285aa8 u0 ReceiverList{422866e0 29189 system/1000/u0 local:422916b8}}
08-19 15:41:35.905 I/PowerManagerService(29189): Waking up from sleep...
08-19 15:41:35.915 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:41:35.915 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:36.136 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:36.146 D/SurfaceControl(29189): Excessive delay in unblankDisplay() while turning screen on: 229ms
08-19 15:41:37.507 I/PowerManagerService(29189): Going to sleep by user request...
08-19 15:41:37.507 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:41:37.507 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:37.507 D/DisplayPowerController(29189): Unblocked screen on after 22028283 ms
08-19 15:41:37.677 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:37.677 D/SurfaceControl(29189): Excessive delay in blankDisplay() while turning screen off: 162ms
08-19 15:41:37.787 D/PowerManagerService-JNI(29189): Excessive delay in autosuspend_enable() while turning screen off: 109ms
08-19 15:41:38.438 E/qrngd ( 2678): qrngd permission reset failed, exiting
08-19 15:41:38.848 I/PowerManagerService(29189): Waking up from sleep...
08-19 15:41:38.868 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:41:38.868 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:39.109 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:39.109 D/SurfaceControl(29189): Excessive delay in unblankDisplay() while turning screen on: 240ms
08-19 15:41:41.241 I/PowerManagerService(29189): Going to sleep by user request...
08-19 15:41:41.251 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:41:41.251 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:41.251 D/DisplayPowerController(29189): Unblocked screen on after 22032015 ms
08-19 15:41:41.411 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:41.411 D/SurfaceControl(29189): Excessive delay in blankDisplay() while turning screen off: 156ms
08-19 15:41:42.602 I/PowerManagerService(29189): Waking up from sleep...
08-19 15:41:42.633 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:41:42.633 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:42.873 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:42.873 D/SurfaceControl(29189): Excessive delay in unblankDisplay() while turning screen on: 244ms
08-19 15:41:43.624 E/qrngd ( 2706): qrngd permission reset failed, exiting
08-19 15:41:44.074 I/PowerManagerService(29189): Going to sleep by user request...
08-19 15:41:44.074 D/DisplayPowerController(29189): Unblocked screen on after 22034846 ms
08-19 15:41:44.084 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:41:44.084 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:44.244 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:44.244 D/SurfaceControl(29189): Excessive delay in blankDisplay() while turning screen off: 159ms
08-19 15:41:45.456 I/PowerManagerService(29189): Waking up from sleep...
08-19 15:41:45.476 D/SurfaceFlinger( 385): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0xb82934e0
08-19 15:41:45.476 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:45.726 D/qdhwcomposer( 385): hwc_blank: Done unblanking display: 0
08-19 15:41:45.736 D/SurfaceControl(29189): Excessive delay in unblankDisplay() while turning screen on: 257ms
08-19 15:41:47.588 I/InputDispatcher(29189): Dropped event because input dispatch is disabled.
08-19 15:41:47.768 I/InputDispatcher(29189): Dropped event because input dispatch is disabled.
08-19 15:41:47.888 I/InputDispatcher(29189): Dropped event because input dispatch is disabled.
08-19 15:41:48.038 I/InputDispatcher(29189): Dropped event because input dispatch is disabled.
08-19 15:41:48.108 I/InputDispatcher(29189): Dropped event because input dispatch is disabled.
08-19 15:41:48.248 I/InputDispatcher(29189): Dropped event because input dispatch is disabled.
08-19 15:41:48.329 I/InputDispatcher(29189): Dropped event because input dispatch is disabled.
08-19 15:41:48.489 I/InputDispatcher(29189): Dropped event because input dispatch is disabled.

I haven't been able to reproduce the vibration issue with Logcat yet.
Kernel Crash on outbound call. Selecting Speakerphone caused hard lock and reboot:

