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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Mercy, I just clicked the "New Reply" button and it flashed "New Rumor". I had to do a double blink.

I just took a look at some of YankeedudeL's posts and yesterday he entered the below.

Oh, I did want to clear something up. Initially it was going to be Home Delivery only, but it appears that we'll have it in store after all. However, the HTC Rezound will be Home Delivery.

Me Likee
Music shuffle just fired up Crazy Train. Don't know if it is a sign or what

Mental wounds still screaming
Driving me insane
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train

Gonna be a good day!
Morning gang. I sense some news is in the works today.

Pay no attention to the other 20 times I said that, I was kidding then. :D
Music shuffle just fired up Crazy Train. Don't know if it is a sign or what

Mental wounds still screaming
Driving me insane
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train

Gonna be a good day!

One of the greatest songs ever! May it be the sign we desire.
So - just to stir the pot - VZWSupport seems to indicating a pre-order

VZW Support
@MegaphonixMusic Hi! Oh I know a lot...Just not about the Nexus. Sign up our email so you'll know about pre-orders: bit.ly/sHmdDq ^AE

They also tweeted earlier, in response to a question about why Verizon had to be last to release:

@myermenson Theres something to be said about being last. After all, when you go to a concert, is it to see the first act or the final?

Funny they are in bed with Moto, a company now owned by Google and are holding back one 'Google phone' to gain sales on another.

I think Verizon understands that generally Nexus phones are not intended for the general population. Usually power users, and we make the minority. Sales of a more "mainstream" phone will be much higher than sales of a Nexus. Verizon is just trying to make money, I mean that's their job. Patience :)
Well guess what? I was an Electronics Tech on surface ships! I guess we all balance out! :D

I will NOT make a sub joke... I will NOT make a sub joke... I will NOT make a sub joke... :p

I just laughed out loud and my co-workers are giving me more strange looks... :p

I can't say anything... I was on both surface and subs... :)

Thanks to all our service men (and women but I don't think any are in here). As far as the sub info: 4 subs, 3 women per crew. At least that's what I've been told.
So that store rep I've been in contact with just texted me back. He said that he's been "digging" and I guess calling different people above him to see when the heck this thing is coming, and he can't find out anything.

I think that those who've been told a date or a specific time frame ("Oh, it will be here by the end of the week") haven't gotten it from Verizon corporate. Otherwise they would all be saying the same thing.

I think they just read the blogs like we do, or are told a date by people who read the blogs like we do.
That's been my experience as well. When asking one Verizon employee, his coworker told him to Google it, because that's where they get thier early information from. Verizon corporate is VERY tight lipped. Only when boxes and promotional materials start arriving at stores (usually the night before) do the employees get any indication.
Hmm. How strange. I feel my hopefulness meter creeping downwards. Just a tad, mind you, just a tad. But it's suddenly gone down to a 4!

It feels a little tingly.

Hmmm. Curious.
Thank you for your service... BTW BB has heard women will now be deploying on sub duty as well....:)
They are starting trials. Little tricky due to the very, very close quarters and the lack of separate facilities. I'm sure they will work it out, there's plenty of deserving women who should be able to serve where every they want.

Sub duty is another level of service. I was only on a sub for two weeks as a contractor and can honestly say it was quite different from the other ships I've been on.
Our new best friend drandrew18 just got gagged. I wonder what that means?

Guys. Just received news that Google have asked the Samsung Mob!lers to hold fire posting any Google Nexus content until 9am tomorrow morning. This means that I cannot post any new material or answer any questions until then. Please continue to leave messages for me on Twitter and on this forum. I will create some more vids tonight and get them online for 9am ish (UK) tomorrow morning.

I am really really grateful for all the support, retweets and sharing so far. Looks like you guys may have got some sneaky peaks from me before Google intended. I will update you all again very soon. Keep following my YouTube and Twitter!! Sorry about all of this!
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