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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Yeah, family over phone any day. He is on Neocate, and he seems happy and healthy on it, I am trying to work with insurance to get reimbursed, (read nexus fund back). Hopefully they will understand (I may leave the nexus out of the conversation though

Hoping it works out and your son stays healthy most importantly.
Is there any advantage to buying the phone from RadioShack or Best Buy or are these just other options?

RadioShack has a program where if you bring in an old phone, they'll give you $50 off. I'm not sure if they'll be running it for the release of the Nexus, but I know someone who just got it for the Razr. The only condition is that the phone has to turn on. I'd love to save an extra $50, but something tells me this won't be an active promotion for the GN.
OT Classical Music

That, sir, will take me AGES to work on... I listened to some recordings and it is absolutely insane!!!

If you really want your mind blown, track down Charlie Neidich's recording and listen to that movement. He actually tongues every single note in those sextuplet runs!
Ah, bummer. Turns out the Face Unlock can be done with a picture of you as well as with your actual face. I hadn't heard that before. I don't really expect anyone to steal my phone, but it's just kinda crappy that anyone can get in my phone if I enable that.

Galaxy Nexus Face Unlock with Picture - YouTube

i still don't understand why people keep making a big deal about this. are you honestly worried that someone is going to steal your phone, find out who it belonged to, find a close up picture of your face, and use it to unlock your device? that seems a little far-fetched to me. :confused:
But Han Solo IS the Captain of the Millennium Falcon.. Got a thing for Captains? lol

Han better hope she doesn't move up to Admiral.

Dear Princess,

Firstly, I want to warmly welcome you to this site. :) Secondly, I want to personally and humbly apologize to you. I am the reason that this thread is the way it is. I purposely started it and cultivated it to go viral. I did that by cultivating sources who would leak us inside information.

Now, whereas that's fun and all, I feel personally responsible for the addictive nature of it. It's a good thing that you miss your husband and care that he's on here too much. Many women wouldn't. That shows that their's life in your marriage, yet. I'm happy about this. :)

If you are feeling neglected because of a addictive nature of this thread, again, I'm very sorry. This hurts me, because as a former pastor, I deeply care about marriage and families. I would be deeply grieved to know that anything I did was causing stress on these precious relationships. So, I do ask your forgiveness and will pray for your marriage. If you need help or if you need me to speak to your husband, feel free to let me know and I will.

We ARE expecting the thread to close sometime this Thursday, as Verizon seems to be releasing the phone then, please God. :) Can I get an Amen?
So, you should have your husband back. :)

Moderately, but not totally jokingly yours,
Steven (58)

He said "Moderately".

Not putting it up till I have the Nexus in hand.

I know. I took it for 2 years actually - I can't read music for poop though. Played really well when the teacher would let me write the notes rather than have to decipher the damn things. And my daughter tried last year - she didn't have the desire to do it. Lol. I just couldn't resist pointing out the obvious correlation to a gutter comment in your post though. :D


+1 A-men!
When I told the csr who gave me the 100 dollar discount, that it was found in the doorways system? He laughed. I asked him if that showed that I knew too much? He said .. Yyyyyup. ;)

So, you may wanna save the "doorways" modifier if you become desperate because you CSR can't find the 3g to 4g smartphone .. thing. ;)
Lots of happiness in this thread... but only 2 leaks? Are we getting our GN on Thursday? Or is tomorrow going to be "make an excuse Wednesday"??
couldn't you just use a pin that's NOT your birthday?

Absolutely. But most people do, it's just one of those things. Like how everyone uses the same password for every website, your not SUPPOSED to, but you do, cause its easy. Just like punching in 1016 on every 4-digit PIN required device.

I would wager money if you took 100 PIN-locked phones and used either MMDD or MMYY you'd unlock well over 50% of them.
i still don't understand why people keep making a big deal about this. are you honestly worried that someone is going to steal your phone, find out who it belonged to, find a close up picture of your face, and use it to unlock your device? that seems a little far-fetched to me. :confused:

No... I mean I even said I'm not worried about anyone stealing my phone. But that'd be like having a lock screen with the "connect the dots" type thing with your pattern highlighted. You know what I mean?

I personally don't even use a lockscreen on any of my phones, but it's just the fact that a security feature is completely bypassable. But, to be fair, your example is a lot more far-fetched then how it would likely be violated. I'm thinking more along the lines of a girlfriend or wife using a photo of you to read text messages, emails, etc. Sure, if you're worried about that you probably have bigger issues than a faulty FaceLock program... but it's just kinda lame that a program that only exists to lock your device, can be so easily bypassed.
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