Dear Princess,
Firstly, I want to warmly welcome you to this site.

Secondly, I want to personally and humbly apologize to you. I am the reason that this thread is the way it is. I purposely started it and cultivated it to go viral. I did that by cultivating sources who would leak us inside information.
Now, whereas that's fun and all, I feel personally responsible for the addictive nature of it. It's a good thing that you miss your husband and care that he's on here too much. Many women wouldn't. That shows that their's life in your marriage, yet. I'm happy about this.
If you are feeling neglected because of a addictive nature of this thread, again, I'm very sorry. This hurts me, because as a former pastor, I deeply care about marriage and families. I would be deeply grieved to know that anything I did was causing stress on these precious relationships. So, I do ask your forgiveness and will pray for your marriage. If you need help or if you need me to speak to your husband, feel free to let me know and I will.
We ARE expecting the thread to close sometime this Thursday, as Verizon seems to be releasing the phone then, please God.

Can I get an Amen?
So, you should have your husband back.
Moderately, but not totally jokingly yours,
Steven (58)