Android Expert
This exact same issue happens with Carbon ROM. I guess the above developer abandoned trying fix these issues. Might need to dump this phone soon for lack of support.
Sooo... i flashed this in to try it out and i must say im in love ahhh its soo nice
Until i started running into the problems. So thought i would come on here and make my 1st post ever by saying how much i like it and what problem i found thus far
1) WiFi connection problems with signal strengths idk why but after flashing this my phone was haveing a hard time connecting to my wifi and saying the wifi connection was bad when my other stock f6 was connecting just fine the other one had the same problem when flashed this on it but its not a big deal it eventually goes in and i get the WiFi the initial connection just has a hard time
2) the only resson i dont use this constantly would have to be this problem
When i hit power button and the phone goes to lock screen sometimes when i hit power button to wake it up again my screen will not come back on and i have to take out the battery and turn it back on to get it working again its really the 1# problem i have found.
3) even after changeing my provider in settings to metro it says that its T-Mobile on lock screen and status bar i get service but thats just a small thing i found and i can live with it
This its for both of you...
Reading is a requirement tool of life.... All this Roms are in Developed stages...
Which it makes it a hobby.
Meaning that Non of them get paid for it...
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