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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Sometimes they don't advertise a device before it's launch they advertise after the launch. Rezound case in point.

There was very minimal before the launch. I saw a couple commercials for it during the Sunday night football game the day before it's launch.
Off Topic Fruit phone rant

Why is it that a message sent to a group of people responds to all??? I do not need a play by play of everyone's opinion on the pic that was sent. Or if it was just a message I don't need need everyone's response, ESPECIALLY since I was not the one asking the question. Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


^this!!!! Totally friggin hate it! I always end up getting 32 texts of conversation that I am no longer involved in nor want to be, and my phone just keeps singing non-stop! :mad:
thanks for keeping it civil. i am glad that the majority of members here can convey their side of an argument without being mean-spirited or personal. i am always open to discussion, and you made some good points as well. FWIW, my view is very subjective because i don't even use a pattern lock right now, just the plain swipe to unlock. facial recognition is actually a step UP in regards to security for me.

Agreed. I like to see every side of an argument. If for some reason, what the other person has to say changes my opinion on the matter, then I'll admit it. If not, I'll agree to disagree to just chalk it up to being a matter of personal preference. Not need to get nasty about it like some. No need to post short, rude comments that have no real purpose other than igniting a flame. And I'm the same as you... I don't use the lock. But I've been in situations where I felt it best (especially when I left my phone in my desk drawer at work). But looking back, I guess I should have been more worried about someone straight up taking my phone and not so much with them just unlocking it...lol.

I still <3 you - I voted to keep you on the island

Yup the truth is out now....Han is really OBENHan Kanobi!


Can someone catch me up?



PrincessLeia spoke
Here's one for you - I had a dream (nightmare?) that I broke the screen on my rent-a-rezound and couldn't exchange it for the Nexus. I woke up in a panic! Lol

That is panic inducing.

^this!!!! Totally friggin hate it! I always end up getting 32 texts of conversation that I am no longer involved in nor want to be, and my phone just keeps singing non-stop! :mad:

I have started texting back 'what?' to a lot of them. Just to show how irritating it is.
Hmm, with all the Nexaholics on here will Verizon be able to live up to their advertising promise. "Sign up to receive more information and be one of the first to get the Galaxy Nexus by Samsung on Verizon."

If I can't be first, can I be second? Please, please!!!

My spousal unit is getting very, very tired of hearing me talk about ICS. At least she is patient. :D

I'm want ICE CREAM now, pretty please.

seriously doubting VZW is even going to respond to those who signed up for email on Gnex at all or if they do it will be a week after launch.
As for the ICE CREAM, I have a half gallon in my freezer if you like caramel swirl. Best I can do there.
I have decided to retire for the evening from this thread. It is exhausting hitting refresh all day long :]

Here's to hoping that tomorrow is the last day without the Nexus!

I got a fever, and the only prescription is Ice Cream Sandwich!
$100 Upgrade Update

I stopped at a Verizon store today. Basically got some bad news. The notes everyone is getting put on your account (self included) will only be applied at the discretion of the store manager. Since the CSR is the one giving it, we're better off getting a CSR to issue the credit when making a purchase over the phone. The promotion isn't on your account since you didn't get it in the mail, so they will have to manually discount the device (hence manager approval).

Side story 1: I talked to a telesales rep today and they said if the device becomes available for order/preorder/etc. tomorrow, the telesales rep said they'd be able to give us free overnight shipping to match the store release. You'd just have to call telesales and request it. I think this is our best bet in attempting to get the $100 credit and getting the device on Thursday.

Side story 2: I got to check out the dummy GN since the store I called refused to get out the demo unit (they promised demo on the phone). It's a perfect size and I am looking forward to owning it. They also let me check out the Incipio and Otterbox Defender cases. I compared them to my high gloss OEM case I got from VZ, and I think the high gloss will be best for me since it'll slide easy in/out of my pocket. The accident prone should consider Incipio and the phone destroyers should definitely get the Otterbox. Otterbox Defender is a beast, very big/bulky. Wish I could have checked out the Commuter, but they didn't have that case.
I have decided to retire for the evening from this thread. It is exhausting hitting refresh all day long :]

Here's to hoping that tomorrow is the last day without the Nexus!

I got a fever, and the only prescription is Ice Cream Sandwich!

G'night! Oh and I prefer Ctrl+R, lol.. F5 works, but its higher on the keyboard than I really wanna go. I have gotten to be a master at quickly hitting Ctrl+R, lol.
I have decided to retire for the evening from this thread. It is exhausting hitting refresh all day long :]

Here's to hoping that tomorrow is the last day without the Nexus!

I got a fever, and the only prescription is Ice Cream Sandwich!

G'night! Oh and I prefer Ctrl+R, lol.. F5 works, but its higher on the keyboard than I really wanna go. I have gotten to be a master at quickly hitting Ctrl+R, lol.

Good night to both of you!
Alright Guys! I just finished unlocking my bootloader and rooting my LTE Gnex. Im going to warn you all right now. DO NOT use superboot to root your Gnex when you get it, root it manually until a better solution comes out. I got a boot loop from it and after searching on the internet I found that others had this issue on production devices.

Thank you for this but isn't the superboot just a script for the manual method? I took a look at the .bat file and it looks like all it does is just run the fastboot command booting the unsecure boot image. But the manual method requires you to this this anyways?

Not sure why that's an issue. :confused:
If there is no announcement tomorrow and the phone does launch Thursday morning (maybe a small PR in the morning)

Would that be the first time Verizon has ever gone through with a silent launch? AKA-No preorder, no announcement a day or two before, and no real advertising before it launches??????

I hope we see something tomorrow morning. Either way I will be at my Verizon store when it opens Thursday morning.
Who was it that asked for holiday avatars? Not only do I spend more time than I'd care to admit on this site, but now I just spent an hour trying to add (Max from the Grinch) antlers onto a chicken. I need help.
Where in Jersey are you and SweattyBeef? Hoping they have some around me I can check out.

I'm in central...specifically Jamesburg. There are probably about 20 retirement communities in a 10 mile radius of my house so my chances of snagging my nexus before anyone else are pretty high. :D
Thank you for this but isn't the superboot just a script for the manual method? I took a look at the .bat file and it looks like all it does is just run the fastboot command booting the unsecure boot image. But the manual method requires you to this this anyways?

Not sure why that's an issue. :confused:

I don't understand either. I saw that someone bricked their Nexus by using the superboot. Kind of sucks as this is the method I was planning on using when I get home _______ morning after buying the phone
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