Android Enthusiast
My friend, who is on AT&T and travels a lot, always says that CDMA and, therefore, Verizon sucks. I'm not really concerned about it too much because I don't travel all that much outside the US. Also, it's kind of a moot point because Verizon is the only carrier I can still get unlimited data on, other than Sprint, and I'm not keen on giving up that lightning fast 4G.
For us Verizon users, unless the Droid Prime is a pure Nexus device (which I doubt), our choices will always be between one bloated phone or another bloated phone. I'd rather have one with a gorgeous screen and monster hardware.
I'm stuck with verizon since sprint won't reach inside my house reliably and the other two...pfffft! Forget it!
Living on an island has its advantages. Getting to chose whatever mobile carrier you want definitely isn't one of them!