08-19 17:17:55.009 I/CheckinService( 1287): Preparing to send checkin request
08-19 17:17:55.009 I/EventLogService( 1287): Accumulating logs since 1408483017029
08-19 17:17:55.069 I/GoogleHttpClient( 1287): Falling back to old SSLCertificateSocketFactory
08-19 17:17:55.079 I/GoogleHttpClient( 1287): Using GMS GoogleHttpClient
08-19 17:17:55.089 D/AlertService( 4051): Beginning updateAlertNotification
08-19 17:17:55.119 D/AlertService( 4051): No fired or scheduled alerts
08-19 17:17:55.129 E/bsthal ( 954): [ProximitySensor] distance = 0.000000
08-19 17:17:55.129 D/SurfaceFlinger( 421): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0xb85f74e0
08-19 17:17:55.129 D/qdhwcomposer( 421): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0
08-19 17:17:55.179 D/AlertService( 4051): Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
08-19 17:17:55.269 D/AlarmScheduler( 4051): Query result count for events starting within 1 week: 1
08-19 17:17:55.279 D/qdhwcomposer( 421): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0
08-19 17:17:55.279 D/SurfaceControl( 954): Excessive delay in blankDisplay() while turning screen off: 145ms
08-19 17:17:55.409 D/AlertService( 4051): 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
08-19 17:17:55.459 W/GLSUser ( 1405): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
08-19 17:17:55.469 I/IcingCorporaProvider( 2090): UpdateCorporaTask done [took 3153 ms] updated apps [took 3153 ms]
08-19 17:17:55.469 D/AndroidRuntime( 3862): Shutting down VM
08-19 17:17:55.469 I/ActivityManager( 954): Resuming delayed broadcast
08-19 17:17:55.479 W/GLSUser ( 1405): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
08-19 17:17:55.509 D/ConnectivityService( 954): Sampling interval elapsed, updating statistics ..
08-19 17:17:55.539 D/ConnectivityService( 954): Done.
08-19 17:17:55.559 W/GLSUser ( 1405): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
08-19 17:17:55.770 I/ActivityManager( 954): Delay finish: com.android.gallery3d/.app.PackagesMonitor
08-19 17:17:55.830 I/ActivityManager( 954): Resuming delayed broadcast
08-19 17:17:55.860 I/IcingCorporaProvider( 2090): Updating corpora: APPS=com.google.android.videos, CONTACTS=MAYBE
08-19 17:17:55.860 I/ActivityManager( 954): Delay finish: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/.GelStubAppWatcher
08-19 17:17:55.900 D/PackageBroadcastService( 1287): Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED and uri=com.google.android.videos
08-19 17:17:55.900 I/PeopleContactsSync( 1287): CP2 sync disabled
08-19 17:17:55.930 I/qtaguid ( 3633): Failed write_ctrl(u 67) res=-1 errno=22
08-19 17:17:55.940 V/Zygote ( 4254): Switching descriptor 34 to /dev/null
08-19 17:17:55.940 V/Zygote ( 4254): Switching descriptor 11 to /dev/null
08-19 17:17:55.940 I/ActivityManager( 954): Start proc com.google.android.gms.unstable for service com.google.android.gms/.droidguard.DroidGuardService: pid=4254 uid=10011 gids={50011, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 1006, 3002, 3001, 3007, 2001, 3006}
08-19 17:17:55.980 W/GLSUser ( 1405): [avd][avd] Permission for com.google.android.talk to access oauth2:https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me https://www.googleapis.com/auth/hangouts https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat.native will be managed locally.
08-19 17:17:55.980 I/qtaguid ( 3633): Untagging socket 67 failed errno=-22
08-19 17:17:55.990 W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 3633): untagSocket(67) failed with errno -22
08-19 17:17:56.010 D/ActivityThread( 4254): handleBindApplication:com.google.android.gms.unstable
08-19 17:17:56.010 D/ActivityThread( 4254): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.75
08-19 17:17:56.010 D/ActivityThread( 4254): setTargetHeapMinFree:2097152
08-19 17:17:56.040 I/MultiDex( 4254): install
08-19 17:17:56.040 I/MultiDex( 4254): MultiDexExtractor.load(/data/app/com.google.android.gms-1.apk, false)
08-19 17:17:56.050 I/MultiDex( 4254): loading existing secondary dex files
08-19 17:17:56.050 I/MultiDex( 4254): load found 1 secondary dex files
08-19 17:17:56.050 I/MultiDex( 4254): install done
08-19 17:17:56.060 I/ProviderInstaller( 4254): Insert disabled by gate 'gms:security:enable_conscrypt_in_gms_application'
08-19 17:17:56.070 I/IcingCorporaProvider( 2090): UpdateCorporaTask done [took 212 ms] updated apps [took 212 ms]
08-19 17:17:56.070 W/Launcher( 1244): setApplicationContext called twice! old=com.google.android.velvet.VelvetApplication@41da3670 new=com.google.android.velvet.VelvetApplication@41da3670
08-19 17:17:56.070 I/ActivityManager( 954): Resuming delayed broadcast
08-19 17:17:56.110 I/ActivityManager( 954): Delay finish: com.google.android.apps.plus/.service.PackagesMediaMonitor
08-19 17:17:56.180 D/Finsky ( 3633): [263] ConsumptionAppServiceConn.getDataFromService: retrieved 20 documents from [1]
08-19 17:17:56.180 I/ActivityManager( 954): Resuming delayed broadcast
08-19 17:17:56.200 I/ActivityManager( 954): Delay finish: com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver
08-19 17:17:56.210 I/GoogleHttpClient( 4254): Falling back to old SSLCertificateSocketFactory
08-19 17:17:56.220 D/Finsky ( 3633): [1] ConsumptionAppDataCache.setConsumptionAppData: data didn't change for backend=[1], ignoring!
08-19 17:17:56.260 D/AndroidRuntime( 3989): Shutting down VM
08-19 17:17:56.260 I/ActivityManager( 954): Resuming delayed broadcast
08-19 17:17:56.270 D/GCM ( 1405): GcmService start Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService } com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE
08-19 17:17:56.360 D/AndroidRuntime( 4116): Shutting down VM
08-19 17:17:56.370 D/Finsky ( 3633): [263] ConsumptionAppServiceConn.getDataFromService: retrieved 2 documents from [4]
08-19 17:17:56.580 D/GCM ( 1405): GcmService start Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService } com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE
08-19 17:17:56.601 D/Finsky ( 3633): [1] ConsumptionAppDataCache.setConsumptionAppData: data didn't change for backend=[4], ignoring!
08-19 17:17:56.641 W/GLSUser ( 1405): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
08-19 17:17:56.681 D/GCM ( 1405): GcmService start Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService } com.google.android.gms.INITIALIZE
08-19 17:17:56.741 I/ActivityManager( 954): Delay finish: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.ConsumptionAppDataChangedReceiver
08-19 17:17:56.801 D/dalvikvm( 4254): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.google.android.gms/app_dg_cache/5C680B044106F17600C86D35E6B3D3BEAFE54E09/lib/libdroidguard_7048543051309B440B6C177EC999A68919B60ECE.so 0x41e70e30
08-19 17:17:56.801 D/dalvikvm( 4254): Added shared lib /data/data/com.google.android.gms/app_dg_cache/5C680B044106F17600C86D35E6B3D3BEAFE54E09/lib/libdroidguard_7048543051309B440B6C177EC999A68919B60ECE.so 0x41e70e30
