I don't think LogCat will work, I'll try.
I ran android system info app and it wouldn't load because it's not supported.
If I have the wrong version then shouldn't I just be able to patch the drivers? Or couldn't the drivers be added to the rom, and just contain drivers for both? Especially since there's only two?
hroark tried to put the drivers from 4.1.2 on the kernel and made somebody flash it and see if it worked but it didnt, i guess it needs the US 4.4.2 and we dont even think well have that... untill the US 4.4.2 gets updated i dont think you'll have the rear camera.... unless somebody finds a way for the 4.1.2 drivers to work, and like i said hroark tried and he couldnt.
go to this page http://androidforums.com/metropcs-o...beta-4-4-4-cyanogenmod-11-0-unofficial-9.html
thats where the conversetion was....