I see that you added the kernel to your flashed rom. I just have one question.
When upgraded with your new updated ROM and the kernel upgrades as well.
when I goto setcpu, the OC is gone. its only listing 1.8gz instead of the 1.4gz?,
I thought it might of been something else, so to test it I flashed your stand alone
Kernel from 08/18/2014 again.. and my OC setting where back again. Can you look into this or tell me something that I may be doing wrong or could try. what ever Kernel or ROM is was, when I flashed the new updated ROM, my phone was extremely fast. but I want to OC. any planes on stand alone Kernel update?
I had this problem with one of your KERNEL updates before.. this 08/18/2014 update was the only version that I was able to get the OC to work 100%.. Any thing I could try? anyhow. thanks for all your hard word you put into ROM & Kernel... as well as all your projects..