08-19 17:17:56.801 D/dalvikvm( 4254): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.google.android.gms/app_dg_cache/5C680B044106F17600C86D35E6B3D3BEAFE54E09/lib/libdroidguard_7048543051309B440B6C177EC999A68919B60ECE.so 0x41e70e30, skipping init
08-19 17:17:56.871 D/Finsky ( 3633): [266] LoadConsumptionDataService.onHandleIntent: Was able to read from cache for 4
08-19 17:17:56.871 D/Finsky ( 3633): [1] ConsumptionAppDataCache.setConsumptionAppData: data didn't change for backend=[4], ignoring!
08-19 17:17:56.871 I/ActivityManager( 954): Resuming delayed broadcast
08-19 17:17:56.921 W/GLSUser ( 1405): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
08-19 17:17:57.001 W/Uploader( 1287): No account for auth token provided
08-19 17:17:57.041 W/Uploader( 1287): No account for auth token provided
08-19 17:17:57.091 W/Uploader( 1287): No account for auth token provided
08-19 17:17:57.141 W/Uploader( 1287): No account for auth token provided
08-19 17:17:57.191 W/Uploader( 1287): No account for auth token provided
08-19 17:17:57.241 W/Uploader( 1287): No account for auth token provided
08-19 17:17:57.251 D/Finsky ( 3633): [1] DailyHygiene.flushEventLogsAndContinue: Flushing event logs for [TzLpKeiQcNB-kFHAKOPw9KGGkh4]
08-19 17:17:57.311 V/Zygote ( 4285): Switching descriptor 34 to /dev/null
08-19 17:17:57.311 V/Zygote ( 4285): Switching descriptor 11 to /dev/null
08-19 17:17:57.321 D/Finsky ( 3633): [263] ConsumptionAppServiceConn.getDataFromService: retrieved 20 documents from [2]
08-19 17:17:57.321 I/CheckinTask( 1287): Sending checkin request (4028 bytes)
08-19 17:17:57.321 I/ActivityManager( 954): Start proc com.ebay.mobile for broadcast com.ebay.mobile/.notifications.PollAlarmReceiver: pid=4285 uid=10099 gids={50099, 3003, 1028, 1015, 1006}
08-19 17:17:57.341 D/Finsky ( 3633): [1] ConsumptionAppDataCache.setConsumptionAppData: data didn't change for backend=[2], ignoring!
08-19 17:17:57.371 D/Finsky ( 3633): [260] FetchConsumptionDataService.onHandleIntent: Starting ServiceConnection to consumption app: com.google.android.apps.magazines
08-19 17:17:57.371 D/ActivityThread( 4285): handleBindApplication:com.ebay.mobile
08-19 17:17:57.371 D/ActivityThread( 4285): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.75
08-19 17:17:57.371 D/ActivityThread( 4285): setTargetHeapMinFree:2097152
08-19 17:17:57.381 V/Zygote ( 4299): Switching descriptor 34 to /dev/null
08-19 17:17:57.381 V/Zygote ( 4299): Switching descriptor 11 to /dev/null
08-19 17:17:57.381 I/ActivityManager( 954): Start proc com.google.android.apps.magazines for service com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.service.MagazinesUserContentService: pid=4299 uid=10075 gids={50075, 3003, 1028, 1015}
08-19 17:17:57.421 D/ActivityThread( 4299): handleBindApplication:com.google.android.apps.magazines
08-19 17:17:57.421 D/ActivityThread( 4299): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.75
08-19 17:17:57.421 D/ActivityThread( 4299): setTargetHeapMinFree:2097152
08-19 17:17:57.461 E/qrngd ( 4312): qrngd permission reset failed, exiting
08-19 17:17:57.521 W/MediaScanner( 1145): Error opening directory '/storage/sdcard1/', skipping: Permission denied.
08-19 17:17:57.521 W/MediaScanner( 1145): Error opening directory '/storage/usbdisk/', skipping: Permission denied.
08-19 17:17:57.552 E/cutils ( 413): Failed to mkdirat(/storage/sdcard1/Android): Read-only file system
08-19 17:17:57.552 W/ContextImpl( 4299): Failed to ensure directory: /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.google.android.apps.magazines/cache
08-19 17:17:57.552 W/Vold ( 413): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
08-19 17:17:57.562 E/cutils ( 413): Failed to mkdirat(/storage/sdcard1/Android): Read-only file system
08-19 17:17:57.562 W/ContextImpl( 4299): Failed to ensure directory: /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.google.android.apps.magazines/files
08-19 17:17:57.562 W/Vold ( 413): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
08-19 17:17:57.572 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
08-19 17:17:57.582 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
08-19 17:17:57.582 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: survey data missing!
08-19 17:17:57.582 W/GAV2 ( 4299): Thread[main,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch.
08-19 17:17:57.652 E/cutils ( 413): Failed to mkdirat(/storage/sdcard1/Android): Read-only file system
08-19 17:17:57.652 W/ContextImpl( 4299): Failed to ensure directory: /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.google.android.apps.magazines/cache
08-19 17:17:57.652 W/Vold ( 413): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
08-19 17:17:57.672 E/cutils ( 413): Failed to mkdirat(/storage/sdcard1/Android): Read-only file system
08-19 17:17:57.672 W/Vold ( 413): Returning OperationFailed - no handler for errno 30
08-19 17:17:57.682 W/ContextImpl( 4299): Failed to ensure directory: /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.google.android.apps.magazines/files
08-19 17:17:57.812 V/WebViewChromiumFactoryProvider( 4299): Binding Chromium to main looper Looper (main, tid 1) {41d94158}
08-19 17:17:57.812 I/LibraryLoader( 4299): Expected native library version number "",actual native library version number ""
08-19 17:17:57.812 I/chromium( 4299): [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(116)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
08-19 17:17:57.812 I/BrowserStartupController( 4299): Initializing chromium process, renderers=0
08-19 17:17:57.832 E/AudioManagerAndroid( 4299): BLUETOOTH permission is missing!
08-19 17:17:57.892 W/GLSUser ( 1405): GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
08-19 17:17:57.892 I/Adreno-EGL( 4299): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:320>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: _msm8960_kk_2.7__release_AU ()
08-19 17:17:57.892 I/Adreno-EGL( 4299): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: 20.00.01
08-19 17:17:57.892 I/Adreno-EGL( 4299): Build Date: 11/07/13 Thu
08-19 17:17:57.892 I/Adreno-EGL( 4299): Local Branch: klp
08-19 17:17:57.892 I/Adreno-EGL( 4299): Remote Branch: quic/hammerhead_klp
08-19 17:17:57.892 I/Adreno-EGL( 4299): Local Patches: NONE
08-19 17:17:57.892 I/Adreno-EGL( 4299): Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
08-19 17:17:58.002 I/CheckinTask( 1287): Checkin success: https://android.clients.google.com/checkin (1 requests sent)
08-19 17:17:58.002 W/GoogleHttpClient( 1287): Unable to close GMS GoogleHttpClient
08-19 17:17:58.042 I/NSApplication( 4299): Starting up...
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): Service com.google.android.gms.checkin.CheckinService has leaked ServiceConnection gbd@420de9b0 that was originally bound here
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service com.google.android.gms.checkin.CheckinService has leaked ServiceConnection gbd@420de9b0 that was originally bound here
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:977)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:871)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1625)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindService(ContextImpl.java:1608)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:517)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at gbc.<init>(SourceFile:99)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at gay.<init>(SourceFile:226)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.constructNative(Native Method)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at xs.<init>(SourceFile:175)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at bkt.a(SourceFile:226)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at bks.a(SourceFile:298)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at bks.doInBackground(SourceFile:288)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:288)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
08-19 17:17:58.042 E/ActivityThread( 1287): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
08-19 17:17:58.072 W/MagazinesUserContentService( 4299): No magazines data available yet; we'll fetch it, and tell you when it's ready
08-19 17:17:58.092 D/Finsky ( 3633): [263] ConsumptionAppServiceConn.getDataFromService: retrieved 0 documents from [6]
08-19 17:17:58.102 D/Finsky ( 3633): [260] FetchConsumptionDataService.onHandleIntent: Starting ServiceConnection to consumption app: com.google.android.videos
08-19 17:17:58.102 I/ActivityManager( 954): Killing 3878:com.android.deskclock/u0a37 (adj 15): empty #17
08-19 17:17:58.132 D/Finsky ( 3633): [263] ConsumptionAppServiceConn.getDataFromService: retrieved 1 documents from [4]
08-19 17:17:58.132 D/Finsky ( 3633): [260] FetchConsumptionDataService.onHandleIntent: Starting ServiceConnection to consumption app: com.google.android.apps.magazines
08-19 17:17:58.142 W/MagazinesUserContentService( 4299): No magazines data available yet; we'll fetch it, and tell you when it's ready
08-19 17:17:58.152 D/Finsky ( 3633): [263] ConsumptionAppServiceConn.getDataFromService: retrieved 0 documents from [6]
08-19 17:17:58.152 D/Finsky ( 3633): [1] ConsumptionAppDataCache.setConsumptionAppData: data didn't change for backend=[6], ignoring!
08-19 17:17:58.152 D/Finsky ( 3633): [260] FetchConsumptionDataService.onHandleIntent: Starting ServiceConnection to consumption app: com.google.android.videos
08-19 17:17:58.172 D/Finsky ( 3633): [263] ConsumptionAppServiceConn.getDataFromService: retrieved 1 documents from [4]
08-19 17:17:58.172 I/ActivityManager( 954): Killing 3708:com.google.android.apps.books/u0a28 (adj 15): empty #17
08-19 17:17:58.432 D/bsthal ( 954): setDelay, handle: 1598182229 delay: 66667000
08-19 17:17:58.432 E/bsthal ( 954): <BST> set delay: 66667000ns
08-19 17:17:58.432 I/bsthal ( 954): <BST> set delay of <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor> to 66ms
08-19 17:17:58.903 I/ActivityManager( 954): Delay finish: com.ebay.mobile/.notifications.PollAlarmReceiver
08-19 17:17:58.923 I/ActivityManager( 954): Resuming delayed broadcast
08-19 17:17:58.943 I/ActivityManager( 954): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver
08-19 17:17:59.153 E/bsthal ( 954): [ProximitySensor] distance = 5.000000
08-19 17:17:59.163 I/MediaStoreImporter( 2851): Update: incremental Added music: 0 Updated music: 0 Deleted music: 0 Created playlists: 0 Updated playlists: 7 Deleted playlists: 0 Inserted playlist items: 0 Deleted playlist items: 0 Removed orphaned playlist items: 0
08-19 17:17:59.163 I/ActivityManager( 954): Resuming delayed broadcast
08-19 17:17:59.173 I/ActivityManager( 954): Killing 4084:com.google.android.gms:snet/u0a11 (adj 15): empty #17
08-19 17:17:59.183 D/GCM ( 1405): GcmService start Intent { act=com.google.android.checkin.CHECKIN_COMPLETE flg=0x10 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } com.google.android.checkin.CHECKIN_COMPLETE
08-19 17:17:59.203 I/GCM ( 1405): GCM config loaded
08-19 17:17:59.303 I/ActivityManager( 954): Delay finish: com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.receivers.ConsumptionAppDataChangedReceiver
08-19 17:17:59.313 I/ActivityManager( 954): Resuming delayed broadcast
08-19 17:17:59.333 I/ActivityManager( 954): Delay finish: com.google.android.music/.store.MediaStoreImportService$Receiver
08-19 17:17:59.343 I/ActivityManager( 954): Resuming delayed broadcast
08-19 17:17:59.424 D/SurfaceFlinger( 421): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0xb85f74e0
08-19 17:17:59.424 D/qdhwcomposer( 421): hwc_blank: Unblanking display: 0
08-19 17:17:59.634 D/qdhwcomposer( 421): hwc_blank: Done unblanking display: 0
08-19 17:17:59.634 D/SurfaceControl( 954): Excessive delay in unblankDisplay() while turning screen on: 207ms
08-19 17:17:59.684 D/AccelerometerListener( 1233): orientation: horizontal
08-19 17:17:59.684 D/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - screenonImmediately: false
08-19 17:17:59.684 I/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - ProximitySensor{keybrd=0, dpad=0, offhook=1, hor=1, ui=1, aud=EARPIECE}
08-19 17:17:59.684 I/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - turning on proximity sensor: already acquired
08-19 17:17:59.844 D/Finsky ( 3633): [268] FetchConsumptionDataService.onHandleIntent: Starting ServiceConnection to consumption app: com.google.android.apps.magazines
08-19 17:17:59.874 D/Finsky ( 3633): [263] ConsumptionAppServiceConn.getDataFromService: retrieved 1 documents from [6]
08-19 17:18:00.415 D/AlertService( 4051): Beginning updateAlertNotification
08-19 17:18:00.435 D/AlertService( 4051): No fired or scheduled alerts
08-19 17:18:00.445 D/AlertService( 4051): Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
08-19 17:18:00.465 D/AlarmScheduler( 4051): Query result count for events starting within 1 week: 1
08-19 17:18:00.485 D/AlertService( 4051): 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
08-19 17:18:00.585 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
08-19 17:18:00.585 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
08-19 17:18:00.605 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: survey data missing!
08-19 17:18:01.145 D/AccelerometerListener( 1233): orientation: vertical
08-19 17:18:01.145 D/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - screenonImmediately: false
08-19 17:18:01.145 I/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - ProximitySensor{keybrd=0, dpad=0, offhook=1, hor=0, ui=1, aud=EARPIECE}
08-19 17:18:01.145 I/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - turning on proximity sensor: already acquired
08-19 17:18:01.275 E/bsthal ( 954): [ProximitySensor] distance = 0.000000
08-19 17:18:01.286 D/SurfaceFlinger( 421): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0xb85f74e0
08-19 17:18:01.286 D/qdhwcomposer( 421): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0
08-19 17:18:01.426 D/qdhwcomposer( 421): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0
08-19 17:18:01.426 D/SurfaceControl( 954): Excessive delay in blankDisplay() while turning screen off: 144ms
08-19 17:18:01.426 W/MediaScanner( 1145): Error opening directory '/storage/emulated/0/.android_secure/', skipping: Permission denied.
08-19 17:18:02.026 I/ActivityManager( 954): Killing 4022:eu.chainfire.supersu/u0a94 (adj 15): empty #17
08-19 17:18:02.076 I/ActivityManager( 954): Killing 4202:com.google.android.gms.wearable/u0a11 (adj 15): empty #17
08-19 17:18:02.617 I/GAV2 ( 4299): Thread[GAThread,5,main]: No campaign data found.
08-19 17:18:02.657 E/qrngd ( 4366): qrngd permission reset failed, exiting
08-19 17:18:02.927 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=14): 53 43 41 4e 20 54 59 50 45 3d 4f 4e 4c 59
08-19 17:18:02.927 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: Control interface command 'SCAN TYPE=ONLY'
08-19 17:18:02.927 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: Setting scan request: 0 sec 0 usec
08-19 17:18:02.927 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: Starting AP scan for wildcard SSID
08-19 17:18:02.927 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: nl80211: scan request
08-19 17:18:02.927 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: Scan SSID - hexdump(len=0): [NULL]
08-19 17:18:02.947 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
08-19 17:18:02.947 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: Event message available
08-19 17:18:02.947 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: Drv Event 33 (NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN) received for wlan0
08-19 17:18:02.947 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: nl80211: Scan trigger
08-19 17:18:02.947 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: Event SCAN_STARTED (57) received
08-19 17:18:02.947 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: Own scan request started a scan
08-19 17:18:02.947 I/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
08-19 17:18:02.947 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c ...
08-19 17:18:03.608 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
08-19 17:18:03.608 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
08-19 17:18:03.608 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: survey data missing!
08-19 17:18:03.728 E/bsthal ( 954): [ProximitySensor] distance = 5.000000
08-19 17:18:03.988 D/SurfaceFlinger( 421): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0xb85f74e0
08-19 17:18:03.988 D/qdhwcomposer( 421): hwc_blank: Unblanking display: 0
08-19 17:18:04.189 D/qdhwcomposer( 421): hwc_blank: Done unblanking display: 0
08-19 17:18:04.189 D/SurfaceControl( 954): Excessive delay in unblankDisplay() while turning screen on: 196ms
08-19 17:18:04.349 D/AccelerometerListener( 1233): orientation: horizontal
08-19 17:18:04.349 D/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - screenonImmediately: false
08-19 17:18:04.349 I/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - ProximitySensor{keybrd=0, dpad=0, offhook=1, hor=1, ui=1, aud=EARPIECE}
08-19 17:18:04.349 I/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - turning on proximity sensor: already acquired
08-19 17:18:04.829 I/ActivityManager( 954): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{42b27740 u0 com.google.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertService}
08-19 17:18:05.100 D/AccelerometerListener( 1233): orientation: vertical
08-19 17:18:05.100 D/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - screenonImmediately: false
08-19 17:18:05.100 I/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - ProximitySensor{keybrd=0, dpad=0, offhook=1, hor=0, ui=1, aud=EARPIECE}
08-19 17:18:05.100 I/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - turning on proximity sensor: already acquired
08-19 17:18:05.480 D/AlertService( 4051): Beginning updateAlertNotification
08-19 17:18:05.490 D/AlertService( 4051): No fired or scheduled alerts
08-19 17:18:05.510 D/AlertService( 4051): Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
08-19 17:18:05.520 D/AlarmScheduler( 4051): Query result count for events starting within 1 week: 1
08-19 17:18:05.530 I/ActivityManager( 954): Killing 3282:com.cyanogenmod.lockclock/u0a48 (adj 15): empty #17
08-19 17:18:05.690 D/AccelerometerListener( 1233): orientation: horizontal
08-19 17:18:05.690 D/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - screenonImmediately: false
08-19 17:18:05.690 I/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - ProximitySensor{keybrd=0, dpad=0, offhook=1, hor=1, ui=1, aud=EARPIECE}
08-19 17:18:05.690 I/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - turning on proximity sensor: already acquired
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: Event message available
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: Drv Event 34 (NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS) received for wlan0
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: nl80211: New scan results available
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: Associated on 2462 MHz
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: Associated with 00:26:62:3e:d6:71
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: Received scan results (3 BSSes)
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: Survey data missing
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: Scan results indicate BSS status with 00:26:62:3e:d6:71 as associated
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: BSS: Start scan result update 4
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): BSS: last_scan_res_used=3/32 last_scan_full=0
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: Scan-only results received
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c ...
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: P2P: Station mode scan operation not pending anymore (sta_scan_pending=0 p2p_cb_on_scan_complete=0)
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=25): 42 53 53 20 52 41 4e 47 45 3d 30 2d 20 4d 41 53 4b 3d 30 78 32 31 42 38 37
08-19 17:18:06.591 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: Control interface command 'BSS RANGE=0- MASK=0x21B87'
08-19 17:18:06.601 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
08-19 17:18:06.601 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
08-19 17:18:06.611 D/wpa_supplicant( 1072): nl80211: survey data missing!
08-19 17:18:06.821 I/GoogleHttpClient( 1672): Falling back to old SSLCertificateSocketFactory
08-19 17:18:06.821 I/GoogleHttpClient( 1672): Using GMS GoogleHttpClient
08-19 17:18:06.821 W/GoogleHttpClient( 1672): Ignoring unsupported parameter: http.conn-manager.max-per-route
08-19 17:18:06.821 W/ActivityThread( 1672): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
08-19 17:18:07.192 D/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - onAudioButtonClicked: EARPIECE, SPEAKER
08-19 17:18:07.192 D/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonPresenter - Sending new Audio Mode: SPEAKER
08-19 17:18:07.192 I/InCall ( 1233): CallCommandClient - Set Audio Mode: SPEAKER
08-19 17:18:07.192 D/AudioRouter( 1211): setAudioMode SPEAKER
08-19 17:18:07.192 D/BluetoothManager( 1211): isBluetoothAvailable()...
08-19 17:18:07.192 D/BluetoothManager( 1211): ==> false
08-19 17:18:07.192 D/BluetoothManager( 1211): isBluetoothAvailable()...
08-19 17:18:07.192 D/BluetoothManager( 1211): ==> false
08-19 17:18:07.192 D/PhoneUtils( 1211): turnOnSpeaker(flag=true, store=true)...
08-19 17:18:07.192 D/AudioFlinger( 424): start(4098), calling pid 954 session 21
08-19 17:18:07.192 D/AudioFlinger( 424): ? => ACTIVE (4098) on thread 0xb8c22990
08-19 17:18:07.192 D/NotificationMgr( 1211): updateSpeakerNotification(true)...
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/ALSADevice( 424): route: devices 0x1 in mode 2
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/alsa_ucm( 424): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb8bd9788 identifier _enadev value Voice Earpiece
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Set mixer controls for Play Voice enable 1
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: SLIM_0_RX_Voice Mixer CSVoice, value: 1
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: Voice_Tx Mixer SLIM_0_TX_Voice, value: 1
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/alsa_ucm( 424): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb8bd9788 identifier _enadev value Voice Recognition
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Set mixer controls for Play Voice enable 1
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: SLIM_0_RX_Voice Mixer CSVoice, value: 1
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: Voice_Tx Mixer SLIM_0_TX_Voice, value: 1
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/ALSADevice( 424): switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce Voice Recognition mCurRxDevDevice Voice Earpiece
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/ALSADevice( 424): switchDevice:use device 400001 for channels:2 usecase:HiFi
08-19 17:18:07.202 E/ACDB-LOADER( 424): Error: ACDB EC_REF_RX returned = -8
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/alsa_ucm( 424): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb8bd9788 identifier _verb value HiFi
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 1
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 1
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/ALSADevice( 424): close: handle 0xb8c06cf8 h 0x0
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/ALSADevice( 424): open: handle 0xb8c06cf8, format 0x2
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/ALSADevice( 424): Device value returned is hw:0,0
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/PhoneUtils( 1211): In isImsVideoCall call=ACTIVE
08-19 17:18:07.202 E/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 424): unknown stream type
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/PhoneApp( 1211): requestWakeState(SLEEP)...
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/BluetoothManager( 1211): isBluetoothAvailable()...
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/BluetoothManager( 1211): ==> false
08-19 17:18:07.202 I/AudioRouter( 1211): Audio mode changing to SPEAKER
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/AudioRouter( 1211): AudioMode: SPEAKER
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/AudioRouter( 1211): Supported AudioMode: EARPIECE, SPEAKER
08-19 17:18:07.202 I/CallHandlerServiceProxy( 1211): Updating with new audio mode: SPEAKER with mute false
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/CallHandlerServiceProxy( 1211): onSupportAudioModeChange: EARPIECE, SPEAKER
08-19 17:18:07.202 I/InCall ( 1233): CallHandlerService - onAudioModeChange : SPEAKER
08-19 17:18:07.202 I/InCall ( 1233): CallHandlerService - onSupportedAudioModeChange : EARPIECE, SPEAKER
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/ALSADevice( 424): handle->format: 0x2
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/ALSADevice( 424): setHardwareParams: reqBuffSize 2048 channels 2 sampleRate 48000
08-19 17:18:07.202 D/ALSADevice( 424): setHardwareParams: buffer_size 16384, period_size 2048, period_cnt 8
08-19 17:18:07.212 D/InCall ( 1233): CallHandlerService - executeMessage 4
08-19 17:18:07.212 I/InCall ( 1233): CallHandlerService - ON_AUDIO_MODE: SPEAKER, muted (false)
08-19 17:18:07.212 D/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - screenonImmediately: true
08-19 17:18:07.212 I/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - ProximitySensor{keybrd=0, dpad=0, offhook=1, hor=1, ui=1, aud=SPEAKER}
08-19 17:18:07.212 I/InCall ( 1233): ProximitySensor - turning off proximity sensor: releasing
08-19 17:18:07.212 D/bsthal ( 954): setDelay, handle: 1 delay: 200000000
08-19 17:18:07.212 D/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - updateAudioButtons - speaker toggle mode
08-19 17:18:07.212 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - audioButtonEnabled: true
08-19 17:18:07.212 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - audioButtonChecked: true
08-19 17:18:07.212 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - showMoreIndicator: false
08-19 17:18:07.212 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - showBluetoothIcon: false
08-19 17:18:07.212 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - showSpeakerphoneOnIcon: true
08-19 17:18:07.212 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - showSpeakerphoneOffIcon: false
08-19 17:18:07.212 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - showHandsetIcon: false
08-19 17:18:07.212 D/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - 'layers' drawable: android.graphics.drawable.LayerDrawable@41e36cf8
08-19 17:18:07.212 V/InCall ( 1233): CallCardFragment - setCallState null
08-19 17:18:07.222 V/InCall ( 1233): CallCardFragment - DisconnectCause NOT_DISCONNECTED
08-19 17:18:07.222 V/InCall ( 1233): CallCardFragment - bluetooth on false
08-19 17:18:07.222 V/InCall ( 1233): CallCardFragment - gateway nullnull
08-19 17:18:07.222 D/InCall ( 1233): CallHandlerService - executeMessage 5
08-19 17:18:07.222 I/InCall ( 1233): CallHandlerService - ON_SUPPORTED_AUDIO_MODE: EARPIECE, SPEAKER
08-19 17:18:07.222 D/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - updateAudioButtons - speaker toggle mode
08-19 17:18:07.222 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - audioButtonEnabled: true
08-19 17:18:07.222 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - audioButtonChecked: true
08-19 17:18:07.222 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - showMoreIndicator: false
08-19 17:18:07.222 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - showBluetoothIcon: false
08-19 17:18:07.222 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - showSpeakerphoneOnIcon: true
08-19 17:18:07.222 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - showSpeakerphoneOffIcon: false
08-19 17:18:07.222 V/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - showHandsetIcon: false
08-19 17:18:07.222 E/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 424): unknown stream type
08-19 17:18:07.222 E/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 424): unknown stream type
08-19 17:18:07.222 E/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 424): unknown stream type
08-19 17:18:07.222 E/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 424): unknown stream type
08-19 17:18:07.222 E/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 424): unknown stream type
08-19 17:18:07.222 D/InCall ( 1233): CallButtonFragment - 'layers' drawable: android.graphics.drawable.LayerDrawable@41e36cf8
08-19 17:18:07.222 E/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 424): unknown stream type
08-19 17:18:07.222 E/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 424): unknown stream type
08-19 17:18:07.302 E/LocSvc_afw( 954): V/Entering int loc_inject_location(double, double, float) line 473
08-19 17:18:07.302 E/LocSvc_eng( 954): I/===> int loc_eng_inject_location(loc_eng_data_s_type&, double, double, float) line 1883
08-19 17:18:07.302 E/LocSvc_afw( 954): V/Exiting int loc_inject_location(double, double, float) line 497 0
08-19 17:18:07.502 D/ALSAStreamOps( 424): setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
08-19 17:18:07.502 D/ALSAStreamOps( 424): setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
08-19 17:18:07.502 D/ALSADevice( 424): route: devices 0x2 in mode 2
08-19 17:18:07.502 D/ALSADevice( 424): Deroute use case HiFi type is 1
08-19 17:18:07.502 D/alsa_ucm( 424): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb8bd9788 identifier _verb value Inactive
08-19 17:18:07.502 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 0
08-19 17:18:07.502 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 0
08-19 17:18:07.512 D/ALSADevice( 424): Deroute use case Play Voice type is 3
08-19 17:18:07.512 D/alsa_ucm( 424): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb8bd9788 identifier _dismod value Play Voice
08-19 17:18:07.512 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Set mixer controls for Play Voice enable 0
08-19 17:18:07.512 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: SLIM_0_RX_Voice Mixer CSVoice, value: 0
08-19 17:18:07.522 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: Voice_Tx Mixer SLIM_0_TX_Voice, value: 0
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb8bd9788 identifier _disdev value Voice Earpiece
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Set mixer controls for Voice Earpiece enable 0
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: DAC1 MUX, value: ZERO
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: RX1 MIX1 INP1, value: ZERO
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: EAR PA Gain, value: POS_2_DB
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: DAC1 Switch, value: 0
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: RX1 Digital Volume, value: 0
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb8bd9788 identifier _disdev value Voice Recognition
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Set mixer controls for Voice Recognition enable 0
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: SLIM TX1 MUX, value: ZERO
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: DEC1 MUX, value: ZERO
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: DEC1 Volume, value: 0
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: ADC1 Volume, value: 0
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: MICBIAS1 CAPLESS Switch, value: 0
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb8bd9788 identifier _enadev value Voice Speaker
08-19 17:18:07.542 E/alsa_ucm( 424): No valid device Voice Speaker found
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb8bd9788 identifier _enadev value Voice Recognition
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/ALSADevice( 424): switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce Voice Recognition mCurRxDevDevice Voice Speaker
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/ALSADevice( 424): switchDevice:use device 400002 for channels:1 usecase:Play Voice
08-19 17:18:07.542 E/ACDB-LOADER( 424): Error: ACDB EC_REF_RX returned = -8
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/ALSADevice( 424): Route use case HiFi
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb8bd9788 identifier _verb value HiFi
08-19 17:18:07.542 E/alsa_ucm( 424): No valid device found: Voice Speaker
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/ALSADevice( 424): Route use case Play Voice
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb8bd9788 identifier _enamod value Play Voice
08-19 17:18:07.542 E/alsa_ucm( 424): No valid device found: Voice Speaker
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Set mixer controls for Voice Recognition enable 1
08-19 17:18:07.542 E/alsa_ucm( 424): No valid device found: Voice Speaker
08-19 17:18:07.542 D/alsa_ucm( 424): acdb_id 49 cap 2 enable 1
08-19 17:18:07.552 D/ACDB-LOADER( 424): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 49, path = 1
08-19 17:18:07.552 D/ACDB-LOADER( 424): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
08-19 17:18:07.552 D/ACDB-LOADER( 424): ACDB -> send_audtable
08-19 17:18:07.552 D/ACDB-LOADER( 424): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
08-19 17:18:07.552 D/ACDB-LOADER( 424): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
08-19 17:18:07.552 E/ACDB-LOADER( 424): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -8
08-19 17:18:07.552 D/ACDB-LOADER( 424): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
08-19 17:18:07.552 D/ACDB-LOADER( 424): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
08-19 17:18:07.552 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: SLIM_0_TX Channels, value: One
08-19 17:18:07.552 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: SLIM TX1 MUX, value: DEC1
08-19 17:18:07.552 D/alsa_ucm( 424): Setting mixer control: DEC1 MUX, value: ADC1

This is very long because i don't know what is important and what isn't. This is about the limit of what the forum will allow me to post.
all sound related issues have been fixed in that patch, that is what rolgar says

Sound seems fine, i've had random reboots still but not so much as in ROM 2, CAMERA has gotten worst! Sadly Next GPS work's fine for me only issues i can say as of right now some people say there 4G or LTE is all over the place mine has improved also vibration hasn't been an issue for me but i just have it in some notifications CHEERS for all the hard work Mate
I'm pumped.

I haven't checked the forum in a while, and now theres Kitkat!

I've been using Xperion. The storage space problem is killing me though.

Just made a backup, will be flashing CM shortly :)

I used several mods with Xperion Rom that changed the directory of the SDCard storage, and when I factory reset, wiped the rom, I'm stuck where the /data partition is corrupted, and won't mount, and I can't format it.

Everytime I boot into the ROM the choose launcher screen pops up, then gets stuck in a fclose loop.

It seems like I'm going to have to KDZ back to stock

I used several mods with Xperion Rom that changed the directory of the SDCard storage, and when I factory reset, wiped the rom, I'm stuck where the /data partition is corrupted, and won't mount, and I can't format it.

Everytime I boot into the ROM the choose launcher screen pops up, then gets stuck in a fclose loop.

It seems like I'm going to have to KDZ back to stock
If it was that easy to change the sd to internal with a simple xposed tweak we wouldnt all have the memory issue, thats why theres only two working methods
I can confirm that the kernel crash when trying to use the speaker phone is a consistently reproducible bug.


You have to pull the battery each time to reboot the phone.
I can't get the back camera working in any build or with any play store app. Sorry if this has been answered before but is there a fix? I used slim gapps. I recall there being an issue with the ov-5693 cameras in the euro kitkat port so is this the same issue? How do I check what cam I have? The rom is beautiful especially when taking advantage of the theme engine. Also, my headphone buttons are not working but I think I may have to configure my xposed module.
also, I only use my F6 for gaming, music, and movies so if you need someone for bleeding edge nightlies I'm your guy.
If it was that easy to change the sd to internal with a simple xposed tweak we wouldnt all have the memory issue, thats why theres only two working methods

Would you mind telling me what method you use that has given you the best results?
i havent messed with l2sd since cm isnt final n will b flashing a lot but on jb with xperion i used l2sd n i personally used aparted but u can partition sd card on compm. the first partition is the one it will use so make that the size u want added to internal.. i had to set it as ext4 not fat32 to be able to link game data with the pro version.. worked great for me.. there is also a thread on l2sd here i believe